Saints Footballers Thanked by Eudunda Bowls Club for thier hard work
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Eudunda Bowls Say ‘Thanks Saints Footballers’

Last Tuesday night 19 Saints’ footballers converged on Eudunda Bowling Club for a sausage sizzle and refreshments in gratitude for the boys’ invaluable help in March in rolling back the surface of the green so that re-levelling of the base could take place. This gesture of ‘the army of volunteers’ was greatly appreciated by Bowling…

Eudunda Bowls - Friday Afternoon Bowls - Archive
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Eudunda Bowling Club Social Bowls Report For 19th May 2023

The keen social bowlers turned out last Friday on a very cool day interspersed with a shower of rain. Fourteen bowlers enjoyed the day considering the weather, and a Eudunda identity (a former bowler) called in for a social drink. The winners of the day were Doreen Twartz, Murray Sauer and Katrina Turner, and runners-up…

Eudunda Bowls - Friday Afternoon Bowls 12th May 2023
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Eudunda Bowling Club Social Bowls Report For 12th May 2023

Twenty-six bowlers turned out to enjoy the sunshine and filled the green last Friday 12th May. There were visiting bowlers from three clubs represented, and spectators enjoyed a refreshing drink from the bar. Any visitors or spectators are welcome to come and enjoy the facilities including enjoying a drink at the bar. The winners were…

Eudunda Bowling Club - Social Bowls (Archive Photo)
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Eudunda Bowling Club Social Bowls Report For 5th May 2023

For the first Friday in May the rain stayed away to enable the 22 bowlers to complete a fun afternoon. Three clubs were represented on the green which was running beautifully. The winners of the day were the Pairs team of Joy Fiegert and Jan Beggs, and runners-up the Triples team of Jeff Willoughby, Murray…

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Eudunda Bowls News Successful AGM For 2023

Mally Schutz new President of Eudunda Bowling Club On Monday 1st May at Eudunda Bowling Club’s AGM, Mally Schutz was elected the new President. Judy Milde had completed her two-year term during which time the Bowling Club underwent a major change in going from the old grass greens to a new synthetic surface and newly…

Eudunda Bowls featured
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Friday Afternoon Social Bowls At Eudunda Keeping Consistant Numbers – 28th April 2023

Friday 28th April saw 19 bowlers attend Eudunda BC for social bowls. All rinks played on B green which ran very well. Although the rain held off the wind proved to bechallenging. Hoping the weather will be good enough to see more players out on the greennext Friday 5th May. It has been a great…

Eudunda Bowls - Friday Afternoon Bowls - 21st April 2023
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Numbers Growing At Friday Afternoon Social Bowls At Eudunda – 21st April 2023

Eudunda Bowling Club held their second social bowls last Friday 21st April. There were four clubs represented and it was pleasing to see the numbers increasing, with bowlers playing 3 bowls triples in perfect weather conditions. The 2 resting touchers were won very early in the game. The winning rink was skippered by Murray Sauer…

Eudunda Bowls Introduces Friday Afternoon Social Bowls
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Sucessful Inaugrual Friday Afternoon Social Bowls At Eudunda – 14th April 2023

Eudunda Bowling Club held their first social bowls day on their new synthetic grass greens, on Friday afternoon 14th April. We had 18 bowlers play 3 bowl triples on 3 of our rinks. Luckily the weather stayed fine for the afternoon with good bowling enjoyed by all. Winning rink was skippered by Judy Milde and…

Eudunda Bowls Introduces Friday Afternoon Social Bowls
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Eudunda Bowls Introduces Friday Afternoon Social Bowls Starting 14th April 2023

EUDUNDA BOWLING CLUBwill be starting FRIDAY AFTERNOON SOCIAL BOWLS from Friday 14th of April. Come and try our new KCL synthetic turf surfaceat 51 Bruce St Eudunda. All ages welcome and club bowls are available for beginners or those not having their own bowls. Warm casual clothing. Flat soled shoes (no heels or aggressive soles)…

Night Bowl winners Robbie Rebels - David Niemz, Wendy Schmidt and Ron Dunsdon
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Eudunda Bowls – Successful Eudunda Night Bowls Grand Final & Presentation Night

Eudunda Night Bowls Grand Final Last Tuesday the Eudunda Night Bowls Grand Final was played on a still but chilly night. The final was played between the Robbie Rebels ( Wendy Schmidt, David Niemz and Ron Dunsdon) and Mally’s Maulers ( Mally Schutz, Pam Kleinig and Ted Bowden ) and a close game ensued, much…

Eudunda Robertstown Cricket Club - ERCC Logo
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Eudunda Robertstown Cricket Club’s ‘A’ Grade To Compete Against Gawler Central In 2023 Finals Today

We wish the Eudunda Robertstown Cricket Club ‘A’ Grade Team Success in their game against Gawler Centrals for their match today and encourage everyone to go to the Willaston Oval and support the local team.

Brett Warner Memorial Open Fours A Tribute 2023
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Brett Warner Memorial Open Fours A Tribute

Last Tuesday Eudunda bowling Club hosted the Brett Warner Memorial Open Fours on a very warm day. President Judy Milde welcomed everyone and read a tribute written by the late Brett’s wife Helen, “The Brett Warner Family sincerely thanks the Eudunda Bowling Club for organizing this heartfelt event, honouring Brett for the third year. One…

Cosmo Fours at Eudunda Winners & Runners up
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Successful Cosmo Fours Tournament at Eudunda

Last Sunday Eudunda Bowling Club hosted a successful Cosmopolitan Fours tournament in perfect weather. Even though there were five teams who withdrew last minute, the day ran well with a great atmosphere, good food and good bowling. The club appreciates greatly the support from the sponsors of the day to contribute to the tournament’s success….

Eudunda Robertstown Cricket Club - ERCC Logo
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Eudunda Robertstown Cricket Club Wish Gus & Nikki of SA Outback Teams Success At Canberra

The Eudunda Robertstown Cricket Club are keen to wish Gus Handke and Nikki Grosser representing South Australian Cricket Association (SACA) in thier SA Country Outbacks teams as they compete in Canberra over 10 days at the Toyota Austalian Country Cricket Championships. Gus HandkePlaying in the SACA SA Country Outbacks team The first match for SA’s…

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Eudunda Bowls News 24th October

Action is happening on the new synthetic grass greens. Eudunda hosted two pre-season matches with large contingents of bowlers coming from Freeling on Saturday 10th September and Lyndoch on Saturday 8th October. The annual Dick Prior Memorial Singles took place on Sunday 18th September where great bowling was displayed. The Memorial shield was presented by…

Renae Sauer - 200th game
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Eudunda Robertstown Netball Club Celebrate Renae’s 200th Game

Renae Sauer played her 200th game last Saturday. Renae started her senior netball career at Robertstown Netball Club, where she was part of the 2001 and 2003 B Grade premiership teams, before moving to Leigh Creek with her family. Renae returned to Eudunda in 2012 to play with the Eudunda Robertstown Netball Club. She was…

Kristen Winders 200th Game - 7th Aug 2022
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Eudunda Robertstown Netball Club Celebrate Kristen’s 200th Game

Kristen Winders played her 200th game 7th August. Kristen had played for Min-Man and Robertstown Netball Club before the amalgamation with Eudunda in 2010. Kristen is a very versatile player who has been rewarded for her efforts through Best and Fairest awards, best Team Girl as well as runner up best and fairest for the…

Chantel Schutz Celebrates 400th Game
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Eudunda Robertstown Netball Club Celebrate Chantel’s 400th Game

On Saturday 4th June 2022 one of Eudunda Robertstown Netball Club’s most beloved and dedicated members played her 400th game. Chantel Schutz is a highly regarded person who lives for the netball club. Chantel began her junior netball at Robertstown before moving to Eudunda Netball Club in 1998. She is a versatile player who can…

Jodie Mosey Celebrates 450th Game
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Eudunda Robertstown Netball Club Celebrate Jodie’s 450th Game

Eudunda/Robertstown Netball Club’s Jodie Mosey played her milestone 450th game on Saturday the 21st May 2022, showing here dedication to the sport and her team and club. Jodie began her senior career for Eudunda Netball Club in 1993 and has been a dedicated club person ever since, both on and off the court. She has…