Eudunda Bowls – Successful Eudunda Night Bowls Grand Final & Presentation Night

Eudunda Night Bowls Grand Final
Last Tuesday the Eudunda Night Bowls Grand Final was played on a still but chilly night.
The final was played between the Robbie Rebels ( Wendy Schmidt, David Niemz and Ron Dunsdon) and Mally’s Maulers ( Mally Schutz, Pam Kleinig and Ted Bowden ) and a close game ensued, much to the delight of the many spectators.
The last couple of ends told the story when the Robbie Rebels finished strongly to win the Grand Final. Night Bowls
Committeeman Jeff Willoughby congratulated the winners, and thanked all concerned with organising the Night Bowls, Mally for preparing the greens, Mike the barman and Liz for preparing the suppers during the season.
Presentation Night
The Presentation Night was Saturday April 1st and a very pleasing crowd of bowlers, family members and friends attended the finale of the season. The meal was prepared by members and enjoyed by all.
Thanks to all who contributed to the success of the evening, and especially the kitchen staff Holly Preston and Izzy Schiller who did a fabulous job.
President Judy Milde welcomed all, and during the evening presentation of trophies took place.
Patroness Betty Marshall presented the Ladies trophies which included 100-Up winner Joy Hams, 100-Up runner-up Joy Fiegert, Championship Pairs winners Ruth Scoot and Judy Milde, Pairs runners-up Joy Hams and Pam Dutschke, Championship Singles winner Pam Dutschke and Singles runner-up Joy Fiegert. Patron Bob Leditschke presented the Men’s trophies which included 100-Up winner Murray Sauer, 100-Up runner-up Mally Schutz, Championship Pairs winners Andrew Pfitzner and Kym Schutz, and Pairs runners-up Chris Jones and Aaron Jones, Championship Singles winner Aaron Jones and Singles runner-up Preston Eva. Night Bowls Committee member Rhonda Horne presented the Night Bowls trophies, the winners being Wendy Schmidt, David Niemz and Ron Dunsdon, and runners-up Mally Schutz, Pam Kleinig and Ted Bowden. Sponsors were thanked for their support in donating trophies.
The Dick Prior Memorial Singles ( which was played last September and run by Greg Prior) winner was Kym Schutz ( who received the shield ) and runner-up Aaron Jones.
The club also gives a Most Improved Player Award, and Chairperson of Selectors Murray Sauer announced that Ted Bowden was the winner, with applause from the crowd.
An entertaining draw of the raffle by Chris Jones and Pam Dutschke concluded a very successful evening.
Eudunda Bowling Club are hosting a weekly Friday afternoon Social Bowls 12.30 for 1pm which is beginning on 14th April. Come along and support your club and enjoy the fun.
All members are encouraged to attend the AGM on Monday 1st May at 7.30pm