Eudunda Bowls Say ‘Thanks Saints Footballers’

Standing -Dane Pfitzner, Kip Dunstan, Dustin Launer, Dylan Stacey, Kurubyn Floyd, Cody Reese, Brodie Launer, Chris Pfeiffer, Gabe Laucke, Jude Geister, Jack Mosey, Mitchell Roebuck
Seated -Cooper Pfitzner, Andrew (AJ) Prior, Jed Michalk, Zac Greene, Matthew Prior, Tyson Launer
Last Tuesday night 19 Saints’ footballers converged on Eudunda Bowling Club for a sausage sizzle and refreshments in gratitude for the boys’ invaluable help in March in rolling back the surface of the green so that re-levelling of the base could take place. This gesture of ‘the army of volunteers’ was greatly appreciated by Bowling club members and was a great example of community working together.

This night of thanks to the footballers was enjoyed by the boys who also displayed their skills on the bowling green with some awesome bowling when they had a Pairs draw organised by Gabe Laucke and Frankie Pfitzner, which culminated in an exciting Grand Final contested between Frank Pfitzner/Dylan Stacey and Gabe Laucke/Brodie Launer, with Gabe and Brodie the outright winners!

President of the Bowling Club Mally Schutz thanked the boys for their roll-back of the green which could not have been achieved without them! This night was token of the appreciation of this cooperation.