Eudunda Bowling Club Social Bowls Report For 19th May 2023

The keen social bowlers turned out last Friday on a very cool day interspersed with a shower of rain.
Fourteen bowlers enjoyed the day considering the weather, and a Eudunda identity (a former bowler) called in for a social drink.
The winners of the day were Doreen Twartz, Murray Sauer and Katrina Turner, and runners-up Joy Fiegert, Ted Bowden, Pam Dutschke and Felix Schiller.
The raffle winners were John Greenwood (the chook), George Mitev (cheese) and Jeff Willoughby (chocolate).
Each week the atmosphere has been relaxed with good bowling and more bowlers are encouraged to come along and enjoy the beautiful new greens.
Check our Facebook Group (Eudunda Bowling Club) on Friday mornings
or ring Ruth on 0428 441744 to make sure game is on in case the weather goes against us.