Email Alert Warning Sign
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Missed Delivery Scams Are Still Active

The “Missed delivery, call or voicemail commonly labeled the (Flubot) scams are still active. Please say on your guard and not get caught by this scam. It is actually easy to get caught. as most of us are expecting deliveries of some sort, and this is especially heightened since the COVID pandemic. The text messages…

SA Ambulance - Eudunda - Recruiting now 2021
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SA Ambulance – Eudunda Are Recruiting Now!

One of the great organisations that you can join is the SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) and Eudunda is blessed to have local services and wonderful volunteers. Want to find out more – Phone Volunteer Support Unit 08 8150 3460, orvisit the website at

Eudunda CFS Recruiting Now 2021 - Banner
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The Eudunda CFS Brigade Are Recruiting Now!

One of the great organisations that you can join is the SA Country Fire Service and Eudunda and is blessed to have local services and wonderful volunteers. Want to find out more – Phone 08 8581 1301 and leave your details.

Monica Ley - invites you to join The Young Wool Group
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The Young Wool Group Forms To Represent Young People in the Wool Industry

Monica Ley This is me at work today at Canowie Poll Merino, where I am Livestock Manager. There are thousands of young people like me working in the wool industry – on farms, in the sheds, with processors and brokers and professional farm services. There are also students who at this very minute, are studying…

Eudunda Brand Logo
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Southern Goyder – Incredibly Busy The Last Couple Months

Editor: WOW! If you haven’t noticed, the region has been super busy with events and activities in the last couple of months. Sadly for the Newsletter – I have been so busy that I haven’t done a very good job of covering them, having concentrated more on advertising when things were on. I will attempt…

SA Ambulance - Eudunda - Recruiting now 2021
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SA Ambulance – Eudunda – Recruiting Now!

One of the great organisations that you can join is the SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) and Eudunda is blessed to have local services and wonderful volunteers. Want to find out more – Phone Volunteer Support Unit 08 8150 3460, orvisit the website at

Eudunda CFS Recruiting Now 2021 - Banner
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Eudunda CFS Brigade – Recruiting Now!

One of the great organisations that you can join is the SA Country Fire Service and Eudunda and is blessed to have local services and wonderful volunteers. Want to find out more – Phone 08 8581 1301 and leave your details.

Eudunda 150th Special Aggregate Prize
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Eudunda Show – 14th November 2021 – Supporting the Town 150th Celebrations

In 2020 Eudunda would have celebrated its 150 years of European settlement but because of COVID 19 this has been delayed. This year there will be a number of activities to remember this special occasion and some of them are combined with the Eudunda Show. At the show there is a special aggregate prize of…

Eudunda 150th - Your Invitation to Art Exhibition
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Eudunda 150th News

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, our original celebrations, planned for November 2020, had to be postponed. To prevent a second postponement, we have adapted our plans. Instead of a programme packed with events that could conceivably be cancelled due to an unforeseen lockdown, we are emphasising permanent projects that will leave a lasting legacy in…

Eudunda Show- Horses in Action
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Eudunda Show – 14th Nov 2021 – Show Program & Entry Forms Online, Post Office & Foodland

PLENTY OF COMPETITIONS Agricultural Produce – Grain – Page 49, Feed/Fodder – Page 51 Art/Craft & Hobbies Page 9 Cookery & Preserves – Page 55 – 59 Dog Jumping – Page 28 Merino Ewe Hogget Competition – Page 40 Merino Young Judges Competition – Page 32 Flowers & Plants – Page 60 – 63 Fruit,…

Eudunda Show- Horses in Action
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Eudunda Show – 14th November 2021 – General Show Program & HIA Are Available Online

The Eudunda Show Book looks fantastic, and you can get an copy by downloading it from the website. For those who prefer a printed version, this is coming within the next couple weeks. For Horses in Action (HIA) Competitors, the entry and various other forms are also online There are still lots more items to…

Eudunda Show Young Farmers Challenge 2021
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Young Farmers and Juniors – Will You Meet the Challenge at the Eudunda Show – 14th November 2021

Click for Eudunda Show Website

Narcoota Poll Merino Stud 2021 Top Priced Ram At Sale
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Tim Happy With Recent Narcoota Ram Sale Results

Narcoota Poll Merino Stud Sell 37 Rams at thier 2021 Sale. It was a positive sale with healthy competition lifting the average price paid to $1127. The progeny of a sire purchased from the 2019 Baderloo ram sale was a feature of the sale. The top price was $2000 for Lot 8 paid by WM…

Footsteps Newsletter - Aug 2021
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The Latest Footsteps Newsletter Released – Includes Local Trail News

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) provide a newsletter about the Lavender Federation Trail, Lavender Cycling Trail and the many loop and spur trails that they have developed or helped to develop across the state. Naturally we in Southern Goyder love to see positive news of area in the news and this is so…

Levi Creek - First Planting Day 10th July 2021 - photo 3-rz1200w
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Levi Creek Planting Day Works Toward Restoring Natural Reserve

The first planting day at the Levi Creek Reserve, Frankton on Saturday the 11th July 2021 was a great day with good weather and great coordination from all involved. Volunteers planted some seedlings closer to North Hills Road entrance for a visual sign that we are serious for those who visit the area. We could…

Rev It Up Racing at the Eudunda Show - Photo by Robyn Bradbrook - Silver Springs Photography
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Eudunda Show is ON – 14th November 2021

The Eudunda show committee met last week, and it is still full steam ahead with planning the show in November albeit with some variations on the norm due to COVID regulations. Unfortunately, this year the price of memberships and gate entry prices will be going up. Family membership has not changed for the last six…

Eudunda Silo Art - Drone View
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ECBAT 2021 AGM – Chair Forecasts Hard Work And A Positive Year Ahead For Eudunda & District

Judy Partington who was unanimously re-elected as ECBAT Chairperson for 2021-22. Richard (Dick) Mosey was welcomed back on to the committee as a Business Member. Judy summarized her Chairperson report as: “In closing I wish to thank you all again for your support in getting some of our projects over the line this year. “We…

Narcoota Poll Merino Ram Sale - 9th Sept 2021 - Flier
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RAM Details & Now Photos Available Online for Narcoota Rams Annual Sale Set For 9th Sept 2021

Although the on property inspection day of Mon Aug 30 has passed, Tim Grosser has advanced his website to include photos of the Rams and thier Fleeces. This will help our buyers to keep browsing and making important decisions for thier own breeding stock. The Grosser family of Eudunda are pleased to offer 47 rams…

Eudunda Business Breakfast June 2021
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Judy Invites All Local Businesses to Join ECBAT To Help Shape Future Of Our Region

The Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee would like to invite you to become a business member – with your backing our committee can continue towards making our town a great place to live, work and play. If you or your business have not been contacted yet – please consider contacting us. I hope you can…