Kapunda Show 2024 – 26th Oct 2024
KAPUNDA SHOWThe 166th Annual Kapunda ShowSaturday October 28th 2023HIA on Sat 28 & Sun 29th Oct.http://www.kapundashow.org.au/
KAPUNDA SHOWThe 166th Annual Kapunda ShowSaturday October 28th 2023HIA on Sat 28 & Sun 29th Oct.http://www.kapundashow.org.au/
Margaret has taken the opportunity to have one last fling with a ‘Mega Sale’. This will be over the weekend of the 7th & 8th September 2024At the Eudunda Show Hall from 9am to 3pm each day. All Must Go! So you are bound to find a bargain! Light refreshments also available for purchase with…
Margaret has taken the opportunity to have one last fling with a ‘Mega Sale’. This will be over the weekend of the 7th & 8th September 2024At the Eudunda Show Hall from 9am to 3pm each day. All Must Go! So you are bound to find a bargain! Light refreshments also available for purchase with…
Margaret has taken the opportunity to have one last fling with a ‘Mega Sale’. This will be over the weekend of the 7th & 8th September 2024At the Eudunda Show Hall from 9am to 3pm each day. All Must Go! So you are bound to find a bargain! Light refreshments also available for purchase with…
For the past 30 years Margaret Doecke has operated her Country Fabric’s ‘N’ Things shop in the main street of Eudunda. Her efforts to promote her shop reaped many rewards for the local community as well. An example being that she would often attract a bus load of enthusiastic ‘crafty’ people to come to Eudunda…
‘Showing from the 1st November to 16th December 20246 Market Street, Burra.Open Daily 1pm – 4pm Check out the Gallery Website
The Eudunda & Robertstown Library is participating in Libraries SA ‘Firstival’ this year in July. Come & try – Watercolour painting! – Free!! Barossa artist Graham Smith will be conducting free classes for adults at the Eudunda Library between July 9th – 19th 2024 (School Holidays) No experience necessary, no cost.Register your interest with library…
Anyone Willing To Share Some Photos Of You Getting Your SALA Display Ready?Just Reply to this newsletter in your email! Hooves, Paws and Claws We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on 08 8581 1663 or 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics…
This year the Eudunda School Community Library will be closed over the holidays so that major work on the school and library roof can be done. The Eudunda & Robertstown Library is participating in Libraries SA ‘Firstival’ this year in July. Come & try – Watercolour painting! – Free!! Barossa artist Graham Smith will be…
Hooves, Paws and Claws We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on 08 8581 1663 or 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics ‘N’ Things in the Main Street of Eudunda to catch up with Margaret (during business hours) orAli Ekermann on 0429…
Hooves, Paws and Claws Further Details to follow as they are hatched.We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on 08 8581 1663 or 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics ‘N’ Things in the Main Street of Eudunda to catch up with Margaret…
The second Eudunda Show and Shine was held on April 6th 2024 in perfect autumn weather. Over 160 cars, motorcycles, and trucks assembled at the beautiful Eudunda Sporting complex and oval. This years event brought interstate entrants from as far as Mildura and Broken Hill. One of the stars of the show was the start…
Hooves, Paws and Claws Further Details to follow as they are hatched.We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on 08 8581 1663 or 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics ‘N’ Things in the Main Street of Eudunda to catch up with Margaret…
You Can Help The Eudunda ShowBe a great SuccessHere are 5 suggestions 1 – SUPPORT OUR FUNDRAISING EVENTSThe Show Committee have a busy fundraising year ahead– Catering at the Eudunda Show & Shine on the 6th April– Organising the Eudunda Hoedown on the 13th April– Catering at the Walky 100 Car Rally on the 10th…
A huge congratulations to Margaret Doecke who has operated her fabric shop Country Fabric’s N Things in the main street of Eudunda for the last 30 years. What a great achievement! During the past 30 years Margaret has been a keen supporter of many organisations and events in and around Eudunda. She has over the…