Christmas Road Safety Message from Danny 2020
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Christmas Road Safety Message from Country Road Funerals

Danny Rowett of Country Road Funerals has put out a passionate and sensitive plea for everyone to take it easy on the roads this year. Let’s make it a Happy Christmas and New Year by all arriving home safe. Well done Danny.

Fay Grosser Life Membership - presented by Delilah Balmer (Chair EFHG)
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Life Membership To Fay Grosser From Heritage Gallery

A Dedicated and Knowledgeable Volunteer: Fellow Volunteer Samuel Doering Talks of “The Service of Fay Grosser”. Earlier this year, the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery accepted the resignation of long-serving volunteer and committee member, Fay Grosser. Fay was one of the founding members of the Gallery in 1996, and she was elected to the first Committee…

Broken Hill solar plant aerial by By Jeremy Buckingham - photos 62459458
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Robertstown Power Substation Upgrade – Progress Report

The Robertstown Power Substation upgrade project commenced in March 2020 but has had some delays over the Covid 19 lockdown period & also due to completion of engineering & construction drawings. Essentially the project involves the upgrade of the capacity of the substation to accept power generated by the various renewable energy projects that are…

Peep Hill & Neales Flat Lutheran Churches & Communities 2020 Christmas Eve invitation
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You Are Invited To Christmas Eve Service – Peep Hill Church 24th Dec 2020

You are invited to celebrate with the Children of  Peep Hill and Neales Flatand Communities on Christmas Eve, at the St Michael’s Lutheran Church,Corner of Peep Hill and Plains Road, Peep Hill, SA 5374, Australia,7:30pm – BYO chairs and hats.* Please read the COVID-19 Information On the Flier Below (or Click Here to web page)

Michelle Hoffmann putting up Christmas Bows
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Eudunda Street Party Ladies Spreading Christmas Cheer

It has been a topsy-turvey year for our Eudunda Street Party Ladies this year, trying hard to bring Christmas Cheer to the district, as they have had to battle all the COVID restrictions. The district should give them a round of applause because they have soldiered on, still bringing us the Light up Christmas 2020…

YOUR SAY - Lady - megaphone - vote - free image from
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Document Says Eudunda Ward Currently Doesn’t Have Fair Representation At Council – Your Chance to Have A Say!

Goyder Representation Review – YOU HAVE TO BE QUICK! Innocent notice in newspaper does not describe the importance of what is about to happen for electors of the Eudunda Ward at Regional Council of Goyder. It’s not the adverts fault by the way; that hardly anyone in Eudunda would take notice, yet the ramifications to…

Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Christmas Raffle 1st Prize
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Raffle To Win At Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Christmas Raffle 2020

Christmas Raffle available right now. Great items beautifully presented in gift baskets. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prizes Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 tickets for $5.00 and are available at the Heritage Gallery. This is a fund raiser for the Gallery, please support us.Thank You to all who donated toward the prizes. And to all those…

Eudunda Silo Art - Silos Need to be Painted
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We have A Winner – Eudunda Silo Art

Press Release: WE HAVE A WINNER! Say the Eudunda Silo Art Sub Committee. Thank you to all the local residents and visitors that came to view the designs. We had well over 200 people vote. There were two designs that were the favourite but only one clear winner. Please congratulate local Adelaide artist and soon…

Kids For Christ (KFC) Christmas Fun Afternoon - Tue 15th Dec 2020
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Kids For Christ (KFC) Christmas Fun Afternoon – Tue 15th Dec 2020

Kids For Christ (KFC) Christmas Fun AfternoonTue 15th Dec 2020 All primary school aged children are invited. There will be games and activities, music, craft, storytelling, fun, food and friendship.BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL for all children aged under 18. This must be done by a parent or guardian up until Sunday 13th December. Please contact KFC…

Eudunda Swimming Pool – VACSWIM – January Registrations Close 20th Dec. Register Now!
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Eudunda Swimming Pool – VACSWIM – January Registrations Close 20th Dec. Register Now!

Online enrolments are now open. January Programs:Online enrolments will close at 5.00pm on Sunday 20 December 2020. For further information, please call Royal Life Saving SA on (08) 8210 4500 or email us at Click here for VACSWIM website

Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery - Gosling Cottage - Antique Pram & Doll
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Gosling Cottage to Close For Repairs Soon

If you haven’t seen Gosling Cottage which is part of the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery display, then you are missing out on a feast of visions into the past history of the district. Gosling Cottage is one of the early cottages in Eudunda and since the Gallery has taken it over they have filled it…

RCOG Free Green Waste Disposal - Nov-Dec 2020
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Last Day For Council FREE Green Waste Disposal to Reduce Fire Risk – Only 12th December Remaining To Take Advantage.

REDUCE FIRE HAZARD NOW! To assist with fire prevention in the region, the Regional Council of Goyder have organised free green waste disposal between Sunday 29 November 2020 until Sunday 13 December 2020 for Goyder residents. Eudunda Wednesdays between 2-3pmEudunda Saturdays between 10-12pm Acceptable items:Clean residential green organics including grass clippings, pruning’s, leaves, small branches and…

Peep Hill & Neales Flat Lutheran Churches & Communities 2020 Christmas Eve invitation
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Christmas Eve Service Peep Hill Service 24th Dec 2020

You are invited to celebrate with the Children of  Peep Hill and Neales Flatand Communities on Christmas Eve, at the St Michael’s Lutheran Church,Corner of Peep Hill and Plains Road, Peep Hill, SA 5374, Australia,7:30pm – BYO chairs and hats.* Please read the COVID-19 Information On the Flier Below (or Click Here to web page)

Ransomware The First Focus For Launch Of New Cyber Security Campaign
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Ransomware The First Focus For Launch Of New Cyber Security Campaign

The launching of a new cyber security campaign by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), which will run all year round… because cybercrime never stops! is focusing on Ransomware. Their campaign warns Australians about cybercrime and promotes as the one-stop shop for individuals, businesses and organisations to protect themselves against cyber threats. Act now,…

Eudunda Christmas Party - Light Up Christmas 2020 - Poster
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Last Chance – Register by 5th December for Light Up Christmas 2020 Competition

With the Registration deadline of 5th December you had better get registered quick. With the late cancellation of the Santa’s Magic Cave due to COVID, it is even more important that you get involved in this Christmas Street party initiative as the ladies are still able to run the ‘Light Up Christmas 2020’ Competition for…

RCOG Free Green Waste Disposal - Nov-Dec 2020
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Reminder Council Offering FREE Green Waste Disposal to Reduce Fire Risk – Only 5th, 9th & 12th December Remaining To Take Advantage.

REDUCE FIRE HAZARD NOW! To assist with fire prevention in the region, the Regional Council of Goyder have organised free green waste disposal between Sunday 29 November 2020 until Sunday 13 December 2020 for Goyder residents. Eudunda Wednesdays between 2-3pmEudunda Saturdays between 10-12pm Acceptable items:Clean residential green organics including grass clippings, pruning’s, leaves, small branches and…

VACSWIM – Eudunda Swimming Pool – January Registrations Close 20th Dec. Register Now!
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VACSWIM – Eudunda Swimming Pool – January Registrations Close 20th Dec. Register Now!

Online enrolments are now open. January Programs:Online enrolments will close at 5.00pm on Sunday 20 December 2020. For further information, please call Royal Life Saving SA on (08) 8210 4500 or email us at Click here for VACSWIM website