australia-day-1576855507skN - Karen Arnold CC0 1.0
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Council Ask – Your Thoughts On The Australia Day Award Policy

The Regional Council of Goyder wishes to consult with the community regarding the current Australia Day Award Policy and the opportunity to present a One Goyder approach with Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Event of the Year nominations sought for the whole Council rather than each of the four…

Eudunda Community Op Shop - Front Desk & Clothing March 2021
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Eudunda Community Op Shop Keeping Busy

Volunteers at the Eudunda Community Op Shop have been thrilled with the response from both locals and afar, embracing the new shop with gusto. Comments on how nice the shop has been set up, and how bright and airy it is with room to move have been greatly appreciated by all. Op Shop Coordinator Annie…

Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery - Mothers Day Stall 7th May 2021
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Mothers Day Flowers – Order Now! And Also Support The Stall – 7th May – Heritage Gallery

FLOWERSBUNCHES & ARRANGEMENTSSURPRISE YOUR MUM!Pre Orders toDot: 0407 004 469or via Web Form– – – – – – – – The Eudunda Family Heritage Galleryask that you come support our MOTHER’S DAY STALL – 7th May 20219am StartOutside the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Donations appreciated:CAKES, PLANTS, FLOWERS, GIFTSSLICES, JAMS, VEGIES, FRUIT ETC. Please do come…

Eudunda Brand Logo
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EXCITING NEWS! Eudunda Caravan Park Cabin Purchase Project

The Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee (ECBaT) & the Eudunda Caravan Park Subcommittee are excited to announce a further extension to the facilities available at the Eudunda Caravan Park. The park currently has 8 powered sites after increasing the number of sites by 4 in November 2020. The next stage is to purchase &…

Eudunda Community Op Shop - Main Entry - March 2021
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Eudunda Community Op Shop To Open Easter Saturday and Easter Monday This Year.

The volunteers of the Eudunda Community Op Shop are keen to support our region, by offering to open on what might normally be a ‘Long Weekend’ for some. They hope both locals and visitors alike will drop in, say hello and browser for a bargain. The Op Shop is normally open every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday…

Stephanie Schmidt on the farm - Photo by Alysha Sparks
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Stephanie Tells What ‘International Women’s Day’ Means To Her

Stephanie Schmidt leads a busy farm live, hubby, family and still finds time to do some great leadership tasks. Steph starts off,“As I sit down to write this, in the last 24 hours I have worked on getting the BAS completed for the farm business I have with my husband, I have had a strategy…

AGM 2021 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo Robyn Bradbrook
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All Welcome To Eudunda Show AGM 2021 – 24th March 7pm

Eudunda Show AGM24th March 2021Eudunda RSL Rooms – 7:00pmALL WELCOME The Eudunda Show Committee feel confident that 2021 will be kind to the show.The Committee is keen to get going and traditionally the season kicks of with the Show AGM If you think you would like to support the committee, come along and listen and…

Manoora Easter Market 5th April 2021- poster
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Manoora Hall Easter Monday Market – 5th April 2021

Make a date on Easter Monday for the Manoora Hall Market 9am – 3pmWaymouth Street / Barrier Highway, Manoora.Under cover & outside sites and a wide variety of stalls with a selection of Fresh Bread & Rolls, Hot Food ~ Tea ~ Coffee ~ Cool drinks. For Further Information, Contact: 8848 4330 or 8848 4315…

ANZAC Day Poster 2021
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ANZAC Dawn Service – Eudunda 25th April 2021

ANZAC Dawn Service – Eudundaat the Eudunda War MemorialGunn Street, Eudunda6:15am The Traditional Eudunda Dawn Service will be on this year. All Welcome Note that there will be COVID sign-in(QR Code and paper forms)and everyone is reminded to maintain “Social Distancing”.The main change from tradition is thatthere will NOT be a gathering at the Eudunda RSL…

Eudunda Christmas Party - AGM - 30th March 2021
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Eudunda Christmas Party – AGM 30th March 2021

HELPERS NEEDED! Eudunda Christmas Party Annual Community Event AGM to ResumeTuesday 30th March 7:00pm“Santa’s Cave”(Goyder Electrical) WITHOUT NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERSTHIS WONDERFUL COMMUNITY EVENTWILL BECANCELLED. Volunteers unable to attendGeneral Meetings yet Keen toAssist are encouraged to Attend

Email Alert Warning Sign
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Facebook Scam Alert

Here at Web South, your local computer shop, we try to keep on top of some of the threats around the internet. Earlier today a large number of emails came through with the subject‘ID Verification‘ and in the text ‘Your access has been temporarily disabled for identity check,’ and instructions on how to solve it….

Eudunda Christmas Party - AGM - 30th March 2021
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Eudunda Christmas Party Needs Your Support – AGM 30th March 2021

HELPERS NEEDED! Eudunda Christmas Party Annual Community Event AGM to ResumeTuesday 30th March 7:00pm“Santa’s Cave”(Goyder Electrical) WITHOUT NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERSTHIS WONDERFUL COMMUNITY EVENTWILL BECANCELLED. Volunteers unable to attendGeneral Meetings yet Keen toAssist are encouraged to Attend

AGM 2021 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo Robyn Bradbrook
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Eudunda Show AGM 2021 – 24th March 7pm at RSL Rooms – All Welcome

Please note time change to 7:00pm The Eudunda Show Committee feel confident that 2021 will be kind to the show.The Committee is keen to get going and traditionally the season kicks of with the Show AGM Eudunda Show AGM24th March 2021Eudunda RSL Rooms – 7:00pmALL WELCOME To put on the show takes a massive amount…

National Drought and Flood Agency SA All Dates - 1-5 March 2021
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National Drought and Flood Agency To Visit Robertstown & Eudunda To Help Locals – 4th March

Robertstown: 4th March 9am – 11:30am Eudunda: 4th March 1:30pm – 4pm The National Drought and Flood Agency are keen to help our region through the drought, recognizing that the effects carry on years after. Described as a ‘one-stop shop’ this event is coming to the Eudunda Town Hall on 4 March to provide support…

Eudunda Community Op Shop - Ribbon Cutting
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Successful Opening of Eudunda Community Op Shop

A great day was had by all, for both volunteers and bargain hunters at the Grand Opening of the Eudunda Community Op Shop on Wednesday 17th February 2021. Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism (ECBAT) have taken over the management of the Op Shop after Carers’ & Disability Link Barossa who had operated the shop form…

Replace the Waste Website - Ban Single Use Plastics
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Single Use Plastics Banned in SA from 1st March 2021

From March 1, 2021 single-use plastic straws*, stirrers and cutlery including bioplastic will no longer be supplied in South Australia. STEVEN MARSHALL Premier of South Australia wrote in a recent email, dated 1st march 2021,“Today was another historic day for South Australia, as our nation-leading legislation banning single-use plastics came into effect. “Data shows takeaway…

Trade Winds Gear - Popup Shop Fri 12 & Sat 13th March 2021
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Trade Winds Gear Clothing – Pop Up Shop at Eudunda Fri 12th & Sat 13th March 2021

9am to 5pm Each DayEudunda Makers Co-Op (Next To Goyder Electrical)11 Bruce Street, Eudunda 5374 *Summer Fashions *Autumn Jackets *$4 Scarves  *Men’s Pants $23 & *Plus Size Tops $19.50 Many Other SpecialsEFTPOS Available Can’t make it to Eudunda? I will be at the Robertstown Community Markets – 14th MarchOr Contact Me on My Website – Trade…

Eudunda Swimming Pool - 2 weeks left to swim
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Council To Close Eudunda Swimming Pool – Last Day 14th March 2021

The Eudunda Swimming Pool 20/21 season is declared by the Regional Council of Goyder and finishes on the 14th March 2021 this year at 7pm. The pool has been described by visitors as one of the best maintained people have experienced, a real tribute to Pool Manager Steve Wegener, and Eudunda is lucky enough to…

Robertstown Community Markets Sun 14th Mar 2021 - Poster
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Robertstown Community Markets – 14th March 2021 – More Details

A wide variety of stalls, including, Chesters Chocolates, Dusty Blend Soap, Trade Winds Fashions, Jewellery, Hand Made Cards, Rusty Garden Art, Tupperware, Scrapbooking, Next Time Around Gifts, Lavender Products, Enjo, Plants, Clothes, Rawleighs Products, Wild Woodland Toys, Roots n Leaves, Lucky Bottle Stall, Hand Crafted Products, Soy candles, Cakes, Produce. More info 0428 817 122…