Matt Ward to perform at The Barn at Wombat Flat - 11th Sept 2021
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NEW LINEUP: Matt Ward and the Rising Sons / Miss Ohio at The Barn at Wombat Flat – 11th Sept 2021

Lockdowns strike again, Mike has managed to find Matt Ward and Miss Ohio to “Keep the Show Going!” Book Tickets for the September Show:Matt Ward, Supported by Miss Ohio. Matt Ward is a breath of rarefied authentic air in Australian country and alt. country music. Ward showcased at Nashville’s Americanafest, is a regular at TCMF…

Eudunda Bowls has Gone Green with grant win - June 2021
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Eudunda Bowls Meets Up With Corey Wingard MP About Recent Grant Win

Eudunda Bowls News – July 2021 On Tuesday 13th July, Eudunda Bowling Club Futures Committee Chairman Andrew Pfitzner, Club President Judy Milde and Ron Milde met with Corey Wingard, Minister for Office of Recreation, Sports and Racing to see and be informed about how his Department’s ORSR grant to our bowling club ($190k) is to…

Eudunda Community Hub & Shed - General Market Flier 2021
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Next Hub & Shed Market, Trash & Treasure – Saturday 4th Sept 2021

Note that the Markets will be held on:4th Sept and 6th Nov in 2021 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Spray Free Fruit & Veg, Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot and Cold Drinks availableAND MORE New Stall Holders Always…

Carers SA Australia logo 2
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Carers SA Group – Eudunda – 7th Sept 2021

Coffee,  Chat, Check  Individual Carers Serviceand Support Needs Be informed, Share a Cuppa, Share your Story,Eudunda Golf Club Tuesday September 7th from 10am to Noon.Registration Essential due to COVIDCall or Text Lee: Carer Connector, Carers SA 0455 445 524

Its Been a While - Eudunda 150th Announcements Coming Soon
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Eudunda 150th – Watch Out For Information In You Letterbox Soon

Members of the Eudunda 150th Celebrations Committee recognise that the COVID-19 Pandemic stalled the district’s celebrations, but the sacrifice was worthwhile in keeping everyone safe. The Committee have had a meeting and see a path forward, with modified celebrations and some permanent fixtures to celebrate the Eudunda 150th. You will receive TWO Fliers wrapped together…

Robertstown 150th Celebrations - 2nd & 3rd Oct 2021
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Peter Goers To Launch New Book For Robertstown History at 150th Celebrations – 2nd Oct 2021

Robertstown & District Residents invite you to Robertstown 150th Celebrations2nd & 3rd Oct 2021 SATURDAYMusical EntertainmentGuest Speaker – Mr Peter GoersLaunch of Book / Cheese & WineMusical EntertainmentTeaMusical Entertainment – Caitlin Drew& Reunion Supper SUNDAYLocal Church ServicesSausage Sizzle at Community CentreUnveiling of 150 Mural, Reunion, Coffee & Chat BOOK LAUNCHRobertstown From 1986 to 2021

CarersSA Australia - Carer Gateway Logo
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Advanced Care Directives and Associated Topics – Eudunda – 5th Oct 2021

In response to many requests around Advanced Care Directives and associated topics;Melanie Robinson from the Legal Services Commission will join us Melanie will also introduce the New Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit which would be of interest to many in our Community. *You may also wish to bring a friend? September 13thTanunda Hub –…

Eudunda Show Poster 14th Nov 2021
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Eudunda Show 2021 Poster Released

You can always tell when the Eudunda Show is getting closer when you see the new Show Poster. THE SHOW PROGRAMME IS IN FINAL DRAFTIt is packed full of Good Things to Do for the Whole Familyand will soon be sent off for printing to Office National in the Barossa, who are Eudunda Show Platinum…

Dementia Information Session 10th Aug 2021
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Dementia Information Session FREE to Carers on Tuesday August 10th 2021

Dementia Information Session presented by Dementia Australia FREE to CARERS. Be informed, Share a Cuppa, Share your Story,Eudunda Golf Club Tuesday August 10th from 10am to Noon.Registration Essential due to COVIDCall or Text Lee: Carer Connector, Carers SA 0455 445 524

Copyworld Walky 100 - 2021 Aug 14th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds - Poster
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Copyworld Walky 100 Rally Set for This Saturday Aug 14th, Based at Eudunda Oval

Organisers are excited to run this local event next weekend! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region at it’s best rally site will challenge it’s drivers and navigators and ethrall its spectators. PLEASE COMPLY WITH ANY COVID RESTRICTIONS THAT MAY BE INFORCE DURING THIS TIME….

Army Band to attend the 2021 Eudunda Show
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Eudunda Show Marching Ahead

Despite recent media reports of several shows cancelling or postponing, the Eudunda Show is marching ahead. The committee is in full swing planning and preparing for the show to be held on the second Sunday in November. This year we will again have the Army Band supplying music during the day. They are a popular…

Robertstown 150th Celebrations - 2nd & 3rd Oct 2021
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Robertstown To Celebrate 150th & Reunion – 2nd & 3rd Oct 2021

Robertstown & District Residents invite you to Robertstown 150th Celebrations2nd & 3rd Oct 2021 SATURDAYMusical EntertainmentGuest Speaker – Mr Peter GoersLaunch of Book / Cheese & WineMusical EntertainmentTeaMusical Entertainment – Caitlin Drew& Reunion Supper SUNDAYLocal Church ServicesSausage Sizzle at Community CentreUnveiling of 150 Mural, Reunion, Coffee & Chat BOOK LAUNCHRobertstown From 1986 to 2021

Eudunda Silo Art - Painted Continues 5th August
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Eudunda Silo Art Project Progressing Well

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) are excited to report a steady flow of locals and visitors coming to see their Eudunda Silo Art Project taking shape. You are welcome to go and watch the painting unfold. There is plenty of room to park either off Railway Parade, in the new car park,…

Art Workshops - Art Jamma - Wilderness & Light
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Painting Class – Wilderness and Light – With Art Jamma, Aug 14th 2021 at Eudunda

Our upcoming class is inspired my Tim Packer’s amazing vibrant wilderness paintings. This is a very fun class designed to explore painting with a focus on light and the use of colour. You can follow step by step with our instructor and develop an amazing landscape using one of the examples of Tim Packer’s work…

Mike Roberts and a Yarn from the Barn at Wombat Flat
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Catch Up With Music News From The Barn

its been a tough time for local Mike Roberts and Di Bills who operate ‘The Barn at Wombat Flat’ who try hard to bring the district great entertainment, as another COVID lockdown changes thie plans again. They have been very lucky in being able to host one of the legs of the “500 Miles of…

Point Pass Lawn Mower Races 15th Aug 2021
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Point Pass Lawnmower Races on 15th Aug 2021 – CANCELLED

Sadly we see on the Facebook page that the Point & Pass Lawn Mower Races, at the Point Pass Oval on Sunday 15th August 2021 has been cancelled due to Covid restrictions. You can view the reference at this link if you have facebook.Info on Facebook

Levi Creek Nature Reserve - Tree Planting
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Come Help Us Save Levi Creek – Tree Planting This Sat 10th July 2021

Please come and help Save Levi Creek!You can do this by helping plant some 250 plants. Some 50 plus years ago this area was once a lovely natural area of creeks, flowing springs, water pools with yabbies, natural trees, vegetation, flowers and wildlife, as well as a natural fossil area. Over the years, overuse and…

Hardi 24 Hour Reliability Trial 2021
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This Weekend to see big motorcycle action with Hardi 24 Hour Trial at Kapunda 10th – 11th July 2021

This year we return to Kapunda – South Australia. With only days to go this year’s Hardi 24hour on the weekend of the 10th & 11th of July 2021 should be a great event. The event starts with the first rider leaving from the Kapunda Trotting Track at t 11:01am and if all went well the first…

FREE Workshop - 5Ways to WellBeing - 13th July & 21st Sept 2021 Flyer - Eudunda Golf Club
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FREE Workshop – ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’, Eudunda – 13th July 2021

Do you care for a family member or friend? Carers SA presents 5 Ways to Wellbeing:introducing you to five simple and effective ways to improve your psychological and emotional health.Tuesday 13th July10—2pmEudunda Golf Club, EudundaSouthern End of Eudunda Oval off Thiele Highwaythru Pfitzner Pioneer Memorial Gates and straight aheadaround the oval to Southern End.Contact:Cathy on…

Eudunda Netball Club A Grade Premiers 1961
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Big Reunion Planned on 17th & 18th of July To Celebrate All Football & Netball Premiership Wins (Update)

Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th of July As the Southern Saints celebrate 40 years since the Triple Premiership For The Eudunda Football Club will be celebrated on the 17th & 18th July this year, it gave a great opportunity to ask the other premiership teams in both football and netball over the years to join…