Capturing Goyder through a Locals Lens 2023-24 Calendar
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Last Days To Enter Competition “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” (Closes 12th May)

The 2023/24 Calendar Photography CompetitionEntries close 12th May 2023 Have you taken photos that capture the essence of living in the Goyder region? Don’t miss out, go through your digital albums and pick out some amazing photos that you have taken to enter into this year’s Calendar Photography Competition. As always the focus of the competition…

Capturing Goyder through a Locals Lens 2023-24 Calendar
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Only Short Time Left To Enter “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” Competition (Closes 12th May)

The 2023/24 Calendar Photography CompetitionEntries close 12th May 2023 Have you taken photos that capture the essence of living in the Goyder region? Don’t miss out, go through your digital albums and pick out some amazing photos that you have taken to enter into this year’s Calendar Photography Competition. As always the focus of the competition…

Eudunda Show Information Night - 22nd Mar 2023
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Eudunda Show Information Night – 22nd March 2023

What do you know about the Eudunda Show? Would you like to know more about the Eudunda Show? The Eudunda Show Committee is holding an information night in the RSL rooms on Wednesday 22nd March to share with the community about the annual show. Each year the show is held in November and a very…

Eudunda Show AGM - 22nd March 2023
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Eudunda Show AGM 22nd March 2023

Eudunda Show AGM – Approx 8pmHeld After Information SessionWednesday 22nd March, 7pmRSL Rooms – 2 Railway Parade, Eudunda Wanting to join our committee or just to find out how you can support the Eudunda Show?Wanting to share ideas and help organise a section or offer support on the day?Come along to our annual AGM which…

Eudunda Show Information Session - 22nd March 2023
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Eudunda Show To Host Information Session Prior to AGM 22nd March 2023

Eudunda Show Information SessionWednesday 22nd March, 7pmRSL Rooms – 2 Railway Parade, Eudunda Wanting to find out more about what’s involved in running the Eudunda show?Interested in becoming a volunteer?Why not come along to a Public information sessionwhere you will have the chance to ask questions, share ideas and learn about what’s involved in running…

Local Win For Australian Silo Art Trail Calendar Purchase
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Local Win For Australian Silo Art Trail Calendar Purchase

Congratulations! The winner of the $500 prize is R Pfitzner of Eudunda SA. This was for purchasing a Silo Art Wall Calendar 2023. The Eudunda Silo Art earned a place in this year’s 2023 Calendar, a great accolade for the amazing work done by artist Sam Brooks, for the Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee…

Eudunda Silo Art - Stubby Holder - Colin Thiele Books side
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Stubby Holder Promoting Eudunda’s Silo Art Available In Selected Shops

They will be a ‘Unique’ Father’s Day, Birthday or Christmas Present The Stubby holder depicts the Mural well and the image is fully wrapped around the item….with “Eudunda South Australia” down the side.Check more photos of the Stubby Holder here… (ECBAT website) The Stubby Holders are available for purchase for $10 and are currently available…

Eudunda Show AGM 2022 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo by Robyn Bradbrook
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Eudunda Show AGM 2022 – 20th March

Please note AGM Starts at 7:00pm The Show Committee truly wanted to give our community an event to be proud of in 2021 after having to cancel in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was necessary to keep everyone safe and our Show was not alone, along with most other shows and other events…

The Irrational S.O.U.T.H. 200 Miler Logo
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Ultra Marathon Runners Here From 7th April 2022.

 “The Irrational S.O.U.T.H. (Southern Oz Ultimate Trails & Hills) 200 Mile – April 6th – 10th 2022”  “The Irrational S.O.U.T.H. 200 Miler Event Director, Shaun Kaesler has worked hard with stake holders along the 325km “Lavender Federation Trail” to return the event in 2022.  What an amazing challenge this event will be with 29 competitors…

Eudunda Caravan Park 7 of 8 powered sites (plus 5 free campers)
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Eudunda Caravan Park Update Report January 2022

This is an update report on the progress being achieved on the project to purchase two 2 bedroom cabins for additional accommodation for the Eudunda Caravan Park. The Eudunda Caravan Park currently has 8 powered sites managed by Steve & Lee Wegener and over the last year the occupancy and income generated by these sites…

Eudunda 150th - Your Invitation to Art Exhibition
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Eudunda 150th News

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, our original celebrations, planned for November 2020, had to be postponed. To prevent a second postponement, we have adapted our plans. Instead of a programme packed with events that could conceivably be cancelled due to an unforeseen lockdown, we are emphasising permanent projects that will leave a lasting legacy in…

Eudunda Caravan Park 7 of 8 powered sites (plus 5 free campers)
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Long Weekend Holiday Has Eudunda Caravan Park Overflowing After Short Lull.

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism (ECBAT) are delighted to see that after a short lull in patronage that the Eudunda Caravan Park has been booked out and overflowing during the previous weekend. A combination of the Robertstown 150th event, the finished Eudunda Silo Art and a Long Weekend put a high demand on the…

Glam Adelaide article on Completed Eudunda Silo Art
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Glam Adelaide Picks Up Story About Eudunda Silo Art

The news of Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee’s (ECBAT) Eudunda Silo Art Project by artist Sam Brooks is getting out there. This article is in the prestigious SA news Glam Adelaide. Read the Article Here You are invited to view the painting. There is plenty of room to park either off Railway Parade, in…

Councillor Debbie Hibbert with Eudunda Silo Artist Sam Brooks taking a brief pause to check his work
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We Met Sam at Work Painting Eudunda Silos

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) Eudunda Silo Art Project Artist Sam Brooks was racing to finish on time for the Silos to be handed back to Vittera so they can get ready for the new season. There were strict instructions not to bother Sam. So it was with great pleasure that during…

Eudunda Silo Art Car Park off Railway Parade
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Visitors to Eudunda Silo Art Directed to Park off Railway Parade in New Car & Bus Park

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) and the Eudunda Silo Art Project Working Group ask people visiting the Eudunda Silo Art to park off Railway Terrace. You are welcome to go and watch the painting unfold. There is plenty of room for buses, vehicles towing caravans and cars to park either off Railway…

Eudunda Silo Art - Painted Continues 5th Sept - Photo Peter Hepburn
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The Story is Being Told on Eudunda Silos With Art Progressing Well After Weather Delays

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) Eudunda Silo Art Project is racing to finish on time for the Silos to be handed back to Vittera so they can get ready for the new season. You are welcome to go and watch the painting unfold. There is plenty of room to park either off…

Sam Brooks - Eudunda Silo Artist Starts on Second Cells
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Sam’s Back Painting Again – Eudunda Silo Art Project

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) are excited to report a steady flow of locals and visitors coming to see their Eudunda Silo Art Project taking shape. You are welcome to go and watch the painting unfold. There is plenty of room to park either off Railway Parade, in the new car park,…

ATDW Workshops Eudunda 12th Aug & Burra 9th Sep
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Is your business listed on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse? FREE Workshop Eudunda 12th Aug 2021

Goyder Business Owners,Is your business listed on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse? If not, come along to a workshop and bring your laptop – we can assist you in preparing your listing.The benefits of ATDW:- ATDW is quick, easy and FREE Get more visitors by listing your tourism product or event An ATDW listing…

Eudunda Silo Art - Painted Continues 5th August
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Eudunda Silo Art Project Progressing Well

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) are excited to report a steady flow of locals and visitors coming to see their Eudunda Silo Art Project taking shape. You are welcome to go and watch the painting unfold. There is plenty of room to park either off Railway Parade, in the new car park,…

The Irrational SOUTH 200 Miler - Kelly Bennet about to leave Eudunda Sleep Station
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Eudunda Caravan Park Busy With Ultra Marathon Runners Resting Here.

For anyone wondering what the activity was at the Eudunda Caravan Park, over June 11 to 13th it was a control point/sleep station for “The Irrational S.O.U.T.H. (Southern Oz Ultimate Trails & Hills) 200 Miler”. During the time of the event several hundred people were to pass through the district, as they supported the event….