Eudunda Show AGM 2022 – 20th March
Please note AGM Starts at 7:00pm

The Show Committee truly wanted to give our community an event to be proud of in 2021 after having to cancel in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was necessary to keep everyone safe and our Show was not alone, along with most other shows and other events having to cancel.
The Eudunda Show Committee certainly did deliver an excellent show in 2021 with great activities and attendance, thanks to Committee, Volunteers, Sponsors and Supporters.
The Committee is keen to get going and traditionally the season kicks of with the Show AGM
Eudunda Show AGM
20th April 2022
Eudunda Sporting Clubrooms – 7:00pm
To put on the show takes a massive amount of work to be successful, and that effort is shared with the Committee, Volunteers and Sponsors and Supporters as the year progresses.
If you think you would like to support the committee, come along and listen and ask questions. Even if you can’t help by being on the committee there are many things to do along the way, especially in the last couple weeks leading up to the show and the Committee recognise the great value many people put in to doing that last minute help. Maybe you could be one who helps us there? Let us know you are interested.

COVID will still be around and will create extra work for us all, especially for our Secretary Mel Schutz, but we feel positive that as everyone as a Nation has experience at how to manage in a ‘COVID World’ we can have our event and that everyone involved in the show will care to keep each other safe by following whatever directives are active at the time.
We ask that everyone get behind the committee and support the Eudunda Show.
Check out the 2021 Eudunda Show website here.
See Hundreds More Photos online here