Goyder Business Breakfast 27th Oct 2022
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Goyder Business Breakfast – Thur 27th Oct 2022 At The Burra Town Hall.

Goyder Business Breakfast Join us for an introductory breakfast to find out more aboutestablishing a representative organisation for businesses inthe Goyder area. Guest Speakers:Jeremy Carn – AusindustryCathie Brown – Leaders Institute of SAEmily Riggs – Iris and Wool Thursday 27th October 2022Burra Town Hall – at 7am Scan the QR Code for Free Registration

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Kapundas BankSA set to close in November 18th 2022

Many of Eudunda and district’s residents and businesses will be disappointed to hear that the Kapundas BankSA branch is set to close in November 18th 2022. The next closest branches are in Nuriootpa and Gawler

Eudunda Dog Park Main Entrance
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Eudunda Dog Park Opens


clock daylight saving - start
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Daylight Saving Starts SA – Move Clock Forward 1 Hour – 2nd Oct 2022

South Australians should move their clocks forward  from 2am to 3am on Sunday, 2nd October 2022. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later on 2 Oct 2022 than the day before. There will be more light in the evening. Check out the timeanddate website for more details

Pensioner Lady with Flowers
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Working Limits For Pensioners To Increase As Result Of Jobs Summit

As one of the decisions of the 2 day Job Summit in Canberra the Federal Government has resolved to a one-off increase in how much pensioners will be allowed to work before it affects their fortnightly payments. It will be of interst for our local communities as to how this might affect the shortage of workers…

Eudunda Logo
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Next ECBAT Meeting Set For Mon 12th Sept 2022

Commencing at 7.00pm, Light Hotel, Dining Room. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?Want to find out what the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) doCOME BE A PART OF OUR MEETING! This is a PUBLIC meeting, and ALL residents & Businesses are invited to attend.Check out the ECBAT Website for more news

Glenn Skuthorpe entertained with song
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Last Days To See Wonderful Artwork at Eudunda SALA – Closes 4pm on 14th August 2022

After a Successful Opening Night at the Eudunda SALA Exhibition last Friday 5th August at the Eudunda Town Hall; the exhibition has been open daily, with a steady flow of visitors coming to enjoy the displays. Everyone attending has been asked to choose thier favourite piece, and vote for the People’s Choice Award which will…

Terowies Curious Art Accident 10 & 11th Sept 2022
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Terowie’s Curious Art Accident on 10th & 11th September 2022

Terowie’s Annual Art Competition and Exhibition is on September 10th and 11th September 2022. For those wishing to enter you will find classes for Junior 10 and under, juniors 11-17 years and Adults with Art, Crafts, Photography, Structure/Yard Art, Needlework & Quilting (see the poster for details). Enquiries and Entry Forms contact Susie Adams 0407…

SALA in Eudunda - Birds of a Feather Flock Together - Opening Fri 5th Aug 2022
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Grand Opening Night For Eudunda SALA – August 5th 2022

Eudunda Exhibition Opening NightFriday 5th August @ Eudunda Town Hall A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS WILL CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More Display zones across Goyder including exhibition spaces in Eudunda and Terowie. Further info – Margaret on 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics in the Main Street…

SARTI AGM held At Eudunda 2022
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Successful Trails AGM Held At Eudunda & Newsletter Includes Eudunda Participation.

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc Board (SARTI) held a successful AGM and General Meeting at the Southern Saints Clubhouse. Board members come from as far as Murray Bridge, Adelaide, Watervale and Clare and many between including Eudunda & Robertstown, representing the 300+ Kilometers of the trails and the many Loop and Spur trails, as…

SALA 2022 Promo v2
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Pick Up Your FREE Cutout To Get A ‘Flying Start’ In This Year’s Eudunda SALA Event In August.

The month of August is SALA in Eudunda and District.Please join in the fun to decorate the townFREE bird cutouts are available to the communityYour unique design will enhance our success A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS TO CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More FREE cutouts are available for collection…

Eudunda Show Poster 2022
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Eudunda Show 2022 – Get In Early To Apply For Trade Sites Now!

Eudunda Show is getting closer, with thier new Show Poster released and a call for Trade Spaces.Get in quick for a trade site as they filled up quick last year.Click this link to find out more and apply. THE SHOW PROGRAMME IS NEARING COMPLETIONIt will be packed full of Great Things to Do for the…

SALA 2022 Promo v2
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Eudunda SALA Opening Night Set For August 5th 2022

The Regional Council of Goyder invites Artists (Individuals), community groups, farmers and school children to create art works for inclusion in an Art Trail as part of SALA (South Australian Living Artists) A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS TO CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More Display zones will be negotiated…

SALA Eudunda - Galah Flyer Eudunda August 2022
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Eudunda Galahs Will Take Off In August 2022 For SALA Event

The Regional Council of Goyder invites Artists (Individuals), community groups, farmers and school children to create art works for inclusion in an Art Trail as part of SALA (South Australian Living Artists) A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS TO CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More Display zones will be negotiated…

Eudunda Show AGM 2022 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo by Robyn Bradbrook
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Eudunda Show AGM 2022 – 20th March

Please note AGM Starts at 7:00pm The Show Committee truly wanted to give our community an event to be proud of in 2021 after having to cancel in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was necessary to keep everyone safe and our Show was not alone, along with most other shows and other events…

World Backup Day - logo
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World Backup Day 31st March – Protect Your Data

Local Computer business, Web South would like to draw your attention to “World Backup Day” Peter Herriman from Web South says,“We actually recommend regular backups, and multiple storage locations and devices, but I learnt those techniques during the early ’80’s and on mainframe systems with data worth millions of dollars (back then, imagine now!). All…

Hiking Expo 3 April 2022 - logo with website and supporters
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The March Footsteps & Pedals Newsletter Released – Includes 3rd April – Hiking Expo & Local Trail News

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) provide a quarterly newsletter about the Lavender Federation Trail, Lavender Cycling Trail and the many loop and spur trails that they have developed or helped to develop across the state. This edition is the first to be renamed from “Footsteps” to “Footsteps & Pedals” in recognition that SARTI…

Speedtest - by OOKLA - Internet Speed
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Has Your Internet Been Very Slow?

The Australian Media and Communications Authority (ACMA) has been investigating for you. Some of the major brands named. Has your internet been very slow? You can run a test to verify what connection speeds your are getting and then compare it with the speed that you signed up for. According to The NEWDAILY“The regulator said more…

Agriculture Stewardship Package - YMNRDA
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Agriculture Stewardship Packages Available for Eligible Farmers In Yorke & Mid North

The Yorke & Mid North Regional Development Australia (YMNRDA) have drawn attention to a a fund which could help farmers wishing to improve biodiversity and store carbon on their farm and may find cash rewards in the future. Learn More about the pilot project here Contact Taryn Mangelsdorf for more information suited to the Yorke…

Eudunda CFS Recruiting Now 2021 - Banner
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You Can Contribute To Your Community – Volunteer With The Eudunda CFS Brigade

One of the great organisations that you can join is the SA Country Fire Service and Eudunda and is blessed to have local services and wonderful volunteers. Want to find out more – Phone 08 8581 1301 and leave your details.