CarersSA Australia - Carer Gateway Logo
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CarersSA Advanced Care Directives and Associated Topics – Eudunda – 5th Oct 2021

In response to many requests around Advanced Care Directives and associated topics;Melanie Robinson from the Legal Services Commission will join us Melanie will also introduce the New Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit which would be of interest to many in our Community. *You may also wish to bring a friend? September 13thTanunda Hub –…

Eudunda Community Op Shop Clothing Sale
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Spring & Summer Clothing at the Eudunda Community Op Shop

Volunteers at the Eudunda Community Op Shop have now brought in Spring and Summer Clothing to their Store. We still have some Electrical Goods – all tagged and tested – only while stock lasts!So come and grab a bargain. The Op Shop is open from Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 2pm. Sorry, but purchase is…

Eudunda Community Op Shop Clothing Sale
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The Eudunda Community Op Shop – Not Just A Clothing Store

The Eudunda Community Op Shop are much more than just a Clothing Store. Volunteers have thier “Plastics” (Containers) on sale this week with a $1 and $2 Sale – only while stock lasts! Free Range Eggs and Honey also available Of course a large part of our Op Shop is showing clothing and this week…

CarersSA Australia - Carer Gateway Logo
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Advanced Care Directives and Associated Topics – Eudunda – 5th Oct 2021

In response to many requests around Advanced Care Directives and associated topics;Melanie Robinson from the Legal Services Commission will join us Melanie will also introduce the New Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit which would be of interest to many in our Community. *You may also wish to bring a friend? September 13thTanunda Hub –…

T3 holiday program_Clare
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Clare Valley School Holiday Program Sept 30th & Oct 1st For Exciting Program Of Activity.

WOW! Will this be exciting for kids aged 1 – 15 years old? Including gymnastics, junior parkour (ninja warrior), circus skills, acrobatics, and animal yoga you will want to do it too! An amazing programme, Check it out online

Narcoota Poll Merino Stud 2021 Top Priced Ram At Sale
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Tim Happy With Recent Narcoota Ram Sale Results

Narcoota Poll Merino Stud Sell 37 Rams at thier 2021 Sale. It was a positive sale with healthy competition lifting the average price paid to $1127. The progeny of a sire purchased from the 2019 Baderloo ram sale was a feature of the sale. The top price was $2000 for Lot 8 paid by WM…

Footsteps Newsletter - Aug 2021
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The Latest Footsteps Newsletter Released – Includes Local Trail News

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) provide a newsletter about the Lavender Federation Trail, Lavender Cycling Trail and the many loop and spur trails that they have developed or helped to develop across the state. Naturally we in Southern Goyder love to see positive news of area in the news and this is so…

Carers SA Australia September Meeting at Eudunda Golf Club - Photo Jenny Herriman
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Carers SA Group Enjoy Sept 2021 Meeting

Local Carers met at the Eudunda Golf Club for the September Carers SA Group. The small group had a Coffee and Chat and shared stories about the challenges they face and how they cope with disability. You too can Check Individual Carers Servicesand Support Needs with this friendly group. Next Meeting: Tuesday Oct 5th from 10am to…

Eudunda Community Op Shop Clothing Sale
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$1 Storewide Clothing Sale To Continue At The Eudunda Community Op Shop

After a great week of sales volunteers at the Eudunda Community Op Shop have organised to continue their Store Wide $1 Clothing Sale. You can also find Brand NEW and almost brand new Electrical Goods – Nothing over $25, all tagged and tested,and only while stock lasts!So come and grab a bargain. The Op Shop…

Eudunda Community Op Shop Clothing Sale
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LAST DAY of Storewide Clothing Sale At The Eudunda Community Op Shop

Today 4th Sept 2021 is the last day of the Storewide Clothing Sale At The Eudunda Community Op Shop. We also have heaps of Brand NEW and almost brand new Electrical Goods – Nothing over $25and only while stock lasts!So come and grab a bargain. The Op Shop is open from Wednesday to Saturday, 10am…

Narcoota Poll Merino Ram Sale - 9th Sept 2021 - Flier
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RAM Details & Now Photos Available Online for Narcoota Rams Annual Sale Set For 9th Sept 2021

Although the on property inspection day of Mon Aug 30 has passed, Tim Grosser has advanced his website to include photos of the Rams and thier Fleeces. This will help our buyers to keep browsing and making important decisions for thier own breeding stock. The Grosser family of Eudunda are pleased to offer 47 rams…

In the Walky 100 Car Rally Pits at the Eudunda Oval
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Fantastic Weather For Copyworld Walky 100 Rally At Eudunda Creates Great Results

Organisers Were Very Happy with the Results of the 2021 Copyworld Walky 100 Rally Held At Eudunda on 14th Aug. The Copyworld Walky 100 – car rally is based out of the Eudunda Oval and traverses the Southern Goyder Region. This year there were new sections to challenge the drivers and navigators. Promoted and Organised…

Half Price Sale On All Shoes & Boots This Week at the Eudunda Community Op Shop
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Half Price Sale On All Shoes & Boots This Week At The Eudunda Community Op Shop

This Week – 25th to 28th August 2021,and only while stock lasts!So come and grab a bargain. The Op Shop is open from Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 2pm. Check out our website for more details about the Op Shopand lots more photos and ideas on our Facebook page

Narcoota Poll Merino Ram Sale - 9th Sept 2021 - Flier
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RAM Details for Narcoota Rams Annual Sale Available, With Inspection On 30th Aug 2021

On property inspection day Monday August 30, 10am to 4pm. The Grosser family of Eudunda were pleased to offer 45 rams at their 2021 Ram sale at Narcoota, Eudunda. Additionally there will be an on property inspection day Monday August 30, 10am to 4pm. More information about their rams will be available from the website…

Carers SA Australia logo 2
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Carers SA Group – Eudunda – 7th Sept 2021

Coffee,  Chat, Check  Individual Carers Serviceand Support Needs Be informed, Share a Cuppa, Share your Story,Eudunda Golf Club Tuesday September 7th from 10am to Noon.Registration Essential due to COVIDCall or Text Lee: Carer Connector, Carers SA 0455 445 524

CarersSA Australia - Carer Gateway Logo
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Advanced Care Directives and Associated Topics – Eudunda – 5th Oct 2021

In response to many requests around Advanced Care Directives and associated topics;Melanie Robinson from the Legal Services Commission will join us Melanie will also introduce the New Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit which would be of interest to many in our Community. *You may also wish to bring a friend? September 13thTanunda Hub –…

Dementia Information Session 10th Aug 2021
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Dementia Information Session FREE to Carers on Tuesday August 10th 2021

Dementia Information Session presented by Dementia Australia FREE to CARERS. Be informed, Share a Cuppa, Share your Story,Eudunda Golf Club Tuesday August 10th from 10am to Noon.Registration Essential due to COVIDCall or Text Lee: Carer Connector, Carers SA 0455 445 524

Copyworld Walky 100 - 2021 Aug 14th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds - Poster
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Copyworld Walky 100 Rally Set for This Saturday Aug 14th, Based at Eudunda Oval

Organisers are excited to run this local event next weekend! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region at it’s best rally site will challenge it’s drivers and navigators and ethrall its spectators. PLEASE COMPLY WITH ANY COVID RESTRICTIONS THAT MAY BE INFORCE DURING THIS TIME….

Australian Bureau of Statistics logo
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Don’t Forget To Fill In Your Census Form on Tues 10th Aug 2021

It might surprise some people, but the Census is such an important planning tool for Governments at all levels and businesses too, even local organisations who are ‘switched on to statistics’ can plan membership and facilities in the future if they can get accurate data.