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CarersSA Advanced Care Directives and Associated Topics – Eudunda – 5th Oct 2021

CarersSA Australia - Carer Gateway Logo
CarersSA Australia – Carer Gateway Logo

In response to many requests around Advanced Care Directives and associated topics;
Melanie Robinson from the Legal Services Commission will join us

Melanie will also introduce the New Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit which would be of interest to many in our Community.

*You may also wish to bring a friend?

September 13th
Tanunda Hub –   83 Murray St     @ 10:00 am
Gawler Community House  –  2 Scheibener Terrace   @ 1:00 pm

October 5th
Eudunda Golf Club 
Southern End of Eudunda Oval (Through Pfitzner Gates and keep left of oval) @ 10:00 am
Kapunda Library   51 Main St @ 1:00 pm

October 7th
Gawler Civic Centre
89 Murray St  @ 10:30 am

Be informed,
Share a Cuppa, Share your Story,
Eudunda Golf Club Tuesday September 7th from 10am to Noon.
Registration Essential due to COVID
Call or Text Lee: Carer Connector, Carers SA 0455 445 524

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