Eudunda & Districts Probus Club Learn Of Cambodian Missionary Story By Jacqui Schulz
At the Eudunda & Districts Probus Club meeting in June guest speaker Jacqui Schulz from Riverton gave an illustrated address on a 14 day trip to Cambodia, which she and husband Robert took in July 2015, when they joined a group of volunteers through RAW Imact, a Christian group who went to Cambodia to build schools etc. They noticed that although the people lived in severe poverty, the children were so very happy and thankful for what they had. She said they only saw one elderly person while they were there.
Jacquie metnione that the ruthless, evil dictator, Pol Pot murdered over three million people of the a population of twelve million. He murdered all educated people who th thought posed a threat to him, and although he was tried in court, he escaped punishment.
Photos were shown of the food markets wehre meat and fish were displayed out in the open air, with no refrigeratioins, but plenty of blow flies present.
Because of severe poverty, prostitution is very prevalent and well organised, with some parents being forced into selling a child into prostitution in orger to survive.
Jacquie and Robert chose not to eat any fish caught in the Mekong River, because as hundress of ferries ply the river daily, filled with people, the toilets are of the long drop variety; straight into the river!
On behalf of the Eudunda Probus Club, Vice President Bob Leditschke presented Jacqui with a Probus pen.
Eudunda & Districts Probus Club Inc.
Next Meeting – to be held on the 16th August 2023 at 9:45am.
Southern Saints Clubhouse (Eudunda Club)
Bruce Street, Eudunda
Catering available by Deb at Kooky’s Kafe after the meeting.