Stephanie Schmidt on the farm - Photo by Alysha Sparks
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Stephanie Tells What ‘International Women’s Day’ Means To Her

Stephanie Schmidt leads a busy farm live, hubby, family and still finds time to do some great leadership tasks. Steph starts off,“As I sit down to write this, in the last 24 hours I have worked on getting the BAS completed for the farm business I have with my husband, I have had a strategy…

AGM 2021 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo Robyn Bradbrook
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All Welcome To Eudunda Show AGM 2021 – 24th March 7pm

Eudunda Show AGM24th March 2021Eudunda RSL Rooms – 7:00pmALL WELCOME The Eudunda Show Committee feel confident that 2021 will be kind to the show.The Committee is keen to get going and traditionally the season kicks of with the Show AGM If you think you would like to support the committee, come along and listen and…

Email Alert Warning Sign
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Facebook Scam Alert

Here at Web South, your local computer shop, we try to keep on top of some of the threats around the internet. Earlier today a large number of emails came through with the subject‘ID Verification‘ and in the text ‘Your access has been temporarily disabled for identity check,’ and instructions on how to solve it….

Cyber Threats Include Ag Industries – Be Prepared
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Cyber Threats Include Ag Industries – Be Prepared

Agrifutures Australia has released and interesting article called “Cyber threats in rural industries – are we prepared?” The threat of computer hacking of equipment used by farmers has been around for quite some time. As many areas of farming become mechanized, many are controlled by electronic means, be it a dedicated EPROM or CPU that…

AGM 2021 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo Robyn Bradbrook
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Eudunda Show AGM 2021 – 24th March 7pm at RSL Rooms – All Welcome

Please note time change to 7:00pm The Eudunda Show Committee feel confident that 2021 will be kind to the show.The Committee is keen to get going and traditionally the season kicks of with the Show AGM Eudunda Show AGM24th March 2021Eudunda RSL Rooms – 7:00pmALL WELCOME To put on the show takes a massive amount…

Council Rate Rebate for drought affected primary producers 2021
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Applications Open – Council Rate Rebate for Drought Affected Primary Producers Through PIRSA

APPLICATIONS OPEN NOWYou could be eligible for a rebate of up to 50% on your council rates, if you’re a primary producer in South Australia and receiving Farm Household Allowance.Find out more at PIRSA website#SouthAustralia #LivestockSA

AGM 2021 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo Robyn Bradbrook
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Eudunda Show AGM 2021 – 24th March

Please note time change to 7:00pm The Show Committee truly wanted to give our community an event to be proud of in 2020. As everyone is aware it turned out to not be possible due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and 2020 was cancelled. Our Show was not alone, along with many other events. Australia is…