Rev It Up Racing at the Eudunda Show - Photo by Robyn Bradbrook - Silver Springs Photography
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Eudunda Show is ON – 14th November 2021

The Eudunda show committee met last week, and it is still full steam ahead with planning the show in November albeit with some variations on the norm due to COVID regulations. Unfortunately, this year the price of memberships and gate entry prices will be going up. Family membership has not changed for the last six…

Eudunda Silo Art - Drone View
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ECBAT 2021 AGM – Chair Forecasts Hard Work And A Positive Year Ahead For Eudunda & District

Judy Partington who was unanimously re-elected as ECBAT Chairperson for 2021-22. Richard (Dick) Mosey was welcomed back on to the committee as a Business Member. Judy summarized her Chairperson report as: “In closing I wish to thank you all again for your support in getting some of our projects over the line this year. “We…

Narcoota Poll Merino Ram Sale - 9th Sept 2021 - Flier
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RAM Details & Now Photos Available Online for Narcoota Rams Annual Sale Set For 9th Sept 2021

Although the on property inspection day of Mon Aug 30 has passed, Tim Grosser has advanced his website to include photos of the Rams and thier Fleeces. This will help our buyers to keep browsing and making important decisions for thier own breeding stock. The Grosser family of Eudunda are pleased to offer 47 rams…

Eudunda Business Breakfast June 2021
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Judy Invites All Local Businesses to Join ECBAT To Help Shape Future Of Our Region

The Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee would like to invite you to become a business member – with your backing our committee can continue towards making our town a great place to live, work and play. If you or your business have not been contacted yet – please consider contacting us. I hope you can…

Narcoota Poll Merino Ram Sale - 9th Sept 2021 - Flier
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RAM Details for Narcoota Rams Annual Sale Available, With Inspection On 30th Aug 2021

On property inspection day Monday August 30, 10am to 4pm. The Grosser family of Eudunda were pleased to offer 45 rams at their 2021 Ram sale at Narcoota, Eudunda. Additionally there will be an on property inspection day Monday August 30, 10am to 4pm. More information about their rams will be available from the website…

Eudunda Show Poster 14th Nov 2021
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Eudunda Show 2021 Poster Released

You can always tell when the Eudunda Show is getting closer when you see the new Show Poster. THE SHOW PROGRAMME IS IN FINAL DRAFTIt is packed full of Good Things to Do for the Whole Familyand will soon be sent off for printing to Office National in the Barossa, who are Eudunda Show Platinum…

Cyber Threats Alert Warning Sign
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Computer & Device Security Alert – Please Update Google Chrome

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Alert Service urge anyone who uses Google Chrome EARLIER THAN version 91.0.4472.114 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This verion is the patch to fix the exploits. Notes for this version can be viewed at Chrome Release Note.  This update addresses vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit to take control of…

Eudunda Business Breakfast June 2021
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Successful ECBAT Business Breakfast at Eudunda Highlight Positive Future for Region

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) were delighted with the results of their recent business breakfast, held in the Eudunda RSL rooms. Judy Partington, ECBAT Chairperson introduced our surprise guest speaker as Hannah Willson of Neoen Energy, explaining how she kindly agreed to speak to us at the very last second to replace…

YMNRDA Livestock Forum Jamestown 14th July 2021
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Livestock Forum – Jamestown 14th July 2021

Learn strategies to increase your livestock numbers and maximise reproductiveperformance to increase farm productivity and profitability. Our upcoming Livestock Forums will feature livestock production specialists and vets showcasing expert advice on ways to develop and expand your flock and herd. We also provide valuable resources to help achieve your growth plans. Strategies to increase livestock…

Eudunda Show 2021 Tenders
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Attention: Clubs & Organisations – Time Running Out For Eudunda Show Tenders – Act Now.

The Eudunda Show Committee have been working away quietly already preparing for the 2021 Eudunda Show. One of the early items that the Community can be involved in is to submit a tender to be part of the Eudunda Show and at the same time have the opportunity to raise funds for your club or…

Eudunda Show - Dog Jumping Competition on again this year
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Popular Dog Jumping Competition On Again At The Eudunda Show

The Dog Jumping Competition is one of the manyfeatured items of this year’s Eudunda Show.Entries will be taken on the day.NO ENTRY FEE!Prizes and trophies for the winners. Find out more about this event on the Eudunda Show website

ECBAT AGM Mon 5th July 2021
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ECBAT AGM Set For 5th July 2021

ANNUAL  GENERAL  MEETING Monday 5th July 2021Commencing at 7.00pmSaints Clubhouse, 29 Bruce Street, Eudunda. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?“It’s and exciting time for Eudunda”Silo painting commenced, Caravan Park extensions,Camp Kitchen being built – plus much more!COME BE A PART OF IT! This is a PUBLIC meeting, and ALL residents are invited to…

Eudunda Show 2019 - First Prize Needlework Class 43 17yrs & Under Long Stitch-Cross Stich Winner Ella Milde Photo by Robyn Bradbrook
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Stitching for the Eudunda Show

It may be cold outside but that is no excuse to sit idle inside. Stoke up the fire and begin working on some needlework projects for the Eudunda Show this year. It may seem a long time until November but lets get working while it is cosy inside. 2021 is the International year of Fruit…

Eudunda Show 2021 Tenders
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Attention: Clubs & Organisations – Eudunda Show Tenders Are Available Now.

The Eudunda Show Committee have been working away quietly already preparing for the 2021 Eudunda Show. One of the early items that the Community can be involved in is to submit a tender to be part of the Eudunda Show and at the same time have the opportunity to raise funds for your club or…

Eudunda Show 2021 Tenders
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Your Club Might Benefit – Eudunda Show Tenders Are Available Now.

The Eudunda Show Committee have been working away quietly already preparing for the 2021 Eudunda Show. One of the early items that the Community can be involved in is to submit a tender to be part of the Eudunda Show and at the same time have the opportunity to raise funds for your club or…

Eudunda Show 2021 Tenders
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Eudunda Show Tenders Are Out – Your Club Might Benefit From This Great 2021 Event

The Eudunda Show Committee have been working away quietly already preparing for the 2021 Eudunda Show. One of the early items that the Community can be involved in is to submit a tender to be part of the Eudunda Show and at the same time have the opportunity to raise funds for your club or…

Eudunda Brand Logo
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Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism (ECBAT) Committee Meeting – 7th June 2021

Community Management DOES make a difference.Join us at our regular Committee Meetingsto Find Out More of what is happening in the region 7pm – Saints ClubroomsALL WELCOME – to this public meeting,show you care, come along and join in or just listen. Throughout the year ECBAT are active in supporting or running events, why not…

Red Cross Farm First Aid Training Available - Announced April 2021
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You Can Enjoy Free Training With Red Cross Farm First Aid Training – Express Your Interest

Supporting drought and bushfire affected communities On-farm accidents are a major concern Incidents involve workers and bystanders (including children) and occur in a range of circumstances on a variety of farm and agricultural enterprises. Learn first aid skills to provide support in an emergency. Develop skills and improve farm and rural workplace safety by enrolling…

Red Cross Farm First Aid Training Available - Announced April 2021
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Red Cross Farm First Aid Training Available Free – Expressions of Interest

Supporting drought and bushfire affected communities On-farm accidents are a major concern Incidents involve workers and bystanders (including children) and occur in a range of circumstances on a variety of farm and agricultural enterprises. Learn first aid skills to provide support in an emergency. Develop skills and improve farm and rural workplace safety by enrolling…