Carer Gateway SA - Carer Skills - Social Connections
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CarersSA Celebrate A New Year With A New Day, New Venue – Meeting Next Wed 9th March

Carer Peer Support Meetings have a new Schedule beginningWEDNESDAY March 9th 2022TIME: 9 – 10:30 amWHERE: Eudunda School Community Library Due to Current Covid Restrictions with in the school environment –our proposed First Meeting for WEDNESDAY FEB 9th cannot be held at the Library BUT Lee Wingate Carer Connector,“I am delighted to offer a Shared…

Eudunda Brand Logo
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Southern Goyder – Incredibly Busy The Last Couple Months

Editor: WOW! If you haven’t noticed, the region has been super busy with events and activities in the last couple of months. Sadly for the Newsletter – I have been so busy that I haven’t done a very good job of covering them, having concentrated more on advertising when things were on. I will attempt…

CarersSA Celebrated National Carers Week at Eudunda With a Friendly BBQ
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CarersSA Celebrated National Carers Week at Eudunda With a Friendly BBQ

Residents in the area were in for a special treat last Wednesday 13th October being greeted by CarersSA Australia & Carer Gateway representatives Lee Wingate (Service  Delivery  Facilitator  ‑ Barossa and Light) and Stephen Wales (Community Engagement Consultant). National Carers Week, celebrated from the 10 to 16 October 2021 aims to recognise and celebrate Australia’s 2.65 million carers for the…

National Carers Week at Eudunda 13th Oct 2021
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CarersSA Invite You to Celebrate National Carers Week at Eudunda – 13th Oct 2021

Are you caring for a family member or friend? Come along and find out about free supports for carersFree Sausage Sizzle, Op Shop Vouchers for the first 5 Carers to register! See you at the front of theEudunda Community Op ShopWednesday, October 13thfrom 12pm to 2pm

CarersSA Australia - Carer Gateway Logo
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CarersSA Advanced Care Directives and Associated Topics – Eudunda – 5th Oct 2021

In response to many requests around Advanced Care Directives and associated topics;Melanie Robinson from the Legal Services Commission will join us Melanie will also introduce the New Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit which would be of interest to many in our Community. *You may also wish to bring a friend? September 13thTanunda Hub –…

CarersSA Australia - Carer Gateway Logo
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Advanced Care Directives and Associated Topics – Eudunda – 5th Oct 2021

In response to many requests around Advanced Care Directives and associated topics;Melanie Robinson from the Legal Services Commission will join us Melanie will also introduce the New Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit which would be of interest to many in our Community. *You may also wish to bring a friend? September 13thTanunda Hub –…

Carers SA Australia September Meeting at Eudunda Golf Club - Photo Jenny Herriman
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Carers SA Group Enjoy Sept 2021 Meeting

Local Carers met at the Eudunda Golf Club for the September Carers SA Group. The small group had a Coffee and Chat and shared stories about the challenges they face and how they cope with disability. You too can Check Individual Carers Servicesand Support Needs with this friendly group. Next Meeting: Tuesday Oct 5th from 10am to…

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Carers SA Group – Eudunda – 7th Sept 2021

Coffee,  Chat, Check  Individual Carers Serviceand Support Needs Be informed, Share a Cuppa, Share your Story,Eudunda Golf Club Tuesday September 7th from 10am to Noon.Registration Essential due to COVIDCall or Text Lee: Carer Connector, Carers SA 0455 445 524

CarersSA Australia - Carer Gateway Logo
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Advanced Care Directives and Associated Topics – Eudunda – 5th Oct 2021

In response to many requests around Advanced Care Directives and associated topics;Melanie Robinson from the Legal Services Commission will join us Melanie will also introduce the New Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit which would be of interest to many in our Community. *You may also wish to bring a friend? September 13thTanunda Hub –…

Dementia Information Session 10th Aug 2021
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Dementia Information Session FREE to Carers on Tuesday August 10th 2021

Dementia Information Session presented by Dementia Australia FREE to CARERS. Be informed, Share a Cuppa, Share your Story,Eudunda Golf Club Tuesday August 10th from 10am to Noon.Registration Essential due to COVIDCall or Text Lee: Carer Connector, Carers SA 0455 445 524

Hardi 24 Hour Reliability Trial 2021
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This Weekend to see big motorcycle action with Hardi 24 Hour Trial at Kapunda 10th – 11th July 2021

This year we return to Kapunda – South Australia. With only days to go this year’s Hardi 24hour on the weekend of the 10th & 11th of July 2021 should be a great event. The event starts with the first rider leaving from the Kapunda Trotting Track at t 11:01am and if all went well the first…

Hardi 24 Hour Reliability Trial 2021
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Hardi 24 Hour Trial at Kapunda 10th – 11th July 2021

This year we return to Kapunda – South Australia. The highlight event for may motorcycle followers will be this year’s Hardi 24hour coming up soon on the weekend of the 10th & 11th of July 2021. The event starts with the first rider leaving from the Kapunda Trotting Track at t 11:01am and if all went well the…