Rental Property Required
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Accommodation Required – Young Local Family Wishing To Stay In The Area

A plea from a young Mother. “My family are desperately looking for a rental property in or around Eudunda. “I am in need of a 4 bedroom pet friendly home, I have 5 children and 1 on the way and my current rental has just been sold. I am trying to do what ever I…

Free Suicide Prevention Training - 28th Nov 2022
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Free Suicide Prevention Training – Angaston- 28th Nov 2022

Reducing Suicide In South Australia’s Regional Areas FREE safeTALK/ConnectorSUICIDE PREVENTION TRAINING Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t want to die—they are just struggling to bear the pain of living in the moment. Through their words and actions, they usually send invitations to others for help. safeTALK teaches how to recognise these invitations and equips…

Rental Property Required
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Accommodation Required By Young Local Family So They Can Stay In The Area

A plea from a young Mother. “My family are desperately looking for a rental property in or around Eudunda. “I am in need of a 4 bedroom pet friendly home, I have 5 children and 1 on the way and my current rental has just been sold. I am trying to do what ever I…

NOTICE - Eudunda Garden Toilets Septic Tank Upgrade
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NOTICE – Eudunda Garden Toilets Septic Tank Upgrade

A notice is hereby given that council will soon be commencing works to upgrade the toilets Septic Tank at Eudunda Garden.Works will begin at site on 29th November 2022 with an anticipated completion of 2nd December 2022.Toilets will be closed from the 21st of November 2022 till 2nd December 2022.Alternate location of public toilets.* South…

Carers SA Australia logo 2
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Carers SA Next Meeting – Wed 9th Nov 2022

Join the Carers SA Eudunda Coffee Group WEDNESDAY November 9th 2022TIME: 10:00 am – 11:30amWHERE: Eudunda Community Hub & ShedAll Welcome and an RSVP is appreciated to Lee 0455 445 524 We have a guest speaker from ‘aras’ Carer’s need support too and Carers SA Australia & Carers Gateway is there to support our Carers….

Kings & Associates. plus Axe & The Ivory
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Live Music at The Barn at Wombat Flat With Kristy Cox (Nashville) SOLD OUT – Book for December Show Now!

Don’t be dis-heartenedTickets still available for:Kings and Associates plus Axe & The IvorySaturday 3 December 2022 5:30 PM – 10:30 PM No BYO Food or Drinks Please.Gates open 5:30pm / Show 7:00pm (to 10:30pm) More info, tickets at Don’t Drive Home – Camping $10 ED: Congratulations to Mike & Di of The Barn for…

Eudunda Dog Park Main Entrance
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Eudunda Dog Park Opens


HUGE 5 Dollar Bag SALE starting Wednesday - 28th September 2022
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Eudunda Red Cross – HUGE 5 Dollar Bag SALE Still On – Finishes 11th Oct 2022

The Eudunda Red Cross have a great sale on at present,with a HUGE $5 bag SALE – So ‘COME ON DOWN’ and see the lovely RED CROSS ladies and grab some bargains. Find themat 21 Morgan Road on the Thiele between the Pre-school/Kindy and the Caravan parkPlenty of parking space (even for buses or…

Eudunda Hospital 100 Years Serving The Community
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Come Celebrate The Eudunda Hospital Centenary Next Weekend – Sunday 9th October 2022

Eudunda Hospital Centenary celebrations are planned for Sunday 9th October 2022 in front of the Hospital from 11am to 4pm. The community are warmly encouraged and welcomed to attend this important event in the history of Eudunda Hospital, together with dignataries, senior health staff, Goyder Councillors, Members of Parliament, and past and present staff of…

Eudunda Tennis Club - Welcome & Junior Training Starts 11th Oct 2022
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Eudunda Tennis Club – Welcome & Junior Training Starts 11th Oct 2022

The Eudunda Tennis Club will welcome new and existing players for the new Season on Tuesday 11th October 2022including the Commencement of Junior Training. It will all be happening at the Eudunda Tennis Courtsfrom 3:30pm More information can be provided by contactingMichael Patterson on 0484 763 692 orAnna Roebuck 0427 811 662

HUGE 5 Dollar Bag SALE starting Wednesday - 28th September 2022
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Eudunda Red Cross – HUGE 5 Dollar Bag SALE starting Wed – 28th Sept 2022

Roll up Roll up! We are having a HUGE $5 bag SALE starting Wednesday – 28th SeptemberCOME on down and see the lovely RED CROSS ladies and grab some bargains. Be quick! Sale ends 11th October.

National Carers Week - Caring & Wellbeing Carer Forum - 17th Oct 2022
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National Carers Week – 17th October 2022 – Caring & Wellbeing Carer Forum

Join us for a morning tea,pampering and wellness session,giftbag giveaways and more! 17th October9:30am – 12:30pmBarossa Wellness HubShop 7 / 109 – 111 Murray Street, Tanunda RSVP by 5th OctoberLynn Stewart – 0491 067 617 NOTE: New people to the Hub, it is a bit confusing trying to find the Hub, as you actually enter…

Eudunda Hospital 100 Years Serving The Community
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The Eudunda Hospital Centenary Sunday 9th October 2022

Eudunda Hospital Centenary celebrations are planned for Sunday 9th October 2022 in front of the Hospital from 11am to 4pm. The community are warmly encouraged and welcomed to attend this important event in the history of Eudunda Hospital, together with dignataries, senior health staff, Goyder Councillors, Members of Parliament, and past and present staff of…

Brad Butcher, Special Guest Jodi Martin, Emerging Artist Poppy Moyle-Read - 15th October 2022 - The Barn at Wombat Flat
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Live Music at The Barn at Wombat Flat With Brad Butcher, Special Guest Jodi Martin and Emerging Artists – 15th October 2022

Emerging Artist Poppy Moyle-Read and Gemma Tiller Brad Butcher was the featured artist booked for the Eudunda 150th Celebrations at the Barn in 2020. Unfortunately the event had to cancel due to COVID 19. Here we are almost two years later for the district’s chance to enjoy this amazing award winning artist along with great…

The Barn at Wombat Flat – Lyn Bowtell Plus Special Guest Kelly Brouhala & Emerging Artists Gemma Tiller & Courteney Hooper - Sat 17th Sept 2022
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Live Music at The Barn at Wombat Flat With Lyn Bowtell and special guest Kelly Brouhaha 17th Sept 2022

And Emerging Artists Gemma Tiller & Courteney Hooper Live Music at The Barn at Wombat Flat With Lyn Bowtell and special guest Kelly Brouhaha and Emerging Artists Gemma Tiller & Courteney Hooper17th Sept 2022 Gates open 5:30pm / Show 7:00pm (to 10:30pm) Grab Tickets Online for this great show Don’t Drive Home – Camping $10

Eudunda Logo
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Next ECBAT Meeting Set For Mon 12th Sept 2022

Commencing at 7.00pm, Light Hotel, Dining Room. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?Want to find out what the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) doCOME BE A PART OF OUR MEETING! This is a PUBLIC meeting, and ALL residents & Businesses are invited to attend.Check out the ECBAT Website for more news

Live Music at The Barn at Wombat Flat With Lyn Bowtell and special guest Kelly Brouhaha 17th Sept 2022
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Live Music at The Barn at Wombat Flat With Lyn Bowtell and special guest Kelly Brouhaha 17th Sept 2022

Live Music at The Barn at Wombat Flat With Lyn Bowtell and special guest Kelly Brouhaha 17th Sept 2022 Gates open 5:30pm / Show 7:00pm (to 10:30pm) Grab Tickets Online for this great show Don’t Drive Home – Camping $10

Copyworld Walky 100 - 2022 Results from Eudunda
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Successful Rally Despite Rough Weather For The 2022 Copyworld Walky 100 – Rally Cars At Eudunda

Round 2 of the South Australian Rally Championship, the Copyworld Walky 100 deamed a success despite the wet and windy conditions on Saturday 13th August 2022 causing some sections to be closed. CLICK IMAGE BELOW FOR RESULTS Race Director Jake Alker summed up the event,“The 2022 Copyworld Walky 100 once again brought fierce competition to…

Eudunda Hospital 100 Years Serving The Community
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Lead up to the Eudunda Hospital Centenary

(Next instalment of the history of Eudunda Hospital prior to the Centenary celebrations to be held on the 9th Oct 2022.) Eudunda Hospital was redeveloped to include aged care in the 1990’s, but remained an acute hospital providing emergency services and medical admissions. In 2000, major renovations saw the ‘new look’ hospital with administration and…

Copyworld Walky 100 - 2022 Aug 13th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds
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District Readies For 2022 Copyworld Walky 100 – Rally Car Excitement TODAY – 13th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds

Eudunda can be very proud to be hosting the Copyworld Walky 100, holding the status of Round 2 of the South Australian Rally Championship, and it will all come into action today as crews compete for the win! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region…