Why Such A Short Previous Newsletter On The 4th April 2024 – It Jumped Off Track?
Southern Goyder News Editor, Peter Herriman thought an explanation might help as to why the previous newsletter on the 4th April 2024 had so few articles. Also – why you are getting a full newsletter so soon after that one.
“We use Mailchimp as the newsletter delivery system to deliver formatted emails to those who subscribe, and it has been working well. As well as that there is a WordPress website which feeds the Mailchimp newsletter.
“Mailchimp sets up an automated schedule to publish the items, and normally I switch off the automation after a newsletter is published. Mainly I do this to have some control over the content, letting me manually order the items (I try to make it in chromological order of when the next events will occur – where possible. Doing so also allows me to check the format and spelling (unfortunately my spelling skills have deteriorated in recent years).”
“So basically what happened in the last one was – I forgot to turn it off! The result was it sent what it had found. Sadly this might happen from time to time. I hope people understand, I do this voluntarily and on this occasion I was busy trying to stop someone from getting spammed in a big way. I hope the new – FULL newsletter that this message accompanies is of help to everyone to keep informed about our region” Peter said.
You can help keep the newsletter going – recommend it to your friends and neighours and to make it work best each person or family should subscribe individually.
You Can Subscribe to the Southern Goyder News here (or at the top left of this newsletter).