Lutheran Worship Programme – Apr 2022 – May 2022
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parish
for sending us the latest ‘Worship Program’
The Night Bowlers played their last game of the minor round before finals start this week (tonight). All teams are playing tonight for the first final. The Robbie Rebels are the minor round leaders. The meal voucher was won by Carolyn Doering and the bottle of wine, Maurice Nietschke. What a final! The Ladies first…
Emerging Artist Poppy Moyle-Read and Gemma Tiller Brad Butcher was the featured artist booked for the Eudunda 150th Celebrations at the Barn in 2020. Unfortunately the event had to cancel due to COVID 19. Here we are almost two years later for the district’s chance to enjoy this amazing award winning artist along with great…
The 2023/24 Calendar Photography CompetitionEntries close 12th May 2023 Have you taken photos that capture the essence of living in the Goyder region? Don’t miss out, go through your digital albums and pick out some amazing photos that you have taken to enter into this year’s Calendar Photography Competition. As always the focus of the competition…
The Australian Government Drought Community Support Initiative Round 2 provides financial assistance to farmers, farm workers, contractors and suppliers impacted by the drought. The funding provides a one-off $3000 cash payment to eligible households. Vinnies is assisting to distribute the funds. The Drought Community Support Initiative Round 2 continues to be available through St Vincent de…
An informal group of Kia ‘Stinger’ owners love getting together every month and for a day drive to different towns around the State. They filled the Silo Viewing Car park with lots of colour and buzz. Spokesperson Barry McKenzie was very happy that on the 26th March the group dropped in to Eudunda which is…
After a much longer delay that expected, there seems to be some action at the site of the Eudunda Road House, on the Thiele Highway with the new management declaring that the facility will be opening soon. As the Eudunda Road House is on the main road, the Thiele Highway (which the State of South…