Discover The Facinating Story Of Frederick Dutton Who Was The Founder Of Anlaby
Anlaby Station is just on the Western boundary of our Regional Council of Goyder with land in the Council area. Although claimed mostly by Kapunda these days it has a long history with our area, and us Eudunda Mob like to think it is a shared experiance and it certainly is a ‘Must Do’ destination for a visit to their historic and beautiful station.
Local historian Samuel Doering has been very busy doing research for Anlaby Station owners Andrew Morphett and Peter Hayward on the history of the property and the owners and workers of times gone by.
The fantastic thing about his work is that they have shared that research through a series of blog posts that Samuel has created.
You have an opportunity to delve into the facinating story of Anlaby’s founder Frederick Dutton at the post in the link below