Hay Bale Art - Eudunda Show 2023
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Looking To Have Hay Set Aside For Eudunda Show – Hay Bale Art Competition

Show Theme “Looking Forward – Looking Back” EUDUNDA SHOWThe 125th Annual Eudunda ShowSunday November 12th 2023 See the website for Hay Bale Art page

Don’t jump grain producers’ fences for a canola selfie
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Grain Producers Urge That You Don’t Jump Fences For That Fantastic Canola Photo

Please don’t jump grain producers’ fences for a canola selfie or scene photo.Grain producers SA Reported,“We’ve received reports of this happening and are reminding travellers to take a photo safely…but from the other side of the fence.” BioSecurity is important for all, as a simple action such as going into a crop with bio material…

R U OK Day 2023
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Make Staying Connected And Asking R U OK? Part Of Your Everyday

It might be a couple weeks late for celebrating #RUOKDay, (12th Sept), but start a conversation any day that you feel you can support someone near you. Find Out More on the R U OK? website

Grain Research & Development Corporation (GRDC) - Regional Forum Roadshow 12th Sept 2023
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Grain Research & Development Corporation (GRDC) – FREE Regional Forum Roadshow 12th Sept 2023

The Grain Research & Development Corporation (GRDC) are asking those involved in the industry to have your say on their local projects at their Regional Forum Roadshows around the state, with Eudunda being one of the sessions on 12th September 2023. The Eudunda Roadshow will be at Milde’s Shearing Shed (you will receive the address…

Goyder's Line Agricultural Network - Free Workshop - 12th Sept 2023
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Goyder’s Line Agricultural Network – Free Workshop At Robertstown – 12th Sept 2023

RSVP to Jessie White by 8th September for catering purposes: Jessie.White@sa.gov.au Come and hear all about the newly created Ag group combined with a presentation about eID tagging legislation and the funding subsidies. The group has invited;• Michelle Cousins, Cousins Merino ServicePractical tips for using eID on farm for production benefits• Pene Keynes, Livestock SAOverview…

Eudunda Show 2023 - Looking Forward - Looking Back - Poster
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Eudunda Show 2023 Poster – Please Spread Around As Wide As You Can.

Show Theme “Looking Forward – Looking Back” The Eudunda Show Committee have released the 2023 Eudunda Show Poster. Many thanks to Ruby Schutz for her great work in designing this years poster which features some photos from Eudunda Shows of yesteryear and the top one from last years show, they have reflected our show theme…

Hay Bale Art - Eudunda Show 2023
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Eudunda Show Announce New Scarecrow & Hay Bale Art Competitions In 2023

Show Theme “Looking Forward – Looking Back” See the website for Scarecrow Competition EUDUNDA SHOWThe 125th Annual Eudunda ShowSunday November 12th 2023 See the website for Hay Bale Art page

Eudunda one of 3 finalists for the 2023 Agricultural Town of the Year Award
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STOP PRESS: Eudunda – A Finalist In The South Australian Agricultural Town of the Year 2023 Awards

Exciting News comes from the Regional Council of Goyder (RCOG)!Eudunda is one of the 3 finalists for the 2023 Agricultural Town of the Year Awards!!!! A big ‘Thank You’ to all the community members that were involved, and worked extremely hard, with the submission for the third stage of the awards. Your efforts have helped…

Eudunda Community Consultation
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ECBAT Welcomes All To Community Action Plan Workshop Tonight

Bob Dabrowski, Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism (ECBAT) Chairperson introduces a great initiative for local Businesses, Clubs and Organisations of Eudunda and District on offer from Rural Aid Australia through a “Community Opportunity Workshop” (and now more). Tuesday, Peter and the team met with local clubs who came to give some thoughts as to how…

Call For Goyder Volunters at 2023 Yorke Peninsular Field Days 26-28th Sept
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A Great Way To Attend The Yorke Peninsula Field Days – 26-28th Sept 2023 And Be A Goyder Tourism Ambassador As Well

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The 2023 Yorke Peninsula Field Days will be held on Tuesday 26th – Thursday 28th September 2023 at Paskeville. Marie O’Dea, Tourism & Events Manager for the Regional Council of Goyder,“I am seeking volunteers who are willing to man the Goyder stand and promote the region (morning and afternoon shifts available). “Volunteers will…

SALA in EUDUNDA - Flowering Impressions - Open This Week 4th to 13th August 2023
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Exciting Eudunda SALA Art Exhibition Open All This Week – 10am to 4pm.

EXHIBITION OPEN 4-13 AUGUST 10am – 4pm DAILYTHEME – Flowering Impressions Vote for PEOPLES CHOICE awardJUDGES CATEGORY Awards plus Wheelie Bin Award Winner announced Sun 13th Aug at 2pmSelected artworks will be for sale by local artists This is an All Ages event and opportunityPresented by Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on…

Hands on ‘Hart’ Regional Intern For 2023, Kaidy Morgan
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A Grain Industry Career Opportunity On Offer With Hands On ‘Hart’

Hart Field-Site Group in the state’s Mid North is offering the opportunity for post graduateswith an interest in a career in applied grains research to apply for its 2024 RegionalInternship position. The role provides job-starters with an opportunity to kick-start their career in hands-on,supported research, based in Clare. The internship is being offered by the…

Call For Goyder Volunters at 2023 Yorke Peninsular Field Days 26-28th Sept
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Be A Goyder Tourism Ambassador At The Yorke Peninsula Field Days – 26-28th Sept 2023

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The 2023 Yorke Peninsula Field Days will be held on Tuesday 26th – Thursday 28th September 2023 at Paskeville. Marie O’Dea, Tourism & Events Manager for the Regional Council of Goyder,“I am seeking volunteers who are willing to man the Goyder stand and promote the region (morning and afternoon shifts available). “Volunteers will…

SALA Eudunda Committee 2023
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Successful Eudunda SALA Opening Night Heralds Fantastic Art Exhibition For All This Coming Week.

EXHIBITION OPEN 4-13 AUGUST 10am – 4pm DAILY Congratulations to ‘The Friends of SALA Eudunda 2023 Orgainsing Committee’ for once again this year excelled in putting on another great art event for our district. With the theme of ‘Flowering Impresssions’ artists were give a chance to use many different media forms to match the theme,…

Wheelie Bin Art for SALA 2023
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Have You Painted Your Bin Yet? Eudunda SALA 2023 – Wheelie Bin Prize – Enteries Due 1st Aug.

Are you aware of the “Wheelie Bin Prize” which is part of this year’s Eudunda SALA. Decorate your wheelie bin with the theme “Flowering Impressions”. Fill-in the entry form (below) and display on the street outside your place from the 4th to 13th August. NOTE: Artworks and entry forms to be delivered to one of…

Eudunda Show 2023 - Tenders Poster
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Eudunda Show Tenders Are Open – Your Club Might Benefit From This Great 2023 Event

Show Theme “Looking Forward – Looking Back” The Eudunda Show Committee have been working away quietly already preparing for the 2023 Eudunda Show. One of the early items that the Community or even individuals can be involved in is to submit a tender to be part of the Eudunda Show and at the same time…

Lavender Federation Trail - Foote Creek
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2023 Australian Farm Crime Survey – They Need Your Help Which Will Ultimately Help Farmers.

The first attempt in more than 20 years to build an understanding of rural crime on a national scale was launched in June by University of New England ’s Centre for Rural Criminology. The survey seeks to gain a better understanding of the climbing rate of rural crime from the perspective of farmers and landholders….

Dog & Cat Registrations
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Dog and Cat Registration Renewals – Fees Have Changed And Due By End Of August

Dog and Cat registration renewals are set to kick off shortly, with dog and cat owners to receive their renewals by SMS, post, or email from the 22nd of June 2023. The Regional Council of Goyder wishes to advise that dog registration and dog business fees have changed. The new fees are listed in the…

SALA Eudunda 2023 Poster
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Have You Entered This Community Event Yet? Eudunda SALA 2023 – Many Categories – The Theme ‘Flowering Impressions’, Great Prizes!

LOTS OF CATEGORIES PAINTINGSDRAWINGSPHOTOGRAPHYTEXTILESMOSAICSCULPTURES3D ARTFLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Community and guest voting for prizes $ Peoples choice award & More $ Selected artworks will be for sale by local artists (please note payment will be made to artists 31/08/23) Wheelie Bin Award to…

Eudunda Shortlisted in top 10 of South Australian Agricultural Town of the Year Awards for 2023
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Eudunda Shortlisted In Top 10 Of South Australian Agricultural Town of the Year 2023 List

Public Voting has closed, 49 Towns across SA were nominated, and Eudunda has performed very well, thanks to people voting and has been shortlisted as one of the 10 towns to go into the next stage of judging. A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who voted and now the next step is to work on…