Eudunda Kesab Media announcement from Julie - with Eudunda Brand
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Clean Up Now for Eudunda’s KESAB Sustainable Communities Garden/Property Awards

Time To Put Extra ‘Spring’ Into Your Garden.In the month of Octobergardens in the Eudunda communitywill be nominated Awards in 2021 Please be part of the fun of making your garden/ property the best it can be.We wish to raise community pride, connectivity, and recognise and reward initiative and involvement.Help showcase our town to boost…

Eudunda Community Hub & Shed - General Market Flier 2021
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Just Under 2 Weeks To Go – Hub & Shed Market, Trash & Treasure – Saturday 6th Nov 2021

Note that the Market will be held on:6th Nov in 2021 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Spray Free Fruit & Veg, Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot and Cold Drinks availableAND MORE New Stall Holders Always WelcomeStalls $10 eachBYO…

Robertstown Anniversary Markets Sun 21st Nov 2021 - Poster
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Robertstown Anniversary Market on the 21st November 2021

A wide variety of stalls, including, Plants, jewellery & scarves, clothing, cakes, chocolates, toys and gifts, essential oils, hand-made cards, bottle stall, resin jewellery, wooden articles & gifts, hand-made jewellery, succulents, Enjo, garden art . Food Sausages / steak sandwiches Hot chips Coffee, tea, assorted drinks Strawberries and Ice-cream Come and enjoy a great family…

Roots N Leaves Open Days 16th & 17th Oct 2021
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THIS WEEKEND – Roots ‘N’ Leaves SA – Open Iris Gardens – Sunday 17th Oct 2021

Join Us for our Season Opening10am to 4pm506 Angle Road, Eudunda Follow the signs from Thiele Highway Come wander our iris garden, over 1500 Tall Bearded Irises.Gold Coin Donation in aid of LegacyTea and Coffee, Sausage SizzleCome wander our garden. Also open throughout October. Please phone weekdays to check we are home 08 8581 1498.

Eudunda 150th - Your Invitation to Art Exhibition
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Eudunda 150th News

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, our original celebrations, planned for November 2020, had to be postponed. To prevent a second postponement, we have adapted our plans. Instead of a programme packed with events that could conceivably be cancelled due to an unforeseen lockdown, we are emphasising permanent projects that will leave a lasting legacy in…

Eudunda Show- Horses in Action
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Eudunda Show – 14th Nov 2021 – Show Program & Entry Forms Online, Post Office & Foodland

PLENTY OF COMPETITIONS Agricultural Produce – Grain – Page 49, Feed/Fodder – Page 51 Art/Craft & Hobbies Page 9 Cookery & Preserves – Page 55 – 59 Dog Jumping – Page 28 Merino Ewe Hogget Competition – Page 40 Merino Young Judges Competition – Page 32 Flowers & Plants – Page 60 – 63 Fruit,…

Eudunda Kesab Media announcement from Julie - with Eudunda Brand
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Eudunda’s KESAB Sustainable Communities Garden/Property Awards Judging Soon

Time To Put Extra ‘Spring’ Into Your Garden.In the month of Octobergardens in the Eudunda communitywill be nominated Awards in 2021 Please be part of the fun of making your garden/ property the best it can be.We wish to raise community pride, connectivity, and recognise and reward initiative and involvement.Help showcase our town to boost…

Zack Tremaine Claims SA Reliability Championships Series 2021 Solo - Outright Win - seen here during the Hardi 24 Hour
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Zack Tremaine Claims SA Reliability Championships Series 2021 Solo – Outright Win

Congratulations to Zack Tremaine, originally from Robertstown on taking out the prestigious 2021 Solo – Outright Win in the SA Reliability Championships Series. Zack riding his Yamaha WR 250 worked hard to win the series by a narrow 9 points from the ever competitive Rowan Pumpa. It was also great to see other local lads…

Goyder Tourism Centre Staff Visit the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery
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Goyder Visitor Centre Staff Explore Southern Goyder and Eudunda’s Hidden Treasures

On Friday 17th September, Goyder Visitor Centre staff, along with Griff Campbell, Barb Button and Cr. John Neal (tour guide) conducted a familiarization tour of the southern part of the Council area. This is an important way for staff to increase their local knowledge across the Goyder Region. Locations visited were: Robertstown: Community Centre, Guided…

CarersSA Celebrated National Carers Week at Eudunda With a Friendly BBQ
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CarersSA Celebrated National Carers Week at Eudunda With a Friendly BBQ

Residents in the area were in for a special treat last Wednesday 13th October being greeted by CarersSA Australia & Carer Gateway representatives Lee Wingate (Service  Delivery  Facilitator  ‑ Barossa and Light) and Stephen Wales (Community Engagement Consultant). National Carers Week, celebrated from the 10 to 16 October 2021 aims to recognise and celebrate Australia’s 2.65 million carers for the…

Games in the Library - Eudunda
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Games In The Library On Wednesdays – Update

Join us on Wednesday’s from 3.15pm(2pm in School Holidays)For Fun, Frivolity, Friendship!Tea/coffee – no charge Enquiries: 08 8581 1587 Games:Chess, Backgammon, Mahjong,Canasta, Cards, Sequence,Quirkle, Rummikub, Scrabble, Checkers.

Eudunda Community Hub & Shed - General Market Flier 2021
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Only 3 Weeks To Go – Hub & Shed Market, Trash & Treasure – Saturday 6th Nov 2021

Note that the Market will be held on:6th Nov in 2021 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Spray Free Fruit & Veg, Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot and Cold Drinks availableAND MORE New Stall Holders Always WelcomeStalls $10 eachBYO…

Robertstown Anniversary Markets Sun 21st Nov 2021 - Poster
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Robertstown Anniversary Market – 21st November 2021

A wide variety of stalls, including, Plants, jewellery & scarves, clothing, cakes, chocolates, toys and gifts, essential oils, hand-made cards, bottle stall, resin jewellery, wooden articles & gifts, hand-made jewellery, succulents, Enjo, garden art . Food Sausages / steak sandwiches Hot chips Coffee, tea, assorted drinks Strawberries and Ice-cream Come and enjoy a great family…

Eudunda Christmas Party Committee 2021
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Eudunda Christmas Party News

The Eudunda 2021 Christmas Party!     We’re Back……. So far……..! Come join us for a night filled with family funFriday 3rd of December – 5 pm till 9 pm Location: Bruce Street Eudunda Eudunda, Robertstown, and Point Pass are coming together to bring us one of the best Christmas parties of the season, with plenty…

Child Safe Environments - Community Webinars 8th & 15th Nov 2021 - Banner
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Child Safe Environments – Community Webinars 8th & 15th Nov 2021

Do you provide services and activates to children and young people?When did your committee last review Child Safe information?If so, your organisation has legal obligations to provide child safe and friendly environments. You will find out about: What the Child Safe Environments Program is What the legislation requires of your organisation The resources available to…

YAC Halloween Party Sat 30th Oct - Eudunda Gardens
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YAC Invite You To Thier Halloween Party – Trick or Treat – Eudunda Gardens – Sat 30th Oct 2021

Trick or Treat Halloween Party with the Goyder YAC! Saturday 30th October, 6.00pm,Eudunda Gardens PLUS FREE OUTDOOR CINEMASTARTING AT 8PM For More information got to Check out the Goyder YAC Facebook Page

Roots N Leaves Open Days 16th & 17th Oct 2021
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Roots ‘N’ Leaves SA – Open Iris Gardens – 16-17th Oct 2021

Join Us for our Season Opening10am to 4pm506 Angle Road, Eudunda Follow the signs from Thiele Highway Come wander our iris garden, over 1500 Tall Bearded Irises.Gold Coin Donation in aid of LegacyTea and Coffee, Sausage SizzleCome wander our garden. Also open throughout October. Please phone weekdays to check we are home 08 8581 1498.

Glam Adelaide article on Completed Eudunda Silo Art
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Glam Adelaide Picks Up Story About Eudunda Silo Art

The news of Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee’s (ECBAT) Eudunda Silo Art Project by artist Sam Brooks is getting out there. This article is in the prestigious SA news Glam Adelaide. Read the Article Here You are invited to view the painting. There is plenty of room to park either off Railway Parade, in…

National Carers Week at Eudunda 13th Oct 2021
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CarersSA Invite You to Celebrate National Carers Week at Eudunda – 13th Oct 2021

Are you caring for a family member or friend? Come along and find out about free supports for carersFree Sausage Sizzle, Op Shop Vouchers for the first 5 Carers to register! See you at the front of theEudunda Community Op ShopWednesday, October 13thfrom 12pm to 2pm