Sandy Smith gives presentation at May 2021 Probus Meeting
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35 Years and Sandy Loving Her Job At The Library

A post on the Eudunda & Robertstown Districts School Community Library Facebook page tells a story of great dedication and love for her work as the Community Library Officer. On the 27th Jan 2022, Sandy Smith wrote,“35 years ago today I started working at this wonderful library! Many happy memories and many wonderful customers. “Only…

Eudunda 150 - Time Capsule Nov 2021
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What Would You Write To The Eudunda 150th Time Capsule

We Hope The Community Get Involved, To Tell Our Stories in 50 Years Time. The Eudunda 150th Committee are inviting the Community to contribute to a Time Capsule to be opened in 50 years time. Some of our younger residents will likely be present to open the time capsule and discover the stories and memorabilia…

Email Alert Warning Sign
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Missed Delivery Scams Are Still Active

The “Missed delivery, call or voicemail commonly labeled the (Flubot) scams are still active. Please say on your guard and not get caught by this scam. It is actually easy to get caught. as most of us are expecting deliveries of some sort, and this is especially heightened since the COVID pandemic. The text messages…

Australia Day Breakfast 2022 Poster - BYO Chairs
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Australia Day – Eudunda – Free Breakfast but BYO Chair – 26th Jan 2022

Australia Day Breakfastand Community PresentationsIn the Centenary Gardens – EudundaincludingCitizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, and Community Event of the Yearand Awards for Best presented Properties (Tidy Towns) Free Breakfast from 8:30amPresentations at 9amPLEASE BYO CHAIRSCOVID-Safe Event This event is sponsored by the Regional Council of Goyder and Coordinated by the Eudunda…

australia-day-1576855507skN - Karen Arnold CC0 1.0
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Australia Day Brunch – Robertstown – 26th Jan 2022

See you at the annual Australia Day Celebrations in Robertstown in 2022. We will be celebrating with a BRUNCH commencing at 9.00am at Robertstown Oval. Awards to Citizens of the Year, Event of the Year for 2020 and our Great Gardens Award will be presented. Details sourced from the Monthly Robbie Round Up

Eudunda Community Hub & Shed - General Market Flier 5th Feb 2022
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Hub & Shed Back For 2022 & Next Trash & Treasure – Saturday 5th Feb 2022

Note the Market will be held on:5th February 2022 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue Open again on Tuesdaysfrom 18th Jan 2022 for normal participation.– – – – – Market News There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Spray Free Fruit & Veg, Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg &…

Robertstown 150 Celebrations - Unveiled of 150th Mural by John Neal with Artist Jim Dunstan
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Robertstown Celebrates 150 Years of European Settlement

After months of meeting and intense work by a small committee, the weekend of Robertstown ‘s 150 years of European settlement was celebrated in style. On Saturday, 2 October 2021, past and present residents kept the hall a buzz with reminiscing and renewing acquaintances. The committee had worked tirelessly assembling a wonderful display of memorabilia…

Eudunda 150 - Time Capsule Nov 2021
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Still Time To Write To The Eudunda 150th Time Capsule

We Hope The Community Get Involved, To Tell Our Stories in 50 Years Time. The Eudunda 150th Committee are inviting the Community to contribute to a Time Capsule to be opened in 50 years time. Some of our younger residents will likely be present to open the time capsule and discover the stories and memorabilia…

Eudunda School Community Library - July 2021 School Holiday Times
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Library Public Times – School Holidays Jan 2022

You can still access the Eudunda Library during the school holidays. Sandy has supplied the times it will be open. Note that it is closed from 12noon to 1pm each time it is open. LIBRARY BACK TO NORMAL TIMES FROM 31st JAN 2021 Check out the Library website here

Eudunda Brand Logo
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Southern Goyder – Incredibly Busy The Last Couple Months

Editor: WOW! If you haven’t noticed, the region has been super busy with events and activities in the last couple of months. Sadly for the Newsletter – I have been so busy that I haven’t done a very good job of covering them, having concentrated more on advertising when things were on. I will attempt…

Eudunda Christmas Lights poster 2021
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Last Chance – Register by 12th December for Light Up Christmas 2021 Competition

With the Registration deadline of 12th December you had better get registered quick. Get involved in this Eudunda Christmas Party initiative – ‘Light Up Christmas 2021’ Competition for anyone within the Eudunda, Point Pass, Robertstown and surrounding areas. We want you to decorate your house, business, farm gate, letter box or paddock with anything Christmas…

Eudunda RSL Christmas Luncheon 12th Dec 2021
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Eudunda RSL Christmas Luncheon 12th Dec 2021 (Booking by Friday 10th)

The Eudunda RSL Christmas Luncheon 2021 is on 12th Dec 2021, book by this Friday 10th Dec to gain a seat. Geoff: 0422 930 931Cheryle: 0466 901 719

Fire Season Warning
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Mid North Fire Season Open – 15th Nov 2021 to 30th April 2022

The full season in the Mid North region is the 15th of November 2021 until 30 April 2022 Info on the Fire Danger Season Date can be found on the SA CFS website here Why not review your Bushfire Survival Plan details here

Peep Hill & Neales Flat Lutheran Churches & Communities 2021 Christmas Eve invitation
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You Are Invited To Christmas Eve Service – Neales Flat Lutheran Church 24th Dec 2021

You are invited to celebrate with the Children of  Peep Hill and Neales Flatand Communities on Christmas Eve, at the Neales Flat Lutheran Church,Worship Centre Grounds, Neales Flat,6:00pm.* Please read the COVID-19 Information On the Flier Below

Eudunda Christmas Party poster
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Eudunda Christmas Party – Celebrate at Our Annual Community Event – Fri 3rd Dec 2021

The Eudunda 2021 Christmas Party!     We’re Back……. So far……..! Come join us for a night filled with family funFriday 3rd of December – 5 pm till 9 pm Location: Bruce Street Eudunda Everyone from Eudunda, Robertstown, and Point Pass and surrounding areas will come together to bring us one of the best Christmas parties…

Honorable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia is Opening Eudunda 150th Program and Art Exhibition - 5th Nov 2021
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Her Excellency the Honorable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia to Open Eudunda 150 Programme at Art Opening.

Samuel Doering (Chairperson Eudunda 150th Celebrations) was very pleased to announce that her Excellency the Honorable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia and Mr Rod Bunten will be opening the Eudunda 150 Programme on the Opening Night on the 5th November 2021. Please note we are currently unable to accept any more ticket reservations…

Samuels Selfie invites people to bring artwork in to Eudunda Hall
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Calling All Artists and Creatives – Don’t Forget To Bring Yours on Saturday 30 October 2021

If you’ve got a piece of photography, a painting, a drawing, or a mosaic, which reflect Eudunda in any way, why not enter our exciting Art Exhibition! Come and drop it off at the Eudunda Hall TODAY until 5pm or 30th October. We have had postal entries too – but timing is getting tight.We have…

JAK Invitation 24th Oct 2021
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JAK Golf Day On Today! 24th Oct 2021

This year golfers will have a modified event, ONE DAY ONLY! It will be a COVID Safe event – so there will be some changes to how things are done, so that the Club can keep everyone safe. If you would like to meet up with some of the EX-Eudunda crew who come back especially…

YAC Halloween Party Sat 30th Oct - Eudunda Gardens
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You Are Invited to the YAC Halloween Party – Trick or Treat – Eudunda Gardens – Sat 30th Oct 2021

Trick or Treat Halloween Party with the Goyder YAC! Saturday 30th October, 6.00pm,Eudunda Gardens PLUS FREE OUTDOOR CINEMASTARTING AT 8PM For More information got to Check out the Goyder YAC Facebook Page

Eudunda 150th Special Aggregate Prize
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Eudunda Show – 14th November 2021 – Supporting the Town 150th Celebrations

In 2020 Eudunda would have celebrated its 150 years of European settlement but because of COVID 19 this has been delayed. This year there will be a number of activities to remember this special occasion and some of them are combined with the Eudunda Show. At the show there is a special aggregate prize of…