Eudunda Hospital 100 Years Serving The Community
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Lead up to the Eudunda Hospital Centenary

(Next instalment of the history of Eudunda Hospital prior to the Centenary celebrations to be held on the 9th Oct 2022.) Eudunda Hospital was redeveloped to include aged care in the 1990’s, but remained an acute hospital providing emergency services and medical admissions. In 2000, major renovations saw the ‘new look’ hospital with administration and…

Manoora Hall Market - Sat 1st Oct 2022- Labour Long Weekend poster
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Manoora Hall Market on Sunday Labour Day Long Weekend – 1st October 2022

Make a date for the Manoora Hall Market 9am – 3pmWaymouth Street / Barrier Highway, Manoora.Under cover & outside sites and a wide variety of stallswith a selection of Fresh Bread & Rolls, Hot Food ~ Tea ~ Coffee ~ Cool drinks. For Further Information, Contact: 8848 4330 or 8848 4315 Wheelchair access available at…

Copyworld Walky 100 - 2022 Aug 13th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds
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District Readies For 2022 Copyworld Walky 100 – Rally Car Excitement TODAY – 13th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds

Eudunda can be very proud to be hosting the Copyworld Walky 100, holding the status of Round 2 of the South Australian Rally Championship, and it will all come into action today as crews compete for the win! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region…

Glenn Skuthorpe entertained with song
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Last Days To See Wonderful Artwork at Eudunda SALA – Closes 4pm on 14th August 2022

After a Successful Opening Night at the Eudunda SALA Exhibition last Friday 5th August at the Eudunda Town Hall; the exhibition has been open daily, with a steady flow of visitors coming to enjoy the displays. Everyone attending has been asked to choose thier favourite piece, and vote for the People’s Choice Award which will…

Service to celebrate the life of Emilie Appelt - 14th Aug 2022
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Thanksgiving Service To Celebrate The Life Of Emilie Appelt (1852-1922) – This Sunday 14th Aug 2022

You are invited to celebrate the life of Emilie Appelt (1852-1922) at a special thanksgiving service led by SA-NT Bishop David Altus (a descendent of Emilie) and held at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Eudunda, on 14 August 2022 at 10am. The service will occur 100 years after Emilie’s death, and will celebrate her extraordinary life…

4 - 20th August 2022 - Kevin Bennett & The Flood
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The Barn at Wombat Flat – Kevin Bennett & The Flood Plus The Yearlings Sat 20th Aug 2022

Kevin Bennett, well-respected indigenous Singer/Songwriter with Sydney  Country/Blues/Roots band The Flood. 20th August 2022 – Gates Open from 5:30 pmMusic starts 7 pm More information about this event on website: Kevin Bennett and the Flood | The Barn @ Wombat Flat The Barn at Wombat Flat is a NO BYO FOOD or DRINK event please! We will…

Eudunda Basketball Club - Calling for Registrations 2022
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Eudunda Basketball Club – 2022 Season – Calling for Registrations before 28th Aug 2022

The Eudunda Basketball Season is here – 17th October 2022 The club is calling all players, coaches and umpires to contact the committee members listed below before 28th August to show intersest in playing! Registrations and payments will be done online with a link to be advised. President: Stacey Schutz 0 0458 581 114Vice president;…

Eudunda Community Hub & Shed - General Market Flier 3rd September 2022
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The Hub & Shed ‘Trash & Treasure Produce Market’ Next On Saturday 3rd September 2022

The Remaining Markets for 2022 will be held on:3rd September 2022, 5th November 2022 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue– – – – – Market News There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Spray Free Fruit & Veg, Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot and Cold Drinks…

Eudunda Hospital - Staff in garden (1985)
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The Eighties and Nineties at Eudunda Hospital

(Next instalment of the history of Eudunda Hospital prior to the Centenary celebrations to be held on the 9th Oct 2022.) In 1980, the covered walkway between the Hospital and Hostel was completed. During 1980, 2,534 meals were supplied by the Hospital for Meals on Wheels. Erna Handke and Yvonne Schulz were thanked for their…

Terowies Curious Art Accident 10 & 11th Sept 2022
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Terowie’s Curious Art Accident on 10th & 11th September 2022

Terowie’s Annual Art Competition and Exhibition is on September 10th and 11th September 2022. For those wishing to enter you will find classes for Junior 10 and under, juniors 11-17 years and Adults with Art, Crafts, Photography, Structure/Yard Art, Needlework & Quilting (see the poster for details). Enquiries and Entry Forms contact Susie Adams 0407…

FREE film screening EUPHORIA theatre production in Robertstown 11th Aug 2022
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This Thursday – ‘Must See’ Free Screening Of Stage Play ‘Euphoria’ – At Robertstown – 11th Aug 2022

A Country Town. A Festival. A local tragedy and a town that doesn’t talk. This tale of good days, bad days and everything in between catapults us right into the heart of this little town where everyone knows everyone, and where Ethan is hit by his past as Meg struggles with the present. As the…

Eudunda Christmas Party Stall Holders Wanted for 9th Dec 2022
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Eudunda Christmas Party Seeking Stall Holders

This year our Christmas street party will be held on December 9th , we are looking for expressions of interest from stall holders Please contact us at You can join thier Facebook Group here This committee is actually a sub-committee of the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Association (ECBAT). Original Article on the ECBAT website

SALA in Eudunda - Birds of a Feather Flock Together - Opening Fri 5th Aug 2022
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Grand Opening Night For Eudunda SALA – August 5th 2022

Eudunda Exhibition Opening NightFriday 5th August @ Eudunda Town Hall A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS WILL CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More Display zones across Goyder including exhibition spaces in Eudunda and Terowie. Further info – Margaret on 0458 900 655 or visit Country Fabrics in the Main Street…

Carers SA Australia logo 2
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Carers SA – Wed 10th August 2022 – 9:30am Start for Guest Speaker on Energy Concessions + Savings

Join the Carers SA Eudunda Group WEDNESDAY August 10th 2022TIME: 9:30 am – 11:30amWHERE: Eudunda Community Hub & ShedRSVP Lee 0455 445 524 Guest Speaker: from United CommunitiesTo Speak on Energy Concessions + Ways to manage Power Bills,Energy Assessments and many other FREE ServicesCLICK TO DOWNLOAD PDF BROCHURE OF SERVICES! Carer’s need support too and…

FREE film screening EUPHORIA theatre production in Robertstown 11th Aug 2022
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Euphoria – Free Screening Of Stage Play At Robertstown – 11th Aug 2022

A Country Town. A Festival. A local tragedy and a town that doesn’t talk. This tale of good days, bad days and everything in between catapults us right into the heart of this little town where everyone knows everyone, and where Ethan is hit by his past as Meg struggles with the present. As the…

Copyworld Walky 100 - 2022 Aug 13th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds
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2022 Copyworld Walky 100 – Rally Car Excitement Aug 13th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds

This local event is Round 2 of the South Australian Rally Championship, and it will bring exciting action to the area on the 13th August! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region at it’s best rally site will challenge it’s drivers and navigators and ethrall…

Service to celebrate the life of Emilie Appelt - 14th Aug 2022
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Thanksgiving Service To Celebrate The Life Of Emilie Appelt (1852-1922) – 14th Aug 2022

You are invited to celebrate the life of Emilie Appelt (1852-1922) at a special thanksgiving service led by SA-NT Bishop David Altus (a descendent of Emilie) and held at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Eudunda, on 14 August 2022 at 10am. The service will occur 100 years after Emilie’s death, and will celebrate her extraordinary life…

Eudunda Hospital 1963
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Eudunda Hospital – The Quiet Sixties and Seventies Outreach and Expansion

(Next instalment of the history of Eudunda Hospital prior to the Centenary celebrations to be held on the 9th Oct 2022.) The sixties were the quiet years with the work of caring for the sick and needy provided with dedicated care by doctors and nursing staff. Mr. Eddie Handke was chairman of the Board and…