SALA Eudunda 2023 Poster
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Have You Entered This Community Event Yet? Eudunda SALA 2023 – Many Categories – The Theme ‘Flowering Impressions’, Great Prizes!

LOTS OF CATEGORIES PAINTINGSDRAWINGSPHOTOGRAPHYTEXTILESMOSAICSCULPTURES3D ARTFLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Community and guest voting for prizes $ Peoples choice award & More $ Selected artworks will be for sale by local artists (please note payment will be made to artists 31/08/23) Wheelie Bin Award to…

SALA Eudunda 2023 Poster
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Enter Now For Eudunda SALA 2023 – Many Categories With The Theme ‘Flowering Impressions’, Great Prizes!

LOTS OF CATEGORIES PAINTINGSDRAWINGSPHOTOGRAPHYTEXTILESMOSAICSCULPTURES3D ARTFLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Community and guest voting for prizes $ Peoples choice award & More $ Selected artworks will be for sale by local artists (please note payment will be made to artists 31/08/23) Wheelie Bin Award to…

Copyworld Walky 100 Rally 2023 - 12th August
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2023 Copyworld Walky 100 – Car Rally On Aug 12th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds

Put this exciting local event in your diary for the 12th August! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region at it’s best rally site will challenge it’s drivers and navigators and enthrall its spectators. The best place to start getting a feel for the action…

Council 2023-24 Calendar Available Now “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens”
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Pick Up Your 2023-2024 Council Calendar Now “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens”

Congratulations to all the winners of the Council’s annual community photography competition “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” whose stunning images have been showcased in this year’s calendar. Copies of The Regional Council of Goyder’s 2023/24 financial year calendar are now available from the Burra and Eudunda Council offices and local town agencies. If you…

Eudunda Market - Community Hub & Shed 2nd September 2023
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Eudunda Market – Free Entry- New Venue – Community Hub & Shed – 2nd Sept 2023

Come along to the Market2nd September 2023New Venue – Eudunda Centenary GardensCOME AND GRAB A BARGAIN! Coordinated by the Eudunda Community Hub & ShedNew Venue – Eudunda Centenary Gardens8:30am to 12:30pm– – – – – Market News Bric-A-Brac, Food, Crafts, PlantsAND MORE New Stall Holders Always WelcomeEnquiries: Julie 0427 749 729

Copper & Stone Music Fest - Burra 16th Sept 2023
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Southern Goyder – FREE BUS To Copper & Stone Music Fest Burra – 16th Sept 2023

Regional Council of Goyder & Revive the Regions With Music 16th September 2023Paxton Square, Burra SA Join us for an incredible afternoon and evening of live music at the Copper & Stone Music Fest. Featuring The Black Sorrows and Mahalia Barnes, plus Melanie Dyer and last years crowd favourites Germein, plus many great local acts,…

Eudunda Boat & Jetski Licence - Preschool Fundraiser - Fri Sept 1st 2023
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Eudunda Boat & Jetski Licence A Fundraiser For Eudunda Community Preschool Centre – Fri Sept 1, 2023

Join the fun on the water! Get qualified for your boat licence locally in 3 fun, simple hours! Course running Friday 1st September 5:00pm to 8pm at the Sporting Clubrooms, Eudunda. This is a fundraiser course for the Eudunda Community Preschool centre. Bookings essential; book online or over the phone with our friendly office team…

Storyboard signage being installed at the Eudunda Silo Art
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The Final Chapter Of Eudunda Silo Art Project In Place With Storyboard Signage Installed.

“The Storytime Silos” The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT) are excited to report that the final piece of work for the Eudunda Silo Art Project has been installed. Silo Artist Sam Brooks did an amazing job of painting the Eudunda Silos, and at the time he developed the artwork he told us the…

Ministry of Laughs - Friday 14th July 2023 Eudunda Town Hall
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Ministry of Laughs – Comedy Roadshow – Friday 14th July 2023 Eudunda Town Hall

Ministry of Laughs has rounded up some of the finest and funniest comedians from Australian comedy clubs, stages and Festivals to bring you an unbeatable night of comedy. A big serve of brilliant night of stand-up comedy, showcasing the best in local and national comedy talents coming to Eudunda’s Town Hall for ONE SHOW ONLY….

Eudunda Show Thank New Horses In Action Team
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Eudunda Show Thank New Volunteers For Forming New Horses In Action Team

The Eudunda Show Committee are excited to confirm that Horses in Action (HIA) will be going ahead this year! Eudunda Show Secretary, Melinda Schutz said,“We have an excited and passionate group of people who are already busy planning this year’s Horses In Action Section. “Thank you to our fantastic new volunteers that have jumped on…

Eudunda School Community Library - July 2023 School Holidays
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Library Public Times – July School Holidays 2023

You can still access the Eudunda Library during the school holidays. Sandy has supplied the times it will be open. Note that it is closed from 12noon to 1pm each time it is open. LIBRARY BACK TO NORMAL TIMES FROM 24th JULY 2023 Check out the Library website here

SALA in EUDUNDA - Flowering Impressions - Opening Friday 4th August 2023 - Poster
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Enter Now For Eudunda SALA 2023 – Theme – ‘Flowering Impressions’ – Opening Night 4th August 2023

EXHIBITION OPEN 4-13 AUGUST 10AM – 4PM DAILY THEME – Flowering ImpressionsOPEnING NIGHT FRIDAY 4 AUG 2023FREE ENTRY iNCLUDING tEA, COFFEE & BISCUITS Eudunda District Hall – 30 Bruce Street, EudundaOPENING BY DEB KOODRIN (Eudunda Citizen of the Year)& St Johns School Choir Vote for PEOPLES CHOICE award plus a progressive raffle on Opening Night.JUDGES…

Copyworld Walky 100 Rally 2023 - 12th August
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Copyworld Walky 100 – Car Rally 2023 Set For Aug 12th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds

Put this exciting local event in your diary for the 12th August! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region at it’s best rally site will challenge it’s drivers and navigators and enthrall its spectators. The best place to start getting a feel for the action…

SALA Eudunda 2023 Poster
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Enter Now For Eudunda SALA 2023 Our Theme Is ‘Flowering Impressions’ – Opening Night 4th August 2023

Flowering ImpressionsOPEnING NIGHT FRIDAY 4 AUG 2023 Paintings, drawings, photography, textiles, mosaic, sculptures and 3D artEven Floral Arrangements Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Community and guest voting for prizes $ Peoples choice award & More $ Selected artworks will be for sale by local artists (please…

Terowies Curious Art Accident 2023 - Poster
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Terowie’s Curious Art Accident – Opening Night Sept 8th – Entries Due By 31st Aug 2023

As Southern Goyder prepares for their SALA Festival Event in August, local Artists may wish to participate in Terowie’s Curious Art Accident Event. With Entries due by Thursday 31st August 2023, it is time to get cracking on your entries. with over $1,300 in prizes to be won, check out these Categories. Not an artist,…

Copper & Stone Music Fest - Burra 16th Sept 2023
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Call For Volunteers To Help At Copper & Stone Music Fest Burra – 16th Sept 2023

Regional Council of Goyder & Revive the Regions With Music Volunteers Needed! Are you interested in volunteering? We have a number of Volunteer roles, no experience necessary, just a great, fun attitude is all that is required! Roles include: All volunteers receive Free Entry to the festival. 16th Sept 2023Click here to ‘Buy Tickets’Paxton Square,…

Manoora Hall Markets 11th June 2023 - poster
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Manoora Hall Markets on This Sunday 11th June 2023

Make a date for the Manoora Hall Market 9am – 3pm60 Waymouth Street / Barrier Highway, Manoora.Under cover & outside sites and a wide variety of stallswith a selection of Fresh Bread & Rolls, Hot Food ~ Tea ~ Coffee & Cakes ~ Cool drinks. For Further Information, Contact: 8848 4330 or 8848 4315 Wheelchair…

Eudunda Boat & Jetski Licence - Preschool Fundraiser - Fri Sept 1st 2023
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Eudunda Boat & Jetski Licence – Fundraiser For Eudunda Community Preschool Centre – Fri Sept 1, 2023

Join the fun on the water! Get qualified for your boat licence locally in 3 fun, simple hours! Course running Friday 1st September 5:00pm to 8pm at the Sporting Clubrooms, Eudunda. This is a fundraiser course for the Eudunda Community Preschool centre. Bookings essential; book online or over the phone with our friendly office team…