ECBAT New Secretary - Skye Harwood
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ECBAT Welcomes Skye as New Secretary

The Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee (ECBAT) are proud to introduce Skye Harwood, who has kindly put her hand up to volunteer to be the ECBAT Secretary this year. Skye introduced herself,“Being a recent transplant to Eudunda, you can often see me walking my two Samoyd’s around the town.” “I have a passion for…

Brooke Madill explains The Goyder Goodness
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Successful ECBAT AGM 2020

The Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee held a successful Annual General Meeting on the 3rd August 2020 at the Saints Clubhouse in Eudunda. ECBAT’s was one of the early community meetings, getting going after COVID had prevented so many meetings and activities, so it was great to see a good roll up of visitors…

RCOG Councilors meet to discuss Hampden Bridge
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Council Meets to Discuss Hampden Bridge

At the end of September Regional Council of Goyder Councilors and key staff including David Stephenson (CEO) met to do an onsite inspection of what they could do to solve the problem of Hampden Bridge not being up to standard for larger heavy vehicles. The bridge located on the edge of the Hampden Township was…

Thank SA Farmers
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Lets Thank our Farmers and Fishers!

The Regional Council of Goyder website news is always worth checking out. At the moment is a post about PIRSA running a competition they are running You could win a $250 gift credit towards a regional South Australian holiday accommodation provider of your preference. Enter by sharing your photo or video on Instagram using the hashtag…

Have your say – Draft Pastoral Lands Bill 2020
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Have your say – Draft Pastoral Lands Bill 2020

If you have any dealings with the Pastoral Lands you may wish to know about the proposed Parliamentary bill. Did you know that Pastoral leasehold land in South Australia covers over 40% the state, and that the pastoral rangelands contributes to SA’s economy and pastoral industry, is important for Aboriginal culture and ecological biodiversity and…

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September 2020 Renewable Projects Update

Mel Zerner has been voluntarily working with the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee, interfacing between the Energy Providers, Council and Local Businesses (from Burra, Robertstown and Eudunda) to provide as many local services as possible. Read about the current projects happening or proposed in our area: ROBERTSTOWN POWER SUBSTATION UPGRADE SOLAR RIVER PROJECT ROBERTSTOWN…

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COVID Safe – Council Resources to Help Get Events Going Again

As the community gears up for summer sport and recreational activities, there are measures that your Organisation/club will need to put in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in the community. Many of you will already be aware of these measures but for those gearing up for the summer season please note the…

Group of Lavender Cycling Trail (M2C) riders stop to admire view on scenic road - photo Helen Dominish
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Lavender Cycling Trail (M2C) Brings New Tourists To Area

Helen Dominish one of the creators of the Lavender Cycling Trail (M2C) which is a cycling trail going from Clare to Murray Bridge says, “It’s getting quite busy on the M2C Lavender Cycling Trail at the moment. “Last Sunday 14 cyclists visited Eudunda from Adelaide to ride along the Lavender Cycling Trail to Inspiration Point,…