SALA Eudunda - Galah Flyer Eudunda August 2022
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Eudunda Galahs Will Take Off In August 2022 For SALA Event

The Regional Council of Goyder invites Artists (Individuals), community groups, farmers and school children to create art works for inclusion in an Art Trail as part of SALA (South Australian Living Artists) A FOCUS ON LOCAL BIRDS TO CREATEAN EXCITING VARIETY OF ARTWORKS Price Money for People’s Choice and More Display zones will be negotiated…

Miss Southern Saints - Footballers Flaunt Their Feminine Side - 28th June 2022
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Miss Southern Saints – Footballers Flaunt Their Feminine Side – 28th June 2022

The Eudunda Robertstown Netball Club invite you to thier ‘Miss Southern Saints’ event where local Footballers will flaunt their ‘Feminine Side’ to compete for the title of ‘Miss Southern Saints’. Come along for some great cocktails with a view, this Saturday – 28th June 2022,at the Eudunda Clubrooms. Round 4 Match Reports for the 21st…

Farrell Flat Whole Town Garage Sale & Sustainability Market 29th May 2022
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Farrell Flat Whole Town Garage Sale & Sustainability Market 29th May 2022

May 29, 9am-2pm.Town maps available from the town hall,Market will be held in the main street and hall.We hope to see you there!More info 0438 876 443 Image and info from “What’s Happening in Goyder” Newsletter

Copyworld Walky 100 - 2022 Aug 13th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds - poster
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Copyworld Walky 100 – Car Rally 2022 Aug 13th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds

Put this exciting local event, Round 2 of the South Australian Rally Championship in your diary for the 13th August! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region at it’s best rally site will challenge it’s drivers and navigators and ethrall its spectators. The best place…

Eudunda Hospital Celebrating 100 Years - 9th Oct 2022 - A3 Poster
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Eudunda Hospital To Celebrate 100 Years Of Serving The Community With Open Day On 9th Oct 2022

Eudunda HospitalCelebrating 100 YearsOpen Day – 9th Oct 202211am to 4pmALL WELCOME Eudunda Hospital Centenary celebrations are planned for Sunday 9th October 2022 in front of the Hospital at 11am to 4pm. The community are warmly encouraged and welcomed to attend this important event in the history of Eudunda and district, together with dignitaries, being…

Bingo At the Top Pub - 2022
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After Excellent First Night – BINGO AGAIN TONIGHT – Wednesday’s At The Top Pub

WEEKLY – WednesdaysPrizes to be Won – Supporting the Bowling ClubFood available from 5:30pm and ‘Eyes Down” @ 7:30pm BOOKINGS REQUIREDl Please phone 8581 1002 Jasen & Karen are happy to report a great night had by all on their inaugural Bingo Night last week. With 39 people attended the first night, there was plenty…

Eudunda Community Op Shop - 2022 Easter Raffle - 1st Prize
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Chochoholics Flock to the Eudunda Community Op Shop Easter Raffle For Chance To Win

CALLING ALL CHOCOHOLICS!!TICKETS FOR OUR EASTER RAFFLE GO ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY, 30th MARCH.$1 per ticket gives you the chance to win 1 of 4 beautiful, delicious baskets of chocolate goodies. Prizes will be drawn 11am, Thursday, 14th April. Check out our website for more details about the Op Shopand lots more photos and ideas…

PIRSA Warn That Japanese Encephalitis May Be In This Area
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PIRSA Warning – Japanese Encephalitis May Be In Our Region – Action Needed

PIRSA Media Release More cases of Japanese encephalitis in SA piggeriesWednesday 30 March 2022 There have been two more detections of Japanese encephalitis (JE) in South Australian commercial piggeries. This brings the total number of cases in South Australia to six. The latest detections are in the local government areas of Clare and Gilbert Valleys…

Manoora Easter Market 18th April 2022 - poster
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Manoora Hall Easter Monday Market – 18th April 2022

Make a date on Easter Monday for the Manoora Hall Market 9am – 3pmWaymouth Street / Barrier Highway, Manoora.Under cover & outside sites and a wide variety of stalls with a selection of Fresh Bread & Rolls, Hot Food ~ Tea ~ Coffee ~ Cool drinks. For Further Information, Contact: 8848 4330 or 8848 4315…

You are a Carer - Eudunda Community Hub & Shed Wed 13th April 2022
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Carers SA Next Meeting – Eudunda Community Hub & Shed – Wed 13th April 2022

Carer Peer Support Meetings have a new spot to meet in AprilWEDNESDAY April 13th 2022TIME: 10:00 amWHERE: Eudunda Community Hub & ShedRSVP Lee 0455 445 524 Carer’s need support too and Carers SA Australia & Carers Gateway is there to support our Carers. Are you caring for a family member or friend? Want to find…

Bingo At the Top Pub Starting 30th March 2022
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BINGO – Wednesday’s At The Top Pub – Starting This Wed 30th March

Weekly Starting from 30th March 2022 WEEKLY – Starting from 30th March 2022Prizes to be Won – Supporting the Bowling ClubFood available from 5;30pm and ‘Eyes Down” @ 7:30pm BOOKINGS REQUIREDl Please phone 8581 1002 Eudunda Hotel Motel website

Hiking Expo 3 April 2022 - logo with website and supporters
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The March Footsteps & Pedals Newsletter Released – Includes 3rd April – Hiking Expo & Local Trail News

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) provide a quarterly newsletter about the Lavender Federation Trail, Lavender Cycling Trail and the many loop and spur trails that they have developed or helped to develop across the state. This edition is the first to be renamed from “Footsteps” to “Footsteps & Pedals” in recognition that SARTI…

Barossa Valley Machinery Preservation Society - Vintage Running Day 3rd April 2022
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Vintage Machinery Running Day – Sunday 3rd April Angaston

Our district loves old machinery, and watching them run and talking to the enthusiastic owners is an extra thrill. Barossa Valley Machinery Preservation SocietyVintage Machinery Running DaySunday 3rd Aprilat the Angaston Railway Station Precinct Machinery Shed. Come see running vintage engines, motorbikes, tractors, trucks, cars and old memorabiliaMany items local to the Barossa Valley. Entrance…

Truro and Districts Raceway (TDR) Logo
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Truro and Districts Raceway Season Starts With Practice on Sunday 10th April

Truro and Districts Raceway President Kym Huxtable says,“Race season is almost here!! As usual, we will start our race season with a practice day on Sunday 10th April. ” The gates will open at about 9am. There is no site entry fee on practice day.All Welcome to come and see what TDR is all about…

Japanese Encephalitis banner
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Japanese Encephalitis Mosquito virus Identified in SA Pigs and Horses

ALERT: Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus has been identified in samples from commercial piggeries in South Australia. JE is a nationally notifiable disease. PIRSA has established an incident management team with staff on the ground to conduct surveillance activities and to provide information and advice to primary producers. Minimise your exposure to mosquitos as people can…

Happy Valentine Day - Larisa Koshkina - Free Download publicdomainpicures-net
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Happy Valentine’s Day To All – 14th February 2022

ECBAT would like to wish Everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day It’s most likely too late to buy presents (as this newsletter is only coming out on Valentine’s Day, although you may be able to go out for a meal, or order some for pickup to take home to celebrate, we have some great choices here…

No Man's Land Comedy Concert 25th Feb Eudunda Hall - Poster
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Book Now! ‘No Man’s Land’ Comedy Show – Eudunda – 25th Feb 2022

The ladies of the 2021 Raw Comedy State Final will appear for one night only at the Eudunda Town Hall. With tickets at $10 the show is likely to sell out fast! So Book Now with Sarah on 0434 034 993 Some tickets also available at the door

Copper & Stone Music Festival 2022 - Burra - 5th Feb - Poster
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Copper & Stone Music Fest Burra

Revive the Regions With Music 5th Feb 2022 11:00 am – 9:00 pmClick here to ‘Buy Tickets’Paxton Square, Burra SAAdult: $95.04, Child: $54.14 Under 16, Free Under 12 Featuring an all-star female line-up with not one but 10 powerhouse artists including Australian icons, Kate Ceberano & Wendy Matthews, plus Mahalia Barnes, Hussy Hicks, Germein, Jo Page, Tilly Tjala Thomas and local sensations Rosie Roberts, Caitlin Drew and Charlotte & Georga! Note…