Copper & Stone Music Fest - Burra 16th Sept 2023
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Southern Goyder – FREE BUS To Copper & Stone Music Fest Burra – 16th Sept 2023

Regional Council of Goyder & Revive the Regions With Music 16th September 2023Paxton Square, Burra SA Join us for an incredible afternoon and evening of live music at the Copper & Stone Music Fest. Featuring The Black Sorrows and Mahalia Barnes, plus Melanie Dyer and last years crowd favourites Germein, plus many great local acts,…

Eudunda Boat & Jetski Licence - Preschool Fundraiser - Fri Sept 1st 2023
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Eudunda Boat & Jetski Licence A Fundraiser For Eudunda Community Preschool Centre – Fri Sept 1, 2023

Join the fun on the water! Get qualified for your boat licence locally in 3 fun, simple hours! Course running Friday 1st September 5:00pm to 8pm at the Sporting Clubrooms, Eudunda. This is a fundraiser course for the Eudunda Community Preschool centre. Bookings essential; book online or over the phone with our friendly office team…

Vote For Our Town - EUDUNDA in SA Agricultural Town of the Year 2023
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Last Day To Vote For Eudunda As Agricultural Town of the Year 2023

Eudunda has been nominated for the initial stage of the Agricultural Town of the Year 2023. The Agricultural Town of the Year Award recognises South Australian towns that are excelling in agricultural practices and the flow on effect they have on communities. This award is proudly presented by the Government of South Australia and Solstice…

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ECBAT AGM & Committee Meeting 3rd July 2023

ANNUAL  GENERAL  MEETING Monday 3rd July 2023Commencing at 7.00pmEudunda RSL Rooms, 2 Railway Parade, Eudunda. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?“It’s and exciting time for Eudunda”COME BE A PART OF IT! This is a PUBLIC meeting, and ALL residents are invited to attend. More information soon.

Nunga Screen 2023 - Burra Town Hall - 9th July 2023
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Nunga Screen 2023 Showing At Burra 9th July 2023

To be held a the Burra Town Hall on Sunday 9th July 2023, starting at 1:30pm. Nunga Screen shares and celebrates First Nations culture, stories and language through film. A FREE annual event that spans National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week, and which tours across regional SA from big screen cinemas to remote communities, Nunga…

Ministry of Laughs - Friday 14th July 2023 Eudunda Town Hall
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Ministry of Laughs – Comedy Roadshow – Friday 14th July 2023 Eudunda Town Hall

Ministry of Laughs has rounded up some of the finest and funniest comedians from Australian comedy clubs, stages and Festivals to bring you an unbeatable night of comedy. A big serve of brilliant night of stand-up comedy, showcasing the best in local and national comedy talents coming to Eudunda’s Town Hall for ONE SHOW ONLY….

Eudunda Show Thank New Horses In Action Team
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Eudunda Show Thank New Volunteers For Forming New Horses In Action Team

The Eudunda Show Committee are excited to confirm that Horses in Action (HIA) will be going ahead this year! Eudunda Show Secretary, Melinda Schutz said,“We have an excited and passionate group of people who are already busy planning this year’s Horses In Action Section. “Thank you to our fantastic new volunteers that have jumped on…

SALA in EUDUNDA - Flowering Impressions - Opening Friday 4th August 2023 - Poster
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Enter Now For Eudunda SALA 2023 – Theme – ‘Flowering Impressions’ – Opening Night 4th August 2023

EXHIBITION OPEN 4-13 AUGUST 10AM – 4PM DAILY THEME – Flowering ImpressionsOPEnING NIGHT FRIDAY 4 AUG 2023FREE ENTRY iNCLUDING tEA, COFFEE & BISCUITS Eudunda District Hall – 30 Bruce Street, EudundaOPENING BY DEB KOODRIN (Eudunda Citizen of the Year)& St Johns School Choir Vote for PEOPLES CHOICE award plus a progressive raffle on Opening Night.JUDGES…

Vote For Our Town - EUDUNDA in SA Agricultural Town of the Year 2023
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Eudunda has been nominated for the initial stage of the Agricultural Town of the Year 2023. The Agricultural Town of the Year Award recognises South Australian towns that are excelling in agricultural practices and the flow on effect they have on communities. This award is proudly presented by the Government of South Australia and Solstice…

Who is A CARER Colourful Flier
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Carer’s Coffee Group – At Kooky’s Kafe – 22nd June 2023

Paul O’Connor from the Community Legal Education (Legal Services Commission) Attending as our Guest Speaker at our Coffee Group is on THURSDAY June 22nd, @ KOOKY’s KAFE @ 10:00 am Coffee Group is normally on the THIRD THURSDAY of Every MonthJune is an exception as it will be on the FOURTH Thursday Lee Looks Forward…

Yorke & Mid North Jobs Board - May Banner
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Eudunda Jobs Listed on Yorke & Mid North Jobs Board

Recently added Nursing and Welder and Welder/Boilermaker. Are you currently looking for work or seeking the perfect candidate for your business? Check out the Yorke & Mid North Jobs Board! From entry-level positions to management roles, our Jobs Board has diverse employment opportunities for individuals with various backgrounds and skill sets. New jobs are added…

Copyworld Walky 100 Rally 2023 - 12th August
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Copyworld Walky 100 – Car Rally 2023 Set For Aug 12th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds

Put this exciting local event in your diary for the 12th August! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region at it’s best rally site will challenge it’s drivers and navigators and enthrall its spectators. The best place to start getting a feel for the action…

SALA Eudunda 2023 Poster
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Enter Now For Eudunda SALA 2023 Our Theme Is ‘Flowering Impressions’ – Opening Night 4th August 2023

Flowering ImpressionsOPEnING NIGHT FRIDAY 4 AUG 2023 Paintings, drawings, photography, textiles, mosaic, sculptures and 3D artEven Floral Arrangements Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Community and guest voting for prizes $ Peoples choice award & More $ Selected artworks will be for sale by local artists (please…

Terowies Curious Art Accident 2023 - Poster
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Terowie’s Curious Art Accident – Opening Night Sept 8th – Entries Due By 31st Aug 2023

As Southern Goyder prepares for their SALA Festival Event in August, local Artists may wish to participate in Terowie’s Curious Art Accident Event. With Entries due by Thursday 31st August 2023, it is time to get cracking on your entries. with over $1,300 in prizes to be won, check out these Categories. Not an artist,…

Copper & Stone Music Fest - Burra 16th Sept 2023
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Call For Volunteers To Help At Copper & Stone Music Fest Burra – 16th Sept 2023

Regional Council of Goyder & Revive the Regions With Music Volunteers Needed! Are you interested in volunteering? We have a number of Volunteer roles, no experience necessary, just a great, fun attitude is all that is required! Roles include: All volunteers receive Free Entry to the festival. 16th Sept 2023Click here to ‘Buy Tickets’Paxton Square,…

Eudunda Public Amenities & Street Bin Cleaning Services
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Time running Out To Contract for ‘Eudunda Public Amenities & Street Bin Cleaning Services’ (Closes on 15th June).

Requests for quotation are sought from interested parties to provide the following service to Regional Council of Goyder,“Eudunda Public Amenities & Street Bin Cleaning Services”Get your quote in by 3pm on 15th June 2023.

Who is A CARER Colourful Flier
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Carer’s Coffee Group – at Kooky’s Kafe – 22nd June 2023

Paul O’Connor from the Community Legal Education (Legal Services Commission) Attending as our Guest Speaker at our Coffee Group is on THURSDAYJune 22nd, @ KOOKY’s KAFE @ 10:00 am Coffee Group is normally on the THIRD THURSDAY of Every MonthJune is an exception as it will be on the FOURTH Thursday Lee Looks Forward to…

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ECBAT AGM Set For 3rd July 2023

ANNUAL  GENERAL  MEETING Monday 3rd July 2023Commencing at 7.00pmEudunda RSL Rooms, 2 Railway Pde, Eudunda. DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR YOUR TOWN?“It’s and exciting time for Eudunda”COME BE A PART OF IT! This is a PUBLIC meeting, and ALL residents are invited to attend. More information soon.

Eudunda Boat & Jetski Licence - Preschool Fundraiser - Fri Sept 1st 2023
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Eudunda Boat & Jetski Licence – Fundraiser For Eudunda Community Preschool Centre – Fri Sept 1, 2023

Join the fun on the water! Get qualified for your boat licence locally in 3 fun, simple hours! Course running Friday 1st September 5:00pm to 8pm at the Sporting Clubrooms, Eudunda. This is a fundraiser course for the Eudunda Community Preschool centre. Bookings essential; book online or over the phone with our friendly office team…

Who is A CARER Colourful Flier
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Carer’s Coffee Group – JUNE DATE CHANGE – ONE WEEK LATER at Kooky’s Kafe – 22nd June 2023

Paul O’Connor from the Community Legal Education (Legal Services Commission) Attending as our Guest Speaker at our Coffee Group is on THURSDAYJune 22nd, @ KOOKY’s KAFE @ 10:00 am Coffee Group is normally on the THIRD THURSDAY of Every MonthJune is an exception as it will be on the FOURTH Thursday Lee Looks Forward to…