Janne & Jeff Minge with the Colin Thiele Sculpture on Colins 100th Birthday Anniversary Photo - Peter Herriman
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Eudunda celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Unveiling of the Colin Thiele Sculpture and Colin Thiele’s 100th Birthday

On the on 15 November 2020 Eudunda celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Unveiling of the Colin Thiele Sculpture and Colin Thiele’s 100th Birthday. A midday start for the free BBQ had a very hot and extremely windy start, luckily the Eudunda Centenary Gardens affords good protection. This year, even though COVID-19 restrictions were much…

Sai Opens Eudunda Roadhouse
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Eudunda Roadhouse Opens

After being closed for a very long time, it is pleasing to see the Eudunda Roadhouse open for business again with new owners. The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism (ECBAT) welcome and congratulate the Eudunda Roadhouse for opening and wish them all the best. The Eudunda Roadhouse is a critical part of Eudunda’s Tourism and…

Eudunda Logo
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ECBAT Business Members for 2021

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT), rely on local businesses to join as business members to help fund our projects. See the web page ECBAT Business Members List for our current members. ECBAT urge our community to buy local when they can. If you have a business and have not joined yet –…

Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Christmas Raffle 1st Prize
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Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Christmas Raffle 2020

Christmas Raffle available right now. Great items beautifully presented in gift baskets. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prizes Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 tickets for $5.00 and are available at the Heritage Gallery. This is a fund raiser for the Gallery, please support us.Thank You to all who donated toward the prizes. And to all those…

Helen & Sandy Discuss Multi-use Trail for Eudunda to Hampden Rail Line to include Horse Trail use
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Eudunda Hampden Rail Line Proposal to Expand as Horse & Cycle Trail

The disused Eudunda to Hampden Railway Line may have no trains on it now, but it continues to attract interest from groups wanting to gain access to use it for community, tourism and physical fitness related reasons. Cyclists and Horse Riders are looking at the Lavender Federation Trail (LFT) to gain access for thier sports…

Brisbane walkers Di Carroll and Richard at Monarto Recreation Reserve late Sept 2020
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Interstate Walkers Are Reaching SA

There is definitely an interest in walking the Lavender Federation Trail, with many doing it ‘End to End’ which is 325km from Clare to Murray Bridge. Some walkers start from the Murray Bridge end too and some aspire to do it both ways. Di Carroll and walking partner Richard from Brisbane shown here at Monarto…

Eudunda Logo
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ECBAT Business Members for 2021

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT), rely on local businesses to join as business members to help fund our projects. See the web page ECBAT Business Members List for our current members. ECBAT urge our community to buy local when they can. If you have a business and have not joined yet –…

Committees Do Sport - Club Development Webinar Series 2020-2021
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Last One for 2020 FREE WORKSHOP – Attracting and retaining volunteers at your club – 8th Dec 2020

FREE WORKSHOP – Attracting and retaining volunteers at your club – 8th Dec 2020 Upcoming online STARCLUB education sessions are available to clubs, associations & community group committees. This workshop series to work through or move forward from COVID. WORKSHOP: Attracting and retaining volunteers at your clubTuesday 8th December 2020 7.00pm A characteristic of all…

Citrus Worker
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You’re needed for seasonal work

Seasonal Job & Regional South Australia is a jobs campaign run by Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA helping both people looking for work and primary industries to find people to help them bring in the harvests. Check it out Website: Seasonal Jobs SA | Seasonal Jobs SA @PrimaryIndustriesAndRegionsSA #GetASeasonalJobSA

Eudunda Logo
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ECBAT Business Members for 2021

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT), rely on local businesses to join as business members to help fund our projects. See the web page ECBAT Business Members List for our current members. ECBAT urge our community to buy local when they can. If you have a business and have not joined yet –…

CFS SA - Severe Fire Danger Warning - Region 4 for 271120
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Severe & Extreme Fire Danger Next Two Days

Today the CFS are rating our area – 4 Mid North as Severe Fire Danger Rating and a Fire Ban. Keep hydrated, and take especial care of the young, unwell or elderly people. Tomorrow the CFS are rating our area – 4 Mid North as Extreme Fire Danger Rating and a Fire Ban. Thankfully the…

Remembrance Day - Eudunda 2020 - Andy Riemekasten & his Father
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Remembrance Day 2020 – Eudunda

A small gathering of all ages attended the Remembrance Day Service at the Eudunda Memorial Gardens which were looking splendid thanks to the Eudunda Garden Volunteers. The Remembrance Day Services is on November the 11th each year and the service starts at 11am to commemorate the silencing of guns on the Western Front (Europe) after…

Market Ready - Grain Producers SA - Protect our market access
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Helping Protect Our Grain Market Access & Diversification Also A Key to $6 Billion Dollar Future

As part of the new #MarketReady campaign, GPSA will be rolling out a series of Hot Hygiene Tips. On-farm equipment should always be cleaned prior to delivering and storing grain. Is your grain Market Ready? You will find some great resources on the web page. “Diversification is a key part of the South Australian grains…

Santas Cave 2020 - CANCELLED
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Sad News For Local Children As Santa’s Magic Cave CANCELLED

Message from the Eudunda Christmas Party Committee:SANTA’S MAGIC CAVE – CANCELLED The ECP committee have unfortunately made the tough decision to cancel the Santa Cave for 2020. This decision has not been made lightly, but we feel it is the best decision to keep our children and community safe at this point in time. To…

SA COVID-19 Information and Support
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SA COVID-19 Information and Support

Thanks to South Australian Police for this info. @SAPoliceNews on Twitter For South Australian specific COVID-19 information and support, refer to the trusted sources above. Please be aware that SCAMWATCH is warning that there are many COVID-19 SCAMS going on, so take special care. Here is a link to thier list of current ones:Current COVID-19…

Committees Do Sport - Club Development Webinar Series 2020-2021
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FREE WORKSHOP – Attracting and retaining volunteers at your club – 8th Dec 2020

Upcoming online STARCLUB education sessions are available to clubs, associations & community group committees. This workshop series to work through or move forward from COVID. WORKSHOP: Attracting and retaining volunteers at your clubTuesday 8th December 2020 7.00pm A characteristic of all successful clubs is that they have a culture of volunteering, that a culture where…

Eudunda Christmas Party - Light Up Christmas 2020 - Poster
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Register by 5th December for Light Up Christmas 2020 Competition

With the Registration deadline of 5th December you had better get registered quick. As well as the normal Santa’s Magic Cave, we are also running a ‘Light Up Christmas 2020’ Competition for anyone within the Eudunda, Point Pass, Robertstown and surrounding areas. We want you to decorate your house, business, farm gate, letter box or…

RCOG Free Green Waste Disposal - Nov-Dec 2020
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Council Offering FREE Green Waste Disposal to Reduce Fire Risk

REDUCE FIRE HAZARD NOW! To assist with fire prevention in the region, the Regional Council of Goyder have organised free green waste disposal between Sunday 29 November 2020 until Sunday 13 December 2020 for Goyder residents. Eudunda Wednesdays between 2-3pmEudunda Saturdays between 10-12pm Acceptable items:Clean residential green organics including grass clippings, pruning’s, leaves, small branches and…

Eudunda Logo
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ECBAT Business Members for 2021

The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT), rely on local businesses to join as business members to help fund our projects. See the web page ECBAT Business Members List for our current members. ECBAT urge our community to buy local when they can. If you have a business and have not joined yet –…