ECBAT Business Members for 2021
The Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT), rely on local businesses to join as business members to help fund our projects. See the web page
ECBAT Business Members List for our current members (we have removed last years listings so if you are not listed below – please renew or join as soon as you can).
Business memberships are due and we thank Footeside Farm, Goyder Electrical, Eudunda Hotel Motel, Eudunda Post Office, Ford McCarthy Taxation, Light Hotel, Web South, Country Fabrics ‘N’ Things, Bachblue, The Barn at Wombat Flat, Demot Pty Ltd., Eudunda & Kapunda Medical Practice for joining already.
We will endeavor to promote our business members in this and further newsletters, with a few listed each time.

If you have a business and have not joined yet – want to find out more?