Interstate Walkers Are Reaching SA
There is definitely an interest in walking the Lavender Federation Trail, with many doing it ‘End to End’ which is 325km from Clare to Murray Bridge. Some walkers start from the Murray Bridge end too and some aspire to do it both ways.
Di Carroll and walking partner Richard from Brisbane shown here at Monarto Recreation Reserve in late September on day 16 of their walk from Clare to Murray Bridge.
Did you see Di & Richard as they came through our area? If you see walkers – please say ‘Hello’.

They are both from Brisbane. Richard is currently walking the Heysen Trail, and has skipped across to do the Lavender Federation Trail with Di whom flew down especially to do the Lavender Federation Trail.
They reported on meeting a runner on the Lavender Federation Trail traveling from Clare to Murray Bridge over three days.
Water was a problem they needed to overcome particularly between Springton and Monarto. The next shelter planned to be erected at Rockleigh this year by the Murray Bridge Council will include a rainwater tank.
This article is thanks to the South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) quarterly newsletter ‘Footsteps’ November 2020 . Why not keep up with ‘our’ walking trail news. If you like you can submit an article to the newsletter, which would be a great way to draw peoples attention to the fantastic trail we have here in the region.