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Robertstown Celebrates 150 Years of European Settlement

After months of meeting and intense work by a small committee, the weekend of Robertstown ‘s 150 years of European settlement was celebrated in style.

On Saturday, 2 October 2021, past and present residents kept the hall a buzz with reminiscing and renewing acquaintances. The committee had worked tirelessly assembling a wonderful display of memorabilia and photos around the hall and supper room.

Robertstown 150th - Town Hall - People Chatting & Viewing Displays 032
Robertstown 150th – Town Hall – People Chatting & Viewing Displays

Maureen Keller, chairperson of the 150 committee, expressed sincere thanks to the committee, Sharon Tremaine, secretary, Wendy Schmidt and Tracy Rodda, typist for the book, Lyn Mosey and Neil Eberhard, and Editor, Peter Pfitzner, Adrian Menzel, and Marilyn Roberts had began on the committee, but through health issues were unable to continue. Maureen also expressed thanks to her husband, Denis and son Sheldon for their patience and help especially over the last 6 months and to Faye Schaefer for the floral arrangement, Rob McCarthy for his photography and to all who were helping on the day and who contributed articles and photos for the book.

Robertstown 150 Celebrations Committee 314
Robertstown 150 Celebrations Committee
L-R: Neil Eberhard, Wendy Schmidt, Lyn Mosey, Sharon Tremaine, Maureen Keller, Tracey Rodda

Apologies were read from past residents in NSW, QLD, WA, Tas and Vic, unable to attend because of COVID and also those with prior commitments. Donations of wine and packaging were also acknowledged and much appreciated.

Robertstown 150 Celebrations - part of the crowd 114
Robertstown 150 Celebrations – part of the crowd attending

A special attendee was centenarian Mrs Grace Keller (nee Pfitzner) who was born, educated and married at Robertstown. She celebrated her 100th Birthday on the 30th of March 2021 and was accompanied by her oldest son, from QLD.

Robertstown 150 Celebrations - Clare Valley Concert Band 057
Robertstown 150 Celebrations – Clare Valley Concert Band

Clare Valley Concert Band entertained everyone

Peter Goers O.A.M. congratulated the 150 committee on the book “ The Next Chapter 1986 – 2021 of Emmaus to Worlds End” and recommended it to the crowd and then formally launched the book.

Robertstown 150 Celebrations - Peter Goers Launched the book - The Next Chapter 1986 - 2021 of Emmaus to Worlds End
Robertstown 150 Celebrations – Peter Goers Launched the book – The Next Chapter 1986 – 2021 of Emmaus to Worlds End

Being of German and Irish decent Peter was intrigued by the German names. He then amused the crowd with his anecdotes. The launch of the book was celebrated with cheese / crackers and wine/champagne.

The band played another bracket before a light tea was served (Catered by Kooky’s Kafe and Katering of Eudunda) .

Robertstown 150 Celebrations - The Evening Entertainment was by Caitlin Drew 300
Robertstown 150 Celebrations – The Evening Entertainment was by Caitlin Drew

Evening entertainment was by the talented Caitlin Drew.

Robertstown 150 Celebrations - Church Service led by retired Pastor Peter Pfitzner 20211003_104846
Robertstown 150 Celebrations – Church Service led by retired Pastor Peter Pfitzner

1030 am on Sunday , 3 October, saw the Lutheran Church attendance at 96 for the 150 service, taken by retired Pastor Peter Pfitzner (editor of the book).

There was a free sausage sizzle at the Community Centre (cooked by the Tennis Club) and was well attended by approximately 190 past and present residents.

Robertstown 150 Celebrations - Unveiled of 150th Mural by John Neal with Artist Jim Dunstan
Robertstown 150 Celebrations – Unveiled of 150th Mural by John Neal with Artist Jim Dunstan

At 2pm the 150 mural, opposite the Community Centre/ Post Office, was unveiled by John Neal, Deputy Mayor of the Regional Council of Goyder assisted by Jim Dunstan designer and Artist of the Mural. The gathering enjoyed coffee and a chat at the Community Centre’s relatively new room and the window display at former “Eudunda Farmer’s”. Thanks to Phillip Halsall for allowing the Committee to arrange a display of articles used over the years in the window of the former “Eudunda Farmer’s” shop.

Robertstown 150 Celebrations - Local articles used over the years - window display in the former Eudunda Farmers shop
Robertstown 150 Celebrations – Local articles used over the years – window display in the former Eudunda Farmers shop

It was gratifying to the Committee that so many past residents returned to reminisce over their acquaintance with Robertstown after many years away. Thanks to all who attended and helped to make it such a wonderful success. A wonderful 150th celebration and Reunion.
By The Robertstown 150 Committee.

Robertstown 150 Celebrations - The Books
Robertstown 150 Celebrations – The Books

The book is available at the Robertstown Community Centre/ Post Office for $35, also the Emmaus to Worlds End & The Rolling Years.

Thanks to Maureen Keller, Chloe Brohan for original submission
and to the Robby Round Up for further info.

ED: Although this article may be late to print for various reasons, some stories are worth telling, and historic events such as this one are definitely worth telling. Congratulations to the Committee for a successful event under trying (COVID) times.

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