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Proposed ‘Cowie Springs Estate’ To Alleviate Eudunda’s 20 Year Housing Shortage

David Stevenson, Barb Button, Jamie Launer

Greeting people at the Community Information Session for the proposed ‘Cowie Springs Estate’
L-R: David Stevenson (Regional Council of Goyder CEO), Barb Button (Regional Council of Goyder Director of Community Development and Engagement), Jamie Launer (Jakelco Contracting Managing Director).

Thursday the 16th May 2024 may well go down in Eudunda’s history as one of those landmark days where a major step forward for the community took place.

On that evening a ‘Community Information Session’ for the proposed ‘Cowie Springs Estate’ was held at the Southern Saints Clubrooms on Bruce Street, Eudunda.

Jamie & Linda Launer of Jakelco Contracting, the developers for the proposed ‘Cowie Springs Estate’ and representatives of the Regional Council of Goyder were pleased with the attendance of 60 people for the evening.

Linda Launer said,
“This was a higher number of attendees than we expected, we have had positive feedback and support for the project, and we would like to thank all those who came along and engaged with us”.

Regional Council of Goyder’s (RCOG) was well represented by Mayor Bill Gebhardt and CEO David Stevenson along with Debbie Hibbert (Deputy Mayor & Eudunda Ward Councillor) and Judy Partington (Eudunda Ward Councillor). The Council as the current land owners of the area (Lot 400).

Both Mayor Bill Gebhardt and CEO David Stevenson were happy with the night, and spoke of the positive impact the development would have for the town, and how the current Council have been working really well with our community, and the region and could see many good things to come.

Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee (ECBAT) members were also in attendance and keen to learn more as this has been a long time campaign for the group.

The proposed land development is on the Northern edge of the main town of Eudunda, with the land originally earmarked back in the early 1980’s by the Eudunda District Council at that time. From that the first stage Sheoak Crescent and Park Drive were developed.

ECBAT has been pushing for the new development ever since ECBAT first formed in the early 2000’s as it saw housing as a key to Eudunda’s development and indeed survival. This was identified in early Community Planning meetings ECBAT held. Sadly a constant changing environment of State development regulations and little to no incentive for developers to look at Eudunda at that time, being some of the reasons holding up the development over many years.

How quickly things can change, the COVID pandemic saw more people wanting to move to the country for a better, simpler and safer life, and expanding local businesses requiring more workers as well as pressure from the new solar and alternative energy developments completely filled all available accommodation.

Cowie Springs Estate - Development Proposal 16th May 2024

The proposed sub division on lot 400 – Cowie Springs Estate showing the full development

Now the Council is keen to see action, and local developer Jakelco seeing the current demand for housing and having the experience of new technologies and ideas for land developments along with the positive community support, it would appear it is a great time to push ahead with the development.

Jamie wanted to make it clear that there is a long way to go before the development gets started, but with the positive feedback they have had they are encouraged to continue on.

After the positive feedback received that evening the Council has released a Public Consultation advertisement,
“Interested persons are invited to provide Council with feedback in relation to the proposed sale of the land known as Lot 400 DP121087 CT6227/824 Eudunda.” they also have a map showing the location.

This will give people a second opportunity to understand what is happening and have some say. You can find those items on the Regional Council of Goyder’s website. Submissions should be sent prior to 5pm Tuesday 4th June 2024.

#Eudunda #launerdevelopment

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