Committees Do Sport - Club Development Webinar Series 2020-2021
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WORKSHOP – Grants & Fundraising in a COVID environment – 16th Nov 2020

Upcoming online STARCLUB education sessions are available to clubs, associations & community group committees. This workshop series to work through or move forward from COVID. WORKSHOP: Grants and fundraising in a COVID environmentMonday 16th November 2020 7.00pm Ensuring clubs remain financial during the COVID period can be challenging. Sponsorship revenue is likely to decrease for…

Fire Season Warning
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Mid North Fire Season Declared – Starts 15th Nov 2020

The full season in the Mid North region is the 15th of November until 30 April 2021 CFS Chief Officer Mark Jones said that with recent rainfall many districts will be commencing restrictions on their traditional starting dates.“A milder start to the season than in previous years means we will see the commencement of the…

Australian Day Citizen of the Year Nominations 2021
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Citizen of the Year Nominations Open For 2020 Closing Soon

Do you know or have seen some inspiring person or a great event this year? Each year the Regional Council of Goyder seeks nominations from the Goyder community.On the 1st October 2020 you are asked as community members, and groups, to nominate someone who makes a real difference in your town and to give them…

ECBAT New Secretary - Skye Harwood
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ECBAT Welcomes Skye as New Secretary

The Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee (ECBAT) are proud to introduce Skye Harwood, who has kindly put her hand up to volunteer to be the ECBAT Secretary this year. Skye introduced herself,“Being a recent transplant to Eudunda, you can often see me walking my two Samoyd’s around the town.” “I have a passion for…

Australian Day Citizen of the Year Nominations 2021
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Citizen of the Year Nominations Open For 2020

Do you know or have seen some inspiring person or a great event this year? Each year the Regional Council of Goyder seeks nominations from the Goyder community.On the 1st October 2020 you are asked as community members, and groups, to nominate someone who makes a real difference in your town and to give them…

Brooke Madill explains The Goyder Goodness
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Successful ECBAT AGM 2020

The Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee held a successful Annual General Meeting on the 3rd August 2020 at the Saints Clubhouse in Eudunda. ECBAT’s was one of the early community meetings, getting going after COVID had prevented so many meetings and activities, so it was great to see a good roll up of visitors…