Eudunda Friday Social Bowls Ron Hams, Ted Bowden and Preston Eva
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 23rd August 2024

Beautiful spring weather greeted the bowlers last Friday. Twenty bowlers enjoyed the banter and bowling, including players from Cadell, Tanunda, Saddleworth and Eudunda. Preston Eva won the resting toucher. Card draw winners were Ted Schiller (Skipper), Steve Congdon (Third) and Joan Stam (Leader). The winners of the day were Des Schiller, Neil Jaensch, Lumpy (Ian…

Eudunda Bowling Club - Friday Social Bowls
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 16th August 2024

Sixteen bowlers dodged a couple of showers last Friday, however this did not deter the enthusiasm on the green. A resting toucher was won by Ron Hams, and the winners of the day were John Greenwood, Murray Sauer and Ron Milde. Runners up were Pam Dutschke, Joy Hams and Peter Dickenson. The card draw winners…

Friday Social Bowls at Eudunda Winners - L-R Marg Nietschke, John Greenwood and Rhonda Horne
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 9th August 2024

Beautiful winter sun greeted eighteen bowlers last Friday. Interstate visitors Ralph and Pauleen Leditschke from Melbourne came to watch all the action on the green and nearly got a game! Ralph and Pauleen shared conversation with fellow Melbournite Gabrielle Kaoustos. The card draw winners were Ted Bowden (Leader), Joy Fiegert (Third) and Hermann Kloss (Skip)….

In the winning circle Murray Sauer and Greg Prior (Steve Condon absent)
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 21st June 2024

Last Friday’s bowlers enjoyed the crisp, fresh air of the shortest day of the year. Eighteen bowlers were on the green with Cadell, Kapunda and Eudunda Clubs represented. Sadly, bowlers were informed that Eudunda bowler Colin Menz had passed away that morning. He had been a loyal supporter of the Eudunda Bowling Club attending all…

Winners on the day -Marlene Holliday, Kate Jenkins and John Greenwood
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 14th June 2024

Last Friday’s dedicated bowlers played through rain, (no hail) and shine! The visitors from Cadell and Kapunda almost outnumbered the locals. The bowlers commented ‘Cold, wet and winning!’ and ‘Should have brought the boat instead of the bowls!’ The bowlers played eleven ends until a downpour of rain created a sheet of water across the…

Winners - Jack Trotta, Greg Prior and George Mitev
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 7th June 2024

A chill (and ills) in the air kept some regular bowlers away, however two from Saddleworth, three from Kapunda and two from Cadell joined the throng. Centenarian Gordon Schutz came to watch the bowls and catch up with his bowling friends. All matches were closely contested, and resulted in winners being Jack Trotta, Greg Prior…

Battle of the Giants - Pam Dutschke and Mally Schutz
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 24th May 2024

Twenty- four bowlers played in idyllic weather last Friday, including players from Saddle worth, Kapunda, and Cadell. The games were contested in fun including the friendly rivalry of the Irish and Dutch skipper match. The card draw winners were Joy Fiegert ( Leader), Katrina Turner (Second) and Mally Schutz ( Skipper). The winners of the…

Winners John Greenwood, Hermann Kloss and Peter Dickenson
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 17th May 2024

Twenty- eight bowlers played in exquisite sunshine last Friday, including bowlers from Tanunda and Cadell. Resting touchers were won by Bob Leditschke and Mally Schutz. The winners of the day were Peter Dickenson, Hermann Kloss and John Greenwood, with runners-up Joy Fiegert, John Moore and Greg Prior. Card draw winners were Betty Pfitzner (Lead), Hermann…

Friday Social Bowls - Winners
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 3rd May 2024

Last Friday saw the sunshine continuing and twenty- four bowlers taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Organisers Bob Leditschke and Helen Vater introduced the added prizes of fanning the cards which revealed winners Leader- Judy Milde, Second – Murray Sauer and Skipper – John Greenwood. Resting Touchers were won by Pam Dutschke and Colin Menz….

Friday Social Bowls Rhonda Horne, Pam Dutschke and Betty Pfitzner
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Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 26th April 2024

Last Friday morning, twelve lady bowlers went to Wohler’s at Tanunda for coffee to celebrate fellow bowler Ruth Scoot’s 80th birthday, then back to Eudunda for the Social Bowls which continues to be bathed in brilliant sunshine with eighteen players enjoying the afternoon. Jack Trotta came from Kapunda, and Betty Pfitzner came out to enjoy…

Eudunda Friday Social Bowls Pat Obst, George Mitev, Joy Hams
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Eudunda Bowling Club – First Week Of Friday Social Bowls Celebrated 12th April 2024

Last Friday was the first week of Social Bowls for this winter season. Twenty players turned up in a perfect day of bright sunshine. Bob Leditschke and Helen Vater organised the draw for games, and the raffle prizes. Pam Dutschke brought Betty Pfitzner to join in a social game of bowls. The winners were Joy…

Eudunda's Mad Hatters at Night Bowls
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Eudunda Bowls News Finds Eudunda’s Mad Hatters at Night Bowls

Last Tuesday, the finale to the Night Bowls season was a Mad Hatters Night. Bowlers came along in their ridiculous hats to add atmosphere to the evening. Liz Kleinig won the raffle and Night Bowls organiser Rhonda Horne gave special Easter prizes to the winning teams of the night. They were Jane Felby, Mally Schutz,…

Eudunda Bowls Division 4 contesting Grand Final
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Eudunda Bowls News, Grand Final, Red Cross And More 23rd March 2024

Last Tuesday, the Bowling Club was the venue for two seminars – in the morning an Eye Health information session facilitated by Paige Lynch, orthodontist, funded by Goyder Council. Twelve people benefitted from a very interesting presentation of awareness for protection of our eyes. In the evening, ambulance officers gave a demonstration on the correct…

Eudunda Bowls Logo
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EUDUNDA Bowling Club Selections – GRAND FINAL For Division 4 – 23rd Mar 2024

Everyone in Eudunda would like to wish the team representing Eudunda all the best for this Saturday’s Grand Final. Saturday Pennants 23rd March 2024 Division 4: Eudunda vs Lyndoch Blue at Freeling GRAND FINAL C. Menz, B. Marshall, J. Felby, P. DutschkeJJoy Fiegert, R. Cavanagh, P. Milham, R. FiegertCars Leave: 7:45amDrivers: B. Marshall, R. Fiegert…

Eudunda Bowls Mally Schutz, Katrina Turner and Murray Sauer
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Eudunda Bowls News 17th March 2024

Last Tuesday in the midst of the heatwave, twelve bowlers came out to play – the evening was beautiful. The winners were Ted Schiller, Murray Sauer and George Mitev, and runners-up Rhonda Horne, Mally Schutz and Katrina Turner. Mally Schutz won the raffle. Please come along and support the Red Cross Night next Wednesday night…

Eudunda Bowls Logo
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EUDUNDA Bowling Club Selections 16th Mar 2024

Saturday Pennants 16th March 2024 Division 3: Eudunda vs Tanunda at Tanunda R. Horne, D. Twartz, GG Schutz, G. TeauC. Schutz, B. Leditschke, M. Sauer, R. HamsM. Upton, J. Milde, J. Hams, R. ScootCars Leave: 11.45Drivers: M.Sauer. G. Teau, J. MildeRes. R. Cavanagh Division 4: Eudunda vs Lyndoch Blue at Lyndoch C. Menz, B. Marshall,…

Eudunda's Championship Singles L-R - runner-up Greg Prior. Winner Andrew Pfitzner
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Eudunda Bowls News 10th March 2024

Last Tuesday the Night Bowlers had a beautiful night for bowls, and wondered why there were not more people getting on the green to enjoy the conditions. President Mally Schutz, Liz Kleinig and George Mitev won the night against Murray Sauer, Trevor Prior and Jane Felby. Please keep free the Red Cross Night on Wednesday…