Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls 26th April 2024

L-R: Rhonda Horne, Pam Dutschke and Betty Pfitzner
Last Friday morning, twelve lady bowlers went to Wohler’s at Tanunda for coffee to celebrate fellow bowler Ruth Scoot’s 80th birthday, then back to Eudunda for the Social Bowls which continues to be bathed in brilliant sunshine with eighteen players enjoying the afternoon.
Jack Trotta came from Kapunda, and Betty Pfitzner came out to enjoy the fresh air and exercise showing that she continues to be a talented leader, bowling close to the jack almost every end! Doreen Twartz and Joy Fiegert had resting touchers.
The winners were Judy Milde, Joy Hams and Doreen Twartz, and runners-up Ron Milde, Coral Schutz and Jack Trotta. The raffle winners were Doreen Twartz who was having a lucky day (chook), Helen Vater (cheese), Ron Hams (chocolate), and Murray Sauer (bottle of fruity tingle juice). Organiser Bob Leditschke and bowlers sang ‘Happy Birthday’ for Judy Milde’s birthday.