SALA in EUDUNDA - Flowering Impressions - Open This Week 4th to 13th August 2023
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Exciting Eudunda SALA Art Exhibition Open All This Week – 10am to 4pm.

EXHIBITION OPEN 4-13 AUGUST 10am – 4pm DAILYTHEME – Flowering Impressions Vote for PEOPLES CHOICE awardJUDGES CATEGORY Awards plus Wheelie Bin Award Winner announced Sun 13th Aug at 2pmSelected artworks will be for sale by local artists This is an All Ages event and opportunityPresented by Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on…

SALA Eudunda Committee 2023
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Successful Eudunda SALA Opening Night Heralds Fantastic Art Exhibition For All This Coming Week.

EXHIBITION OPEN 4-13 AUGUST 10am – 4pm DAILY Congratulations to ‘The Friends of SALA Eudunda 2023 Orgainsing Committee’ for once again this year excelled in putting on another great art event for our district. With the theme of ‘Flowering Impresssions’ artists were give a chance to use many different media forms to match the theme,…

Wheelie Bin Art for SALA 2023
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Have You Painted Your Bin Yet? Eudunda SALA 2023 – Wheelie Bin Prize – Enteries Due 1st Aug.

Are you aware of the “Wheelie Bin Prize” which is part of this year’s Eudunda SALA. Decorate your wheelie bin with the theme “Flowering Impressions”. Fill-in the entry form (below) and display on the street outside your place from the 4th to 13th August. NOTE: Artworks and entry forms to be delivered to one of…

SALA Eudunda 2023 Poster
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Have You Entered This Community Event Yet? Eudunda SALA 2023 – Many Categories – The Theme ‘Flowering Impressions’, Great Prizes!

LOTS OF CATEGORIES PAINTINGSDRAWINGSPHOTOGRAPHYTEXTILESMOSAICSCULPTURES3D ARTFLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Community and guest voting for prizes $ Peoples choice award & More $ Selected artworks will be for sale by local artists (please note payment will be made to artists 31/08/23) Wheelie Bin Award to…

SALA Eudunda 2023 Poster
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Enter Now For Eudunda SALA 2023 – Many Categories With The Theme ‘Flowering Impressions’, Great Prizes!

LOTS OF CATEGORIES PAINTINGSDRAWINGSPHOTOGRAPHYTEXTILESMOSAICSCULPTURES3D ARTFLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Community and guest voting for prizes $ Peoples choice award & More $ Selected artworks will be for sale by local artists (please note payment will be made to artists 31/08/23) Wheelie Bin Award to…

Farewell to Emma Kleinig from Eudunda Community PreSchool Centre
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Eudunda Community Preschool Centre Farewells Much-loved Director Mrs Emma Kleinig

The Eudunda Community Preschool Centre (ECPC) prepares to farewell their much-loved Director Mrs Emma Kleinig. Emma has been the Director of the Centre for the past two and a half years. “I have absolutely loved my time here as Director of the Eudunda Preschool and have enjoyed forming relationships and connections with the children and…

SALA in EUDUNDA - Flowering Impressions - Opening Friday 4th August 2023 - Poster
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Enter Now For Eudunda SALA 2023 – Theme – ‘Flowering Impressions’ – Opening Night 4th August 2023

EXHIBITION OPEN 4-13 AUGUST 10AM – 4PM DAILY THEME – Flowering ImpressionsOPEnING NIGHT FRIDAY 4 AUG 2023FREE ENTRY iNCLUDING tEA, COFFEE & BISCUITS Eudunda District Hall – 30 Bruce Street, EudundaOPENING BY DEB KOODRIN (Eudunda Citizen of the Year)& St Johns School Choir Vote for PEOPLES CHOICE award plus a progressive raffle on Opening Night.JUDGES…

SALA Eudunda 2023 Poster
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Enter Now For Eudunda SALA 2023 Our Theme Is ‘Flowering Impressions’ – Opening Night 4th August 2023

Flowering ImpressionsOPEnING NIGHT FRIDAY 4 AUG 2023 Paintings, drawings, photography, textiles, mosaic, sculptures and 3D artEven Floral Arrangements Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Community and guest voting for prizes $ Peoples choice award & More $ Selected artworks will be for sale by local artists (please…

Eudunda Show - New Photography Class in 2023 - BOGGED
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A New Photography Class For The Eudunda Show 2023 – BOGGED!

With the timely rainfall the district received last year and lots of farm machinery getting bogged, we have decided to create a new class in the photography section at our 2023 show!! The class theme is ‘BOGGED’! Get snapping and save your photos to enter into this year’s show. We look forward to seeing your…

Eudunda Show - Trade Space Applications Open - 2023
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Eudunda Show 2023 Sponsorships Still Open – Closing Soon!

To find out more about this years show,Keep returning to the Eudunda Show website and their Facebook Page. Please remember to return before June 9th to gain full advantage of your sponsorship (Note: Sponsorship is still accepted after this date, but you may miss out on some parts of our promotion) Sponsorship Package 2023 –…

SALA Eudunda 2023 Poster
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2023 SALA Eudunda Theme Is ‘Flowering Impressions’ – Enter Now For August 2023

Flowering ImpressionsOPEnING NIGHT FRIDAY 4 AUG 2023 Paintings, drawings, photography, textiles, mosaic, sculptures and 3D artEven Floral Arrangements Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Community and guest voting for prizes $ Peoples choice award & More $ Selected artworks will be for sale by local artists (please…

Eudunda Show - Trade Space Applications Open - 2023
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Eudunda Show 2023 News – Trade Space Applications Available Now, Sponsorships Still Open – Closing Soon!

Eudunda Show have put out a call for Trade Spaces.Get in quick for a trade site as previous years they filled up quick.Click this link to find out more and apply. Find Out More About Sponsoring the Eudunda ShowClick here To find out more about this years show,Keep returning to the Eudunda Show website and…

Eudunda Show Sponsorship Package - Cover Page
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Eudunda Show – Sunday 12th Nov 2023 – Sponsorship Package Available.

The committee has been working hard to arrange for another fantastic line up of entertainment for those who come along to the show and this needs to be funded, We invite Businesses, Organisations and Individuals to Sponsor the Eudunda Show 2023 Click for Eudunda Show WebsiteLots of updates on the Show’s Facebook Page Putting on…

SALA Eudunda Theme - Flowering Impressions - August 2023
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SALA Eudunda Art Event Theme Is ‘Flowering Impressions’ For August This Year

Flowering Impressions Paintings, drawings, photography, textiles, mosaic, 3D artEven Floral Arrangements Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Further Details to follow soon All Town Exhibition In August We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on…

Eudunda Show Information Night - 22nd Mar 2023
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Eudunda Show Information Night – 22nd March 2023

What do you know about the Eudunda Show? Would you like to know more about the Eudunda Show? The Eudunda Show Committee is holding an information night in the RSL rooms on Wednesday 22nd March to share with the community about the annual show. Each year the show is held in November and a very…

Eudunda Show AGM - 22nd March 2023
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Eudunda Show AGM 22nd March 2023

Eudunda Show AGM – Approx 8pmHeld After Information SessionWednesday 22nd March, 7pmRSL Rooms – 2 Railway Parade, Eudunda Wanting to join our committee or just to find out how you can support the Eudunda Show?Wanting to share ideas and help organise a section or offer support on the day?Come along to our annual AGM which…

Eudunda Show Information Session - 22nd March 2023
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Eudunda Show To Host Information Session Prior to AGM 22nd March 2023

Eudunda Show Information SessionWednesday 22nd March, 7pmRSL Rooms – 2 Railway Parade, Eudunda Wanting to find out more about what’s involved in running the Eudunda show?Interested in becoming a volunteer?Why not come along to a Public information sessionwhere you will have the chance to ask questions, share ideas and learn about what’s involved in running…

SALA Eudunda Theme - Flowering Impressions - August 2023
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‘Flowering Impressions’ The Theme For SALA Eudunda Art Event In August This Year

Flowering Impressions Paintings, drawings, photography, textiles, mosaic, 3D artEven Floral Arrangements Be Imaginitive Banksias, flowering gums, wildflowers, garden flowers and even canola crops Be Inspired Further Details to follow soon All Town Exhibition In August We are encouraging people of all ages to join the team Friends of Sala Eudunda Further info – Margaret on…

Goyder Chamber of Commerce - Planning Workshop - 31st Jan 2023
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Goyder Chamber of Commerce – 31st Jan 2023 Planning Workshop

Join the next phase of establishing the Goyder Chamber of Commerce on Tues 31st Jan 2023 at the Robertstown Hall10am to 11am. Key discussion points: Constitution, Membership, Activities, Communication, Next steps. Click to RSVP via email to Daniel Willson

Goyder Chamber of Commerce - Planning Workshop - 31st Jan 2023
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Goyder Chamber of Commerce – Planning Workshop – 31st Jan 2023

Join the next phase of establishing the Goyder Chamber of Commerce on Tues 31st Jan 2023 at the Robertstown Hall10am to 11am. Key discussion points: Constitution, Membership, Activities, Communication, Next steps. Click to RSVP via email to Daniel Willson