Manoora Easter Market 18th April 2022 - poster
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Manoora Hall Easter Monday Market – 18th April 2022

Make a date on Easter Monday for the Manoora Hall Market 9am – 3pmWaymouth Street / Barrier Highway, Manoora.Under cover & outside sites and a wide variety of stalls with a selection of Fresh Bread & Rolls, Hot Food ~ Tea ~ Coffee ~ Cool drinks. For Further Information, Contact: 8848 4330 or 8848 4315…

Eudunda Community Hub & Shed - General Market Flier - May, Sep Nov 2022
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Trash & Treasure At The Hub & Shed – Saturday 7th May 2022

Note the Markets for 2022 will be held on:7th May 2022, 3rd September 2022, 5th November 2022 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue– – – – – Market News There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot and Cold Drinks availableAND MORE…

Eudunda Show AGM 2022 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo by Robyn Bradbrook
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Eudunda Show AGM 2022 – 20th March

Please note AGM Starts at 7:00pm The Show Committee truly wanted to give our community an event to be proud of in 2021 after having to cancel in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was necessary to keep everyone safe and our Show was not alone, along with most other shows and other events…

You are a Carer - Eudunda Community Hub & Shed Wed 13th April 2022
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Carers SA Next Meeting – Eudunda Community Hub & Shed – Wed 13th April 2022

Carer Peer Support Meetings have a new spot to meet in AprilWEDNESDAY April 13th 2022TIME: 10:00 amWHERE: Eudunda Community Hub & ShedRSVP Lee 0455 445 524 Carer’s need support too and Carers SA Australia & Carers Gateway is there to support our Carers. Are you caring for a family member or friend? Want to find…

Bingo At the Top Pub Starting 30th March 2022
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BINGO – Wednesday’s At The Top Pub – Starting This Wed 30th March

Weekly Starting from 30th March 2022 WEEKLY – Starting from 30th March 2022Prizes to be Won – Supporting the Bowling ClubFood available from 5;30pm and ‘Eyes Down” @ 7:30pm BOOKINGS REQUIREDl Please phone 8581 1002 Eudunda Hotel Motel website

World Backup Day - logo
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World Backup Day 31st March – Protect Your Data

Local Computer business, Web South would like to draw your attention to “World Backup Day” Peter Herriman from Web South says,“We actually recommend regular backups, and multiple storage locations and devices, but I learnt those techniques during the early ’80’s and on mainframe systems with data worth millions of dollars (back then, imagine now!). All…

Hiking Expo 3 April 2022 - logo with website and supporters
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The March Footsteps & Pedals Newsletter Released – Includes 3rd April – Hiking Expo & Local Trail News

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) provide a quarterly newsletter about the Lavender Federation Trail, Lavender Cycling Trail and the many loop and spur trails that they have developed or helped to develop across the state. This edition is the first to be renamed from “Footsteps” to “Footsteps & Pedals” in recognition that SARTI…

Barossa Valley Machinery Preservation Society - Vintage Running Day 3rd April 2022
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Vintage Machinery Running Day – Sunday 3rd April Angaston

Our district loves old machinery, and watching them run and talking to the enthusiastic owners is an extra thrill. Barossa Valley Machinery Preservation SocietyVintage Machinery Running DaySunday 3rd Aprilat the Angaston Railway Station Precinct Machinery Shed. Come see running vintage engines, motorbikes, tractors, trucks, cars and old memorabiliaMany items local to the Barossa Valley. Entrance…

Truro and Districts Raceway (TDR) Logo
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Truro and Districts Raceway Season Starts With Practice on Sunday 10th April

Truro and Districts Raceway President Kym Huxtable says,“Race season is almost here!! As usual, we will start our race season with a practice day on Sunday 10th April. ” The gates will open at about 9am. There is no site entry fee on practice day.All Welcome to come and see what TDR is all about…

ANZAC Day Poster 2021
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ANZAC Dawn Service – Eudunda 25th April 2022 – All Welcome

ANZAC Dawn Service – Eudundaat the Eudunda War MemorialGunn Street, Eudunda6:15am for 6:30am Service It is hoped that theTraditional Eudunda Dawn Servicewill be on this year.All WelcomeThis year it is also hoped that the traditionalParade down to the RSL Clubwill be on againas well as a cuppa at the clubrooms Note that there may be…

St Johns Lutheran Primary School Eudunda Logo
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St Johns Lutheran Primary School Eudunda – ECBAT Business Member 2021-2022

Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism (ECBAT) congratulate the St Johns Lutheran Primary School Eudunda on joining ECBAT and investing in our community. ECBAT encourage all local businesses to join as Business Members. ECBAT will place your advert in the ECBAT Business Directory on the ECBAT Website, and display your information (similarly to above), as well…

Japanese Encephalitis banner
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Japanese Encephalitis Mosquito virus Identified in SA Pigs and Horses

ALERT: Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus has been identified in samples from commercial piggeries in South Australia. JE is a nationally notifiable disease. PIRSA has established an incident management team with staff on the ground to conduct surveillance activities and to provide information and advice to primary producers. Minimise your exposure to mosquitos as people can…

Eudunda Christmas Party Announcement
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Successful 2022 Eudunda Christmas Party AGM

THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CAME TO OUR AGM , WE HAD A FANTASTIC TURNOUT ! The Eudunda Christmas Party Committee takes on the task of running Eudunda’s Annual Christmas Party. Eudunda Christmas Party Committee Secretary, Nicola Clark wrote on Facebook. I am pleased to announce that we have formed an amazing committee for our…

Eudunda Community Hub & Shed - General Market Flier 7th May 2022
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Trash & Treasure At The Hub & Shed – Saturday 7th May 2022

Note the Markets for 2022 will be held on:7th May 2022, 3rd September 2022, 5th November 2022 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue– – – – – Market News There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Spray Free Fruit & Veg, Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot…

Sskids Tyres & Mechanical - ECBAT Business Member
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SSkids Tyres & Mechanical – ECBAT Business Member 2021-2022

Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism (ECBAT) congratulate the SSkids Tyres & Mechanical on joining ECBAT and investing in our community. ECBAT encourage all local businesses to join as Business Members. ECBAT will place your advert in the ECBAT Business Directory on the ECBAT Website, and display your information (similarly to above), as well as on…

Christmas Carols
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Save The Date – Community ‘Carols by Candlelight’ 18th Dec 2022

SAVE THE DATE Community ‘Carols by Candlelight’Sunday, 18th December 2022 More information when it comes to handAll welcome Thanks to Janice at the Eudunda Robertstown Lutheran Parishfor sending us this Save the Date. The Church web page is here

Eudunda Swimming Pool - 2 weeks left to swim
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Last Days To Swim At Eudunda Swimming Pool – Closes On 13th March 2022

The Eudunda Swimming Pool 21/22 season finishes on the 13th March 2022 this year at 7pm (weather permitting). Visitors describe the pool as best maintained they have experienced, a real tribute to Pool Manager Steve Wegener and Lee. The Eudunda Pool is lucky enough to have Steve ply his skills and pride in looking after…