Christmas Road Safety Message from Danny 2020
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Christmas Road Safety Message from Country Road Funerals

Danny Rowett of Country Road Funerals has put out a passionate and sensitive plea for everyone to take it easy on the roads this year. Let’s make it a Happy Christmas and New Year by all arriving home safe. Well done Danny.

Peep Hill & Neales Flat Lutheran Churches & Communities 2020 Christmas Eve invitation
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You Are Invited To Christmas Eve Service – Peep Hill Church 24th Dec 2020

You are invited to celebrate with the Children of  Peep Hill and Neales Flatand Communities on Christmas Eve, at the St Michael’s Lutheran Church,Corner of Peep Hill and Plains Road, Peep Hill, SA 5374, Australia,7:30pm – BYO chairs and hats.* Please read the COVID-19 Information On the Flier Below (or Click Here to web page)

Michelle Hoffmann putting up Christmas Bows
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Eudunda Street Party Ladies Spreading Christmas Cheer

It has been a topsy-turvey year for our Eudunda Street Party Ladies this year, trying hard to bring Christmas Cheer to the district, as they have had to battle all the COVID restrictions. The district should give them a round of applause because they have soldiered on, still bringing us the Light up Christmas 2020…

Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Christmas Raffle 1st Prize
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Raffle To Win At Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Christmas Raffle 2020

Christmas Raffle available right now. Great items beautifully presented in gift baskets. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prizes Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 tickets for $5.00 and are available at the Heritage Gallery. This is a fund raiser for the Gallery, please support us.Thank You to all who donated toward the prizes. And to all those…

Kids For Christ (KFC) Christmas Fun Afternoon - Tue 15th Dec 2020
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Kids For Christ (KFC) Christmas Fun Afternoon – Tue 15th Dec 2020

Kids For Christ (KFC) Christmas Fun AfternoonTue 15th Dec 2020 All primary school aged children are invited. There will be games and activities, music, craft, storytelling, fun, food and friendship.BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL for all children aged under 18. This must be done by a parent or guardian up until Sunday 13th December. Please contact KFC…

Peep Hill & Neales Flat Lutheran Churches & Communities 2020 Christmas Eve invitation
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Christmas Eve Service Peep Hill Service 24th Dec 2020

You are invited to celebrate with the Children of  Peep Hill and Neales Flatand Communities on Christmas Eve, at the St Michael’s Lutheran Church,Corner of Peep Hill and Plains Road, Peep Hill, SA 5374, Australia,7:30pm – BYO chairs and hats.* Please read the COVID-19 Information On the Flier Below (or Click Here to web page)

Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Christmas Raffle 1st Prize
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Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery Christmas Raffle 2020

Christmas Raffle available right now. Great items beautifully presented in gift baskets. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prizes Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 tickets for $5.00 and are available at the Heritage Gallery. This is a fund raiser for the Gallery, please support us.Thank You to all who donated toward the prizes. And to all those…

Santas Cave 2020 - CANCELLED
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Sad News For Local Children As Santa’s Magic Cave CANCELLED

Message from the Eudunda Christmas Party Committee:SANTA’S MAGIC CAVE – CANCELLED The ECP committee have unfortunately made the tough decision to cancel the Santa Cave for 2020. This decision has not been made lightly, but we feel it is the best decision to keep our children and community safe at this point in time. To…