Copyworld Walky 100 - 2021 Aug 14th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds - Poster
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Copyworld Walky 100 – Car Rally 2021 Aug 14th Eudunda Oval & Surrounds

Put this exciting local event in your diary for the 14th August! The Copyworld Walky 100 – based out of the Eudunda Oval and engaging the Southern Goyder Region at it’s best rally site will challenge it’s drivers and navigators and ethrall its spectators. The best place to start getting a feel for the action…

SAVMX Round 3 - Eudunda 23rd May 2021 - Flier
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Motorcycle Action at Rocky Plain (East of Point Pass) Next Sunday 23rd May 2021

Entries are open for Round 3 of the South Australian Vintage MX (SAVMX) Motorcycle Races to be held at Rocky Plain which is via Eudunda and Point Pass on the 23rd May 2021.Note that Entries close on the 17th May 2021. Catering and Camping available and Spectators most welcome. All the best to the competitors…

Manoora Hall Market13th June 2021- poster
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Manoora Hall Market on 13th June 2021

Make a date for the Manoora Hall Market 9am – 3pmWaymouth Street / Barrier Highway, Manoora.Under cover & outside sites and a wide variety of stallswith a selection of Fresh Bread & Rolls, Hot Food ~ Tea ~ Coffee ~ Cool drinks. For Further Information, Contact: 8848 4330 or 8848 4315 Wheelchair access available at…

SAVMX Round 3 - Eudunda 23rd May 2021 - Flier
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Vintage & Modern Motorcycle Action Planned For Rocky Plain on 23rd May 2021

Entries are open for Round 3 of the South Australian Vintage MX (SAVMX) Motorcycle Races to be held at Rocky Plain which is via Eudunda and Point Pass on the 23rd May 2021.Note that Entries close on the 17th May 2021. Catering and Camping available and Spectators most welcome. All the best to the competitors…

Eudunda Community Hub & Shed - General Market Flier 2021
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Hub & Shed Market – Trash & Treasure – This Saturday 1st May 2021

Note that the Markets will be held on: 1st May, 4th Sept, 6th Nov in 2021 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Spray Free Fruit & Veg, Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot and Cold Drinks availableAND MORE New Stall…

SACWA - Goyder Branch 2021 Dates - Banner
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SACWA Goyder Branch Next Meeting 14th May at Robertstown.

Meetings held in Robertstown will be held at the Peace Hall where we will have a meeting followed by demonstrations and hands-on workshops. Meeting at 6.30pm for a 7pm meeting start in Robbie. Check out thier Facebook page

Regional Council of Goyder Logo
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Only Days Left To Enter “Capturing Goyder through a Local’s Lens” Competition

The 2021/22 Calendar Photography CompetitionEntries close 30th April 2021 Have you taken photos that capture the essence of living in the Goyder region? You only have a short time left to go through your photos and enter them in the 2021 competition. Your photo could be in the Regional Council of Goyder 2021/22 Community Calendar!…

Eudunda Brand Logo
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EXCITING NEWS! Eudunda Caravan Park Cabin Purchase Project

The Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee (ECBaT) & the Eudunda Caravan Park Subcommittee are excited to announce a further extension to the facilities available at the Eudunda Caravan Park. The park currently has 8 powered sites after increasing the number of sites by 4 in November 2020. The next stage is to purchase &…

Eudunda School Community Library - Librarian Sorted these books to tell a message
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Library Public Times – Easter & April School Holidays 2021

You can still access the Eudunda Library during the school holidays. Sandy has supplied the times it will be open. Note that it is closed from 12noon to 1pm each time it is open. LIBRARY BACK TO NORMAL TIMES FROM 27th APRIL 2021 Check out the Library website here

AGM 2021 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo Robyn Bradbrook
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All Welcome To Eudunda Show AGM 2021 – 24th March 7pm

Eudunda Show AGM24th March 2021Eudunda RSL Rooms – 7:00pmALL WELCOME The Eudunda Show Committee feel confident that 2021 will be kind to the show.The Committee is keen to get going and traditionally the season kicks of with the Show AGM If you think you would like to support the committee, come along and listen and…

Eudunda Christmas Party - AGM - 30th March 2021
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Eudunda Christmas Party – AGM 30th March 2021

HELPERS NEEDED! Eudunda Christmas Party Annual Community Event AGM to ResumeTuesday 30th March 7:00pm“Santa’s Cave”(Goyder Electrical) WITHOUT NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERSTHIS WONDERFUL COMMUNITY EVENTWILL BECANCELLED. Volunteers unable to attendGeneral Meetings yet Keen toAssist are encouraged to Attend

Bill Prior & Fay Grosser At Feb 2021 Probus Meeting
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Former Police Officer Tells of Eudunda Policing History at February Probus Meeting

Recently retired police officer Bill Prior spoke to members of the Eudunda Probus Club at their February meeting. Bill was born at Eudunda and served in S.A.P.O.L. in various departments including the C.I.B. Although New South Wales was founded before South Australia it only had a small localised police force operating where as South Australia…

Eudunda Community Hub & Shed - General Market Flier 2021
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Next Hub & Shed Market In May – Trash & Treasure – Saturday 1st May 2021

Note that the Markets will be held on: 1st May, 4th Sept, 6th Nov in 2021 Eudunda Community Hub & ShedCnr Worlds End Highway & Pine Avenue There is always a good variety of Stall Holders,Spray Free Fruit & Veg, Bric-A-Brac, Crafts etc.Sausage Sizzle, Egg & Bacon RollsHot and Cold Drinks availableAND MORE New Stall…

Eudunda Christmas Party - AGM - 30th March 2021
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Eudunda Christmas Party Needs Your Support – AGM 30th March 2021

HELPERS NEEDED! Eudunda Christmas Party Annual Community Event AGM to ResumeTuesday 30th March 7:00pm“Santa’s Cave”(Goyder Electrical) WITHOUT NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERSTHIS WONDERFUL COMMUNITY EVENTWILL BECANCELLED. Volunteers unable to attendGeneral Meetings yet Keen toAssist are encouraged to Attend

AGM 2021 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo Robyn Bradbrook
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Eudunda Show AGM 2021 – 24th March 7pm at RSL Rooms – All Welcome

Please note time change to 7:00pm The Eudunda Show Committee feel confident that 2021 will be kind to the show.The Committee is keen to get going and traditionally the season kicks of with the Show AGM Eudunda Show AGM24th March 2021Eudunda RSL Rooms – 7:00pmALL WELCOME To put on the show takes a massive amount…

SACWA - Goyder Branch 2021 Dates
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SACWA Goyder Branch 2021 Dates & Next Meeting 12th March at Robertstown

Meetings held in Robertstown will be held at the Peace Hall where we will have a meeting followed by demonstrations and hands-on workshops. Meetings held in Burra and Eudunda will be social gatherings at a local restaurant or pub to give the women of Goyder a reason to come and socialise, meet new people and…

Robertstown Community Markets Sun 14th Mar 2021 - Poster
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Robertstown Community Markets – 14th March 2021 – More Details

A wide variety of stalls, including, Chesters Chocolates, Dusty Blend Soap, Trade Winds Fashions, Jewellery, Hand Made Cards, Rusty Garden Art, Tupperware, Scrapbooking, Next Time Around Gifts, Lavender Products, Enjo, Plants, Clothes, Rawleighs Products, Wild Woodland Toys, Roots n Leaves, Lucky Bottle Stall, Hand Crafted Products, Soy candles, Cakes, Produce. More info 0428 817 122…

Kings and Associates Plus Special Guest Jimmybay - The Barn 20 March 2021
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The Barn Readies For – Kings and Associates + Special Guest Jimmybay – 20 March 2021 – Have You Booked Yet?

20th Mar 2021 – Gates Open from 5:30 pmMusic starts 7 pm Mike Roberts from The Barn at Wombat Flat says,“We kick the year off with one of Australia’s best…. Kings and Associates! Although Adelaide based this great bunch of musos seem to spend most of their time touring the world. “Led by husband-and-wife duo…

AGM 2021 Advert - Cereal Competition - Photo Robyn Bradbrook
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Eudunda Show AGM 2021 – 24th March

Please note time change to 7:00pm The Show Committee truly wanted to give our community an event to be proud of in 2020. As everyone is aware it turned out to not be possible due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and 2020 was cancelled. Our Show was not alone, along with many other events. Australia is…

Probus Eudunda Logo
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Probus Meetings Start Again – Today 17th Feb 2021

After a long recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Eudunda and districts Probus Club will have thier first meeting for 2021 on Wednesday 17th February, starting at 9:45am at the Eudunda Hall. A meal is available at cost after the meeting if you wish to stay, with catering supplied by the Eudunda Hall &…