Mid North Community Passenger Network
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Have You Ever Considered Becoming a Volunteer Driver?

HAVE you ever considered becoming a volunteer driver? Are you recently retired or do you find yourself with some spare time.Are you unemployed and looking to get back into the workforce? Becoming a volunteer driver could be for you! The Mid North Community Passenger Network (MNCPN) is seeking volunteer drivers to help in and around…

Community Hub & Shed with Technology During Craft & Art
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Country Arts SA Grant Helps Eudunda Community Hub and Shed With Technology

In June last year the Eudunda Community Hub and Shed (ECH&S) received a grant from Country Arts SA to purchase an iPad tablet, printer, WiFi modem and a training session to learn how to use them. They were encouraged to apply for this grant by the Arts and Cultural Development Co-ordinator of the Regional Council…

Eudunda Brand Logo
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EXCITING NEWS! Eudunda Caravan Park Cabin Purchase Project

The Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee (ECBaT) & the Eudunda Caravan Park Subcommittee are excited to announce a further extension to the facilities available at the Eudunda Caravan Park. The park currently has 8 powered sites after increasing the number of sites by 4 in November 2020. The next stage is to purchase &…

YOUR SAY - Lady - megaphone - vote - free image from classroomclipart.com
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YourSay – Review of the Retirement Villages Act 2016

The State Government is reviewing the South Australian Retirement Villages Act 2016 (the Act) and are seeking community feedback to find out whether it meets its intended objectives or if legislative changes should be considered. The Act’s intended objectives include: clarifying the rights and responsibilities of both operators and residents, enhancing information disclosure requirements, providing…

National Drought and Flood Agency SA All Dates - 1-5 March 2021
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National Drought and Flood Agency To Visit Robertstown & Eudunda To Help Locals – 4th March

Robertstown: 4th March 9am – 11:30am Eudunda: 4th March 1:30pm – 4pm The National Drought and Flood Agency are keen to help our region through the drought, recognizing that the effects carry on years after. Described as a ‘one-stop shop’ this event is coming to the Eudunda Town Hall on 4 March to provide support…

National Drought and Flood Agency SA All Dates - 1-5 March 2021
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National Drought and Flood Agency Here Locally To Help

The National Drought and Flood Agency are keen to help our region through the drought, recognizing that the effects carry on years after. Community Engagement Team Director Mary-Jane (MJ)  McLeod, writes,“The Agency is conducting community outreach events throughout drought-affected districts in regional Australia to bring together community members and share with them important information about…

Vinnies Drought Assistance Feb 2021
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Drought Community Support Initiative Round 2

The Australian Government Drought Community Support Initiative Round 2 provides financial assistance to farmers, farm workers, contractors and suppliers impacted by the drought.  The funding provides a one-off $3000 cash payment to eligible households. Vinnies is assisting to distribute the funds.  The Drought Community Support Initiative Round 2 continues to be available through St Vincent de…