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COVID Safe – Council Resources to Help Get Events Going Again

As the community gears up for summer sport and recreational activities, there are measures that your Organisation/club will need to put in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in the community. Many of you will already be aware of these measures but for those gearing up for the summer season please note the…

Group of Lavender Cycling Trail (M2C) riders stop to admire view on scenic road - photo Helen Dominish
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Lavender Cycling Trail (M2C) Brings New Tourists To Area

Helen Dominish one of the creators of the Lavender Cycling Trail (M2C) which is a cycling trail going from Clare to Murray Bridge says, “It’s getting quite busy on the M2C Lavender Cycling Trail at the moment. “Last Sunday 14 cyclists visited Eudunda from Adelaide to ride along the Lavender Cycling Trail to Inspiration Point,…

Roots n Leaves SA - Open Days 17-18 and 24-25 Oct 2020
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Roots ‘N’ Leaves SA – Open Iris Gardens – 17-18th & 24-25th Oct 2020

506 Angle Road, Eudunda Follow the signs from Thiele Highway Come wander our iris garden, over a 1000+ irises many in bloom.Orders taken, We will also be open 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th, October To visit at an alternative time – please phone Colin 0429 826 390 to arrange.

Betty Grays Tudor Iris Gardens - Open Garden 17th - 18th Oct. 2020
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Betty Gray’s Tudor Iris Gardens – Open Garden 17th – 18th Oct 2020

View over 1,500 Tall Bearded Irisat the home of Betty Gray – 40 Bruce St, Eudunda, Plant stall and orders takenenquiries 08 8581 1485 Entry $7.50 Includes Mixed Plate and bottomless cup of coffee or tea.Proceeds in aid of the Eudunda Hall CommitteeThis is a COVID- Safe event

Roots n Leaves SA - Open Days 17-18 and 24-25 Oct 2020
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Roots ‘N’ Leaves SA – Open Iris Gardens – 17-18th & 24-25th Oct 2020

506 Angle Road, Eudunda Follow the signs from Thiele Highway Come wander our iris garden, over a 1000+ irises many in bloom.Orders taken, We will also be open 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th, October To visit at an alternative time – please phone Colin 0429 826 390 to arrange.

Anlaby Open Gardens - 10th & 11th Oct 2020
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Anlaby Station Historic Open Gardens – Sat 10th & Sun 11th Oct 2020

You can book online ANLABY CELEBRATES 181 YEARS Experience the grandeur and glamour of times gone by in the extensive gardens and historic buildings that make Anlaby one of the jewels of Australian heritage Roam 10 acres of the historically listed  gardens and grounds at your leisure and enjoy a wide variety of exhibits and…