Kids For Christ (KFC) Term 4 - Friday 6th Nov 2020
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Kids For Christ (KFC) Term 4 – Fri 6th Nov 2020 Reminder

K.F.C. Term 4 Stars on Friday 6th November 2020 BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL for all children aged under 18. This must be done by a parent or guardian up until Thursday 5th November. Please contact KFC Team Leader Chris Doecke ( 0488 047861).Essential that you Download and Read the PDF here

Eudunda Swimming Pool Season Opening flier 2020-2021
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Eudunda Swimming Pool Opens Mon 9th Nov 2020

One thing to note is that the pool will only be open if the forecast temperature in Port Pirie is shown as being over 28 degrees the day before. This year the pool has new access steps (see photo above), shade sails and safety fencing thanks to a grant funding from the Community Recreation and…

Remembrance Day - Poster 2020 - Homefront
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Remembrance Day 11th Nov 2020 – Eudunda

Assemble at Eudunda Memorial Gardens10:45am Service at 11:00am SHARPCovid-Safe rules – Social Distancing will applyAfter service come to the Eudunda RSL Roomsfor drinks. Again Covid-Safe rules – Social Distancing will apply Any updates will be posted on the Eudunda RSL website

Eudunda - Bruce St - Busy on a Sunday
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Eudunda Main Street – A Busy Sunday

Once upon a time a Sunday would see an empty main street, but things have changed. It was good to see Bruce Street, busy last Sunday. Of course now we have lost a few parks due to the new angle parking, there were even more cars around the corner. The street certainly was busy. Eudunda…

Eudunda Logo
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Invitation for Businesses To Join ECBAT

The Eudunda Community Business & Tourism Committee would like to invite you to become a business member – with your backing our committee can continue towards making our town a great place to live. If you or your business have not been contacted yet – please consider contacting us. I hope you can take the…

Matt Cornell & Guest Brooke Supple - 20th Nov 2020
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Matt Cornell & Guest Brooke Supple – 20th Nov 2020 – The Barn at Wombat Flat

20th Nov 2020 – Gates Open from 5:30 pm – Music starts 7 pm  Matt Cornell & Guest Brooke Supple Supported by Barossa Street Food, Ricca Terra Vintners, Eudunda Bakery Soft drinks, hot drinks for you to purchase on the night. NO BYO FOOD OR DRINK PLEASE. Gates open 5:30pm / Show 7:00pm Due to…

Committees Do Sport - Club Development Webinar Series 2020-2021
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WORKSHOP – Grants & Fundraising in a COVID environment – 16th Nov 2020

Upcoming online STARCLUB education sessions are available to clubs, associations & community group committees. This workshop series to work through or move forward from COVID. WORKSHOP: Grants and fundraising in a COVID environmentMonday 16th November 2020 7.00pm Ensuring clubs remain financial during the COVID period can be challenging. Sponsorship revenue is likely to decrease for…

Fire Season Warning
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Mid North Fire Season Declared – Starts 15th Nov 2020

The full season in the Mid North region is the 15th of November until 30 April 2021 CFS Chief Officer Mark Jones said that with recent rainfall many districts will be commencing restrictions on their traditional starting dates.“A milder start to the season than in previous years means we will see the commencement of the…

Australian Day Citizen of the Year Nominations 2021
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Citizen of the Year Nominations Open For 2020 Closing Soon

Do you know or have seen some inspiring person or a great event this year? Each year the Regional Council of Goyder seeks nominations from the Goyder community.On the 1st October 2020 you are asked as community members, and groups, to nominate someone who makes a real difference in your town and to give them…

ECBAT New Secretary - Skye Harwood
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ECBAT Welcomes Skye as New Secretary

The Eudunda Community, Business & Tourism Committee (ECBAT) are proud to introduce Skye Harwood, who has kindly put her hand up to volunteer to be the ECBAT Secretary this year. Skye introduced herself,“Being a recent transplant to Eudunda, you can often see me walking my two Samoyd’s around the town.” “I have a passion for…

Australian Day Citizen of the Year Nominations 2021
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Citizen of the Year Nominations Open For 2020

Do you know or have seen some inspiring person or a great event this year? Each year the Regional Council of Goyder seeks nominations from the Goyder community.On the 1st October 2020 you are asked as community members, and groups, to nominate someone who makes a real difference in your town and to give them…