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Not Too Late To Support Eudunda Bowling Club As They Seek Potential Greens Upgrade

Eudunda Bowling Club Greens
Eudunda Bowling Club Greens

Eudunda Bowling Club’s Andrew Pfitzner would like to remind anyone interested in supporting thier push to have new synthetic greens to please write in quickly to meet thier deadline of the 27th January 2021. Details below.

In exciting news for the local community, the Eudunda Bowling Club is looking to upgrade its current grass greens to new synthetic greens.

This is an exciting time for the club as it looks to its future by enabling it to continue to provide its members and the whole community a facility which can be used 12 months of the year.

These new greens will enable the club to hold association, regional and state competitions with a state of the art playing surface, as well as being available for all community groups of all ages, organisations, sporting clubs and the public to use.

Costs involved with maintaining a grass green are ever increasing, with water rates, machinery upgrades and maintenance, chemicals and time being the major cost components, this has been a big consideration in upgrading to synthetic greens.

New synthetic greens will allow Eudunda to showcase another great part of its sporting facilities which as a community we all can be very proud of. Sport in local towns especially in country communities is such a big part of its fabric.

To make this upgrade a reality, the Eudunda Bowling Club is applying for an Office of Recreation, Sport and Racing Grant. To help the bowling club with this process they need community consultation and support. Many community organisations including schools and sporting clubs have already given great supporting letters to the club. The Regional Council of Goyder has also shown support to the upgrade.

The club would like to encourage those members of the community that can, to submit their comments in response to the proposed upgrade to Andrew Pfitzner via email aj.pfitzner@bigpond.com or call Andrew to discuss on 0438 806 334.

These responses will form a major part of our grant submission. Our submission needs to be submitted by the 27th of January, 2021.

The Eudunda Bowling Club is an important part of this community and with support we can show how proud we all are of the community we all live, work and play in.

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