Have Your Say In The 2023 Regional Wellbeing Survey
The 2023 Regional Wellbeing Survey is now open! The survey focuses on quality of life in communities and households. This data is needed to understand wellbeing, liveability and resilience, but which isn’t available elsewhere. In other words, the Regional Wellbeing Survey is used to fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle when it comes to being able to shine a light on how wellbeing, resilience and liveability are changing across Australia.
FRRR and other organisations also use this data to augment our understanding of the needs, challenges and opportunities present in specific regions. If you haven’t already explored the data, do take a look, you might find it handy for your next grant application or funding submission. We encourage everyone to fill it in to make the data more rich and valuable – bringing your voices to many tables.
The survey closes on 14 February, 2024.
Click the image below to take part in the 2023 Regional Wellbeing Survey.
Above article from the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) newsletter