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Have You Ever Considered Becoming a Volunteer Driver?

Mid North Passenger Service - Banner
Mid North Passenger Service – Banner

HAVE you ever considered becoming a volunteer driver?

Are you recently retired or do you find yourself with some spare time.
Are you unemployed and looking to get back into the workforce?

Becoming a volunteer driver could be for you!

The Mid North Community Passenger Network (MNCPN) is seeking volunteer drivers to help in and around the local community.

All you need is a current driver’s licence and some spare time.
A basic accreditation is required to become a volunteer driver which is free.
All volunteers are fitted with a uniform and only drive the allocated network car.

The Network provides a vital service transporting people of all ages for medical and specialist appointments.

The Network has increased its services to the Mid North Region by 45 per cent since October 2008 and is growing rapidly.

Network Coordinator, Damien Graham said,
“More volunteer drivers are always needed for this vital community service to keep going.”

Currently there are only 4 drivers in the Eudunda area.
The Eudunda area is the most used area in the Mid North and having more drivers helps share the load.

Damien continued,
“Volunteer drivers get to meet and talk with people who they would not usually come in contact with.

“It’s a confidence boosting experience and many drivers come back with interesting stories of their experiences.”

And it’s not all work.

“There is often an opportunity to socialise or do some shopping or sight-seeing while waiting for the passenger to finish their appointment,” Damien said.

“Being a volunteer driver is a very rewarding experience.”

To contact Damien for further information ph 88 421 677 or www.passengernetwork.com.au

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