Eudunda Show Tenders Are Open – Your Club Might Benefit From This Great 2023 Event
Show Theme “Looking Forward – Looking Back”
The Eudunda Show Committee have been working away quietly already preparing for the 2023 Eudunda Show. One of the early items that the Community or even individuals can be involved in is to submit a tender to be part of the Eudunda Show and at the same time have the opportunity to raise funds for your club or organisation or yourself.
If you are unsure what is involved, why not give our Show Secretary, Mel, a ring and talk with her about what would be involved.
The 125th Annual Show is to be held on
Sunday November 12th 2023
11.00am – 5.30pm
- Sandwiches/Rolls/Pies/Pasties/Hot Dogs/Cake/Tea/Coffee
- Sit down meal in Sporting Complex
- Any other food (subject to committee approval)
- At the close of Horse Events (approx. 5.30pm)
– Dismantle/pack away jumps, tidy horse & oval areas
Expressions of Interest
7:30am – 3.00pm
Manning of the two public gates for a fee of $350 or 10% of gate takings, whichever is greater.
–Tenders/Expressions of Interest are open to individuals and organisations.
– Separate tender to be provided for each item.
– No tender necessarily accepted.
Tenders in writing close with the secretary on Friday 18th August 2023.
Eudunda Show Society, PO Box 311, Eudunda 5374
Mel Schutz 0408 353 906
or On the Eudunda Show Website – web form where you can apply directly.