Eudunda Heritage Window Display Celebrates 100 Years of Eudunda Golf Club – June 2022

Volunteer and Committee Member Delilah Balmer along with Eudunda Golf Club Secretary Tim Knight have created a great display in the Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery window this month to celebrate 100 Years of the Eudunda Golf Club. Well Done!
The display has an acompanying text:
One Hundred Years of Golf in Eudunda
Golf was first played in Eudunda in 1918. In June 1922 a club was formed and affiliated with the Golf Association of South Australia.
Dr Thomas was president. There were 12 members and siz associates. The first course with 18 holes was on the old 3 Chain Road behind the town and its clubrooms and meeting place was the Eudunda Club on Bruce Street.
in 1935 the club had 30 members and 25 associates. The links considted of a 9 hole course and was now located at the top of Eyre Street.
in 1965 a new modern clubouse was bbuilt on the land adjasent to the Eudunda Oval (where it is still located).
One of the major events in the club’s diary is the annual Open Day which attracts players from all parts of the state.
In 1986 there were 50 members and 20 associates. the annual open day is now run in conjunction with the JAK Memorial Golf Day.
The Golf Club will celebrate the Centenary with the combined JAK Golf Day later in the year.
If you haven’t had a look in the Gallery for quite a while, Pop in!
Open Friday, Saturday and Sundays every week.
The new times are:
Friday: 10am-2pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
Sunday: 10am-2pm
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